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REQUIRED READING: Crossfire edition.


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Well since we all have our respective outlooks/information etc, why not form a comprehensive list for which the novice 12oz'er can get up to speed with.


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http://www.bhagavad-gita.org/index-english.html -------------->online book (full version)


The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit भगवद्गीता Bhagavad Gītā, "Song of God") is a Sanskrit text from the Bhishma Parva of the Mahabharata epic. Due to differences in recensions they may be numbered in the full text of the Mahabharata as chapters 6.25 – 42.[1] or as chapters 6.23-40[2] According to the recension of the Gita commented on by Shankaracharya, the number of verses is 700, but there is evidence to show that some old manuscripts had 745 verses.[3]


Krishna, as the speaker of the Bhagavad Gita, is referred to within as Bhagavan[4] (the divine one), and the verses themselves, using the range and style of Sanskrit meter (chandas) with similes and metaphors, are written in a poetic form that is traditionally chanted; hence the title, which translates to "the Song of the Divine One". The Bhagavad Gita is revered as sacred by the majority of Hindu traditions,[5] and especially so by devotees of Krishna. It is commonly referred to as The Gita.[6]


The content of the text is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna taking place on the battlefield of Kurukshetra just prior to the start of a climactic war. Responding to Arjuna's confusion and moral dilemma, Krishna explains to Arjuna his duties as a warrior and Prince and elaborates on a number of different Yogic[7] and Vedantic philosophies, with examples and analogies. This has led to the Gita often being described as a concise guide to self-realization and also as a practical, self-contained guide to life. During the discourse, Krishna reveals his identity as the Supreme Being Himself (Bhagavan), blessing Arjuna with an awe-inspiring glimpse of His divine universal form.


The Bhagavad Gita is also called Gītopaniṣad as well as Yogupaniṣad, implying its status as an 'Upanishad'.[8] Since it is drawn from the Mahabharata, it is a Smṛti text, however referring to it as an Upanishad is intended to give it status comparable to that of śruti, or revealed knowledge

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How can geometry explain the puzzles of human behavior? In this incisive, insightful work Mark Buchanan presents the fundamental principles of the emerging field of "small worlds" theory—the idea that a hidden pattern is the key to how networks interact and exchange information, whether that network is the information highway or the firing of neurons in the brain. Mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, and social scientists are working to decipher this complex organizational system, for it may yield a blueprint of dynamic interactions within our physical as well as social worlds. Highlighting groundbreaking research behind network theory, Buchanan documents mounting support for the small-worlds idea and demonstrates its multiple applications to diverse problems—whether explaining the volatile global economy or the Human Genome Project, the spread of infectious disease or ecological damage. Nexus is an exciting introduction to the hidden geometry that weaves our lives so inextricably together. 20 illustrations.




^ full pdf (no download needed)

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yea but in all fairness, has the westernization of women been that much of a success?



not saying we should beat the shit out of them, but retaining SOME values regarding relationships (helping each other/stability/not leaving you when the grass "appears greener") should be defended. however, certain doctrines of the lib movement have done a bangup job in de-stabilizing the family.

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yea but in all fairness, has the westernization of women been that much of a success?



not saying we should beat the shit out of them, but retaining SOME values regarding relationships (helping each other/stability/not leaving you when the grass "appears greener") should be defended. however, certain doctrines of the lib movement have done a bangup job in de-stabilizing the family.


How the fuck are those values only attributable to women? and what does destabilizing the family mean?

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dude c'mon, destabilizing the family isn't exactly rocket science vocabulary. think about it for a second.


i'm glad you put the bhagavad gita up for required reading. i started reading it awhile ago and have kinda stopped halfway because school is stalling me from reading it and other books right now, but it's been good stuff so far and worlds better than the bible. i know a lot of the basics of eastern philosophy and religion that it talks about, but to someone who had no previous familiarity, it could be a pretty eye-opening read. indian philosophy is good times.




i would say zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance should be required reading but that's only because it's one of the best books i've read in the past year.

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dude c'mon, destabilizing the family isn't exactly rocket science vocabulary. think about it for a second.


It is an ambiguous statement.


What does it mean? the destabilization of the nuclear family? That would be a first guess if I were to "think about it for a second" but as a stand alone statement it requires expansion to make any sense what so ever.

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It is an ambiguous statement.


What does it mean? the destabilization of the nuclear family? That would be a first guess if I were to "think about it for a second" but as a stand alone statement it requires expansion to make any sense what so ever.


thats exactly what it is. media paints the picture of the modern family in strife (financial,sexual,spritual)

while touting that they need "freedom" to explore other options if things dont work out (i.e she's not getting dicked down enough)


how many times have you heard one of your boys or read on the net for that matter that age old sob story of "i make/provide/love her more than enough to satisfy her/why did she leave/cheat on me?"


well money isn't that much of a factor anymore, what with females securing higher paying jobs, they start to wonder why do i need to work to maintain a relationship when i can marry or assimilate into one based upon paygrade?.


you can thank sex and the city for that. and if you want an even bleaker picture of the end-result of this sex-driven lifestyle bullshit read this..............





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I actually just started reading Brave New World yesterday. I only got through the first couple pages, and all it was was a step by step process of how to incubate an egg. I think. I was reading it while walking home so I didn't get the clearest understanding of it. Well my point being is that, that doesn't seem like the best way of starting a book. I'm not familiar with Huxley's way of writing, but more than likely it will turn out prettty damn good being that its been recommended to me by more than a couple friends.



Required reading...
















Both very short and to the point.

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Brave New World and 1984 are both good times. I think I liked '84 a bit better but they're pretty relevent and paint different pictures of a dystopian society. Fahrenheit 451 is of course along the same lines and another good book to check out if you plan on looking at the first two, as is Animal Farm (which shouldn't take longer than a day or two to read, but there's a lot of symbolism so check the sparknotes or something if you don't catch all of it).

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man, now we are talking movies?



shooter is the modern version of:




not only is shooter good for the shooting sequences and sniper crap, but the character is pretty bad ass in a broad sense. not only is he a true patriot/'peckerwood that lives in the woods with to many guns,' (in the beginning he says how he 'doesnt really like the president, didnt like the last one either' sort of sums of my position) but the lefties can like it as well because it was military contractors who killed an assload of people in africa to run a pipeline.

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everyone on here, right or left, should read 'a nation of sheep' by judge andrew napolitano. he put together a ruthless assault on the federal government and blamed citizens for turning into sheep and giving up civil liberty for security. im about half way through it. its better than his previous 2 books which are also recommended.

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thats exactly what it is. media paints the picture of the modern family in strife (financial,sexual,spritual)

while touting that they need "freedom" to explore other options if things dont work out (i.e she's not getting dicked down enough)


how many times have you heard one of your boys or read on the net for that matter that age old sob story of "i make/provide/love her more than enough to satisfy her/why did she leave/cheat on me?"


well money isn't that much of a factor anymore, what with females securing higher paying jobs, they start to wonder why do i need to work to maintain a relationship when i can marry or assimilate into one based upon paygrade?.



Yeah only females do that :rolleyes:


I'm not even going to bother with this.

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Yeah only females do that :rolleyes:


I'm not even going to bother with this.


(the crossfire version) like it or not shits changed. emasculating the male population into thinking they are nothing without their material assets is an essential tool in the capitalist doctrines. go watch century of self to see what im talking about.




(the ch0 version) well why don't u bother picking up a book and sit the fuck down.

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(the crossfire version) like it or not shits changed. emasculating the male population into thinking they are nothing without their material assets is an essential tool in the capitalist doctrines. go watch century of self to see what im talking about.




(the ch0 version) well why don't u bother picking up a book and sit the fuck down.


The nuclear family is also essentially part of the capitalist doctrine.


I don't even know what point you're making now.


The nuclear family is good? lol

The liberation of women is bad? lol

Men need to buy things?

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