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margaret sanger and planned parenthood


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i still think they remove the policy once resource crisis is done with..


but the stuff they are or were doing is messed up. it says they're implementing enforcement to stop organ harvesting though. i feel like the death van/execution is a cultural thing - could be wrong.



what do you mean, saying china's 1 child policy was designed by u.s. "advisors"

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from what i know there is no exception to the 1child policy in china, meaning everyone must abide.


its different in the u.s. because statistically, most elites don't get abortions while most lower middle/poor people do.


so i feel like whats going on in china isn't eugenics, its actually a good thing. water shortage is a big issue.



balance in the force, there will be.

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i think im lost. time to hit the boooks. but read about chinese water shortage.


a lotta issues rise when you make too much babies, mao zedong and india proved that. sure you can deal with em though. but without clean renewable energy and resource, shit is hectic.


exponential growth and population! ahh.

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you can pay fines in China if you have more than one baby, so these days the new rich over there don't give a fuck abotu the one child policy, also it is creating a mad disparity between the male and female population, as everyone wants a boy and many abort female fetuses or abandon their children then try again for a male.

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casek it is unbelievable that you missed the criticisms of social control in huxley's work. it is like you are looking to prove your theory that huxley is a eugenecist regardless of any proof otherwise presented to you...


"...i have noticed with increasing dismay that a number of the predictions that i made 30 years ago have come true or are in the process of coming true." that was at 9;25 of the MP3 that you posted.

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casek it is unbelievable that you missed the criticisms of social control in huxley's work. it is like you are looking to prove your theory that huxley is a eugenecist regardless of any proof otherwise presented to you...


"...i have noticed with increasing dismay that a number of the predictions that i made 30 years ago have come true or are in the process of coming true." that was at 9;25 of the MP3 that you posted.



the thing i'm trying to tell you guys is that they are not predictions, he wwas right in there with the bunch seeking out to make these things true. he knew what was going on.


he knew their plans. to dismiss that he was friends with all these nazi's and eugenicists

if crazy. and you guys seem to be parrots for your professors.

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my god it's pathetic how desperately you feel the need to involve everything in some grand conspiracy that you and your depressed, desperate, friends have fabricated together, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary


seems like you get stuck like a broken record. still stuck on huxley...wherein world leaders wrote papers about using food as a weapon, calling us useless feeders, and talking about exterminating mass amounts of people...you are still stuck on one author....whereas i broaden my research and show you who is doing this...



my depressed desperate friends? who are these people? i must eliminate them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

1) My point is you often rely on whatever you want to re-enforce your ideas, even if it is low budget websites with no credibility or academic validity. It makes your point muddy at best, and your sources questionable - my picture is a case in point.


2) More importantly is your use of a subscriber or participant to a cause as a means to critique the merits of its purpose. This women could be completely evil in her ideas (and I won't defend her), but Planned Parenthood is not the embodiment of racism and eugenics in our time. A few white supremacist groups have made donations to Ron Paul (which he kept) but that does not define Ron Paul or his message does it? does their association discredit libertarianism or constitutional viewpoints? Does the holding of slaves by the founding fathers prove that the foundation of our government at it's core is racist and therefore anyone carrying on the principles held within are racists?

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1) My point is you often rely on whatever you want to re-enforce your ideas, even if it is low budget websites with no credibility or academic validity. It makes your point muddy at best, and your sources questionable - my picture is a case in point.


2) More importantly is your use of a subscriber or participant to a cause as a means to critique the merits of its purpose. This women could be completely evil in her ideas (and I won't defend her), but Planned Parenthood is not the embodiment of racism and eugenics in our time. A few white supremacist groups have made donations to Ron Paul (which he kept) but that does not define Ron Paul or his message does it? does their association discredit libertarianism or constitutional viewpoints? Does the holding of slaves by the founding fathers prove that the foundation of our government at it's core is racist and therefore anyone carrying on the principles held within are racists?


one picture, big fucking deal. you like to knit pick for bullshit. even though all those quotes came from this bitch...and yes, planned parenthood is headed up by euginicists even today.

you need to do more reading before you start trying to come off like you know what the fuck you're talking about.

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The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime




Abortion and Crime: Unwanted Children and Out-of-Wedlock Births



Abortion is vital to the solution:






The following excerpts are from "Body Count: Population and its enemies," by Stephen Moore, which appeared in the October 25, 1999 issue of National Review


"...In a rational world, Malthusianism would not be in a state of intellectual revival, but thorough disrepute. After all, virtually every objective trend is running in precisly the opposite direction of what the widely acclaimed Malthusians of the 1960s--from Lester Brown to Paul Ehrlich to the Club of Rome--predicted. birth rates around the world are lower today than at any time in recorded history. Global per capita food production is much higher than ever before. The "energy crisis" is now such a distant memory that oil is virtually the cheapest liquid on earth. These facts, collectively, have wrecked the credibility of the population-bomb propagandists.

Yet the population-control movement is gaining steam. It has won the hearts and wallets of some of the most influential leaders inside and outside government today. Malthusianism has evolved into a multi-billion-dollar industry and a political juggernaut."


"...Other Malthusian worries are similarly wrongheaded. Global food prices have fallen by half since 1950, even as world population has doubled. The dean of agricultural economists, D. Gale Johnson of the University of Chicago, has documented 'a dramatic decline in famines' in the last 50 years. Fewer than half as many people die of famine each year now than did a century ago--despite a near-quadrupling of the population. Enough food is now grown in the world to provide every resident of the planet with almost four pounds of food a day. In each of the past three years, global food production has reached new heights."


"...Millions are still hungry, and famines continue to occur--but these are the result of government policies or political malice, not inadequate global food production. As the International Red Cross has reported, "the loss of access to food resources [during famines] is generally the result of intentional acts" by governments."


"The greatest threat to the planet is not too many people, but too much statism."


"The problem with trying to win this debate with logic and an arsenal of facts is that modern Malthusianism is not a scientific theory at all. It's a religion, in which the assertion that mankind is overbreeding is accepted as an article of faith. I recently participated in a debate before an anti-population group called Carrying Capacity Network, at which one scholar informed me that man's presence on the earth is destructive because Homo Sapiens is the only species without a natural predator. It's hard to argue with somebody who despairs because mankind is alone at the top of the food chain."


"At its core, the population-control ethic is an assault on the principle that every human life has intrinsic value. Malthusian activists tend to view human beings neither as endowed with intrinsic value, nor even as resources, but primarily as consumers of resources. No wonder that at last year's ZPG conference, the Catholic Church was routinely disparaged as 'our enemy' and 'the evil empire.'

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The founders of Planned Parenthood had more ties to Hitler than just a shared vision. Their board of directors included avowed Nazi supporters...





A Catholic site which I would assume to be objective. I wonder why Raven doesn't ask these guys to advertise here:





Article 8. Feeble-minded persons, habitual congenital criminals, those afflicted with inheritable diseases, and others found biologically unfit should be sterilized or in cases of doubt should be isolated as to prevent the perpetuation of their afflictions by breeding.




Google: "The Center for Research on Population and Security" (there site is of course: http://www.population-security.org/) which is where this quote is drawn. Aside from the fact it has a site I see nothing lending it credibility. I did find this: http://www.manta.com/coms2/dnbcompany_n10jj which shows that this "center" which implies a think tank has 3 employees and no academic credentials that I can see. Maybe you can show where they have peer reviewed opinions and responses?





"We should emphasize that our goal is to understand why crime has fallen sharply in the 1990s and to explore the contribution to this decline that may have come from the legalization of abortion in the 1970s. In attempting to identify a link between legalized abortion and crime, we do not mean to suggest that such a link is “good” or “just,” but rather, merely to show that such a relationship exists. In short, ours is a purely positive, not a normative analysis, although of course we recognize that there is an active debate about the moral and ethical implications of abortion.3"


Read the entire thing, it makes sense. Poor or unexpected mothers make worse parents than mothers that want kids and thus their children become criminals - OMGZ!





Abortion is vital to the solution:



Again with this site "The Center for Research on Population and Security"?








So between TV, the phone, wine and other distractions I took you up on your challenge. Unfortunately, on the original title of this thread, all I found was garbage from what I can tell. Please help me see the error of my ways in my review of your sources.


BTW, I won't argue the possibility of Chinese organ harvesting, and some of your random and abundant articles are legit or opinion pieces worth reading. However, thus far, I'm pretty sure you've not posted anything supporting your original purpose outside of some woman 100 years ago was a racist.

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sorry to jump on this one so late...you know i had to once i saw it, casek. im at work so youll have to excuse me for not diving into this more right now but i did have a couple of thoughts on your first few posts on page one.



first of all, thank you for posting this audio. it was great to listen to though im having a hard time understanding why this would have been referenced as anything in defense of what you are insinuating. as yumone pointed out, huxley makes is very clear at various points in his speech (28:50 and 30:25 are of note as well as the introductory speaking siting these as topics of "concern" for huxley) that he is is opposed to these ideas and finds the reprehensible in the context which they are being discussed. this is nothing more than an analysis of these methods.


moving on to the "photo" of sanger at a klan rally...




you cannot brush off people who are picking on this photo when you are presenting it a irrefutable evidence. honestly, id like to believe you posted this as a self deprecating joke...i mean, its really fucking bad, casek. i dont know much about margaret sanger so i cannot refute these claims about her and honestly, i dont even think i would care to because it doesnt have anything to do with what you are saying here. if sanger was alive and directing planned parenthood operations across the nation i may give it though but at this point, her beliefs are so irrelevant to the modern day direction of this program that i can hardly give a shit.


just looking over this thread for five minutes its blatantly clear you focusing on the possible implications of birth control rather than the actual facts pertaining to planned parenthood. essentially, what you are saying is "abortion and birth control could and has been used to "design" a perfect, desirable race of people therefore anyone who condones or promotes birth control has nefarious, naziesq motivation".

your argument to support this is all over the place from focusing on dubious personal beliefs of certain individuals, to eugenics in china (there is no planned parenthood chapter in china as far as i know and i dont think anyone in their right mind would agree with the programs they are implementing there - again, not sure how this relates or why its being brought up) to references from what are most likely one sided sources with no background to make them relevant. its hard to take seriously and honestly, kind of offensive to me that you would attack this issue with such reckless abandon.


i personally know many people who work for or with planned parenthood and none of them hold the beliefs that you seem to think drive this organization. the fact is planned parenthood exists to educate and provide many services in a society where christians and catholics are promoting archaic versions of sexual education to the detriment of their children and solid health care for those that need it most is virtually unavailable. read into it however you would like...just dont try to pawn this bullshit off as truth.


on another, similar note, i never got a chance to look over the you tube clips you pmed me a while back. i tried to view them today but it looks like they were taken down from the site. if you have another, working link please shoot it my way.

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