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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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I think different rules apply to different situation




If some nigga came out the cuts and was like "nigga come out the pockets"


And if i had a weapon handy id imprint that shit on his skull no doubt




Whereas if i ran into somebody i had beef with


Its different in that thats not a survival situation, its just business that needs to be handled


And weapons for the most part dont belong

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bump hate that shit too


hate it more when there's a sidewalk



ummm... as far as I know sidewalks are not for bikes especially in cities. You you its for people that are walking. I have people walk out of a store and get hit by idiots riding bikes on sidewalks.


At least everywhere I have lived thats seems to be the rule, I got a 50$ticket a few months earlier for riding my bike on the sidewalk, because it was a saturday night and I didn't want to share the road with a bunch of drunk SUV driving assholes.

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what i dont get is, why would you not want to ride your bike on the sidewalk rather than ride inthe fucking street knowing most people cant drive and swerve all the time.


You live in Houston where the roads are bigger and everything's more spread out. People that live in cities like NYC, Philly, SF etc, it's alot easier and faster to get around on a bike because if you drive a car you're sitting in traffic for mad long and then you gotta deal with finding parking. And the city's mad quick to take your whip over a couple unpaid tickets. And cities like these have laws against riding on the sidewalk. So then you get these fucking retards from the suburbs or wherever (like Monte Bol) that come to the city and flip out on some power trip about people riding bikes in the streets, and they feel brave and talk shit. Till they get punked and/or beat down and/or their whip damaged for popping slick with the wrong motherfucker.


Not everybody on a bike is a faggot hipster bike messanger. And even alot of those bike messanger dudes would be quick to smack someones shit with the bike lock.

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i agree, i think.

i'm not saying i'd start a fight w/ a weapon, if its started and i'm not confident of the outcome, i'm going to up my chances



Cool, thanks for wasting everyones time with this fucking tangent.


If anything my point was that a U Lock is a lame weapon.




And I posted this shit before I even read DAO's post.


It's like the bike messenger credo is: Don't fuck with us, we have bike locks.

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ummm... as far as I know sidewalks are not for bikes especially in cities. You you its for people that are walking. I have people walk out of a store and get hit by idiots riding bikes on sidewalks.


At least everywhere I have lived thats seems to be the rule, I got a 50$ticket a few months earlier for riding my bike on the sidewalk, because it was a saturday night and I didn't want to share the road with a bunch of drunk SUV driving assholes.



I actually lost my drivers license for not paying a ticket for riding my bike on the sidewalk. WTF!?!?

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shit gets interesting at 1:00



What "mob agression"?


Old dude ran over one of the bikers, then proceded to run over a couple more bikes and all these hipsters did was bitch and moan about it. If they were bout it they woulda demolished dudes whip and dragged him out and stomped him.

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What "mob agression"?


Old dude ran over one of the bikers, then proceded to run over a couple more bikes and all these hipsters did was bitch and moan about it. If they were bout it they woulda demolished dudes whip and dragged him out and stomped him.



I can guarantee you they were running their mouths surrounding the van and placed their bikes in front of /under the tires.


They do that shit in all of the videos where they confront motorists.


The elderly couple freaked out / didn't realize the bikes were there (because rational people don't put their bikes/feet under tires intentionally) and gave it some gas.


Those people were old as shit, sure there's the argument that they shouldn't be driving in the first place.


But the fact that there are like 100 bikes under their car means that those retards put them there.

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You can tell those fuckheads were just trying to start shit with the old people.


They tried saying that there was someone under the van and somebody got injured. When that dude walked over and asked if anybody was hurt they said their bikes got ran over.


edit: who cares, if you throw your bike underneath my tires, im going to run the shit over because your an idiot for putting it there in the first place

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What "mob agression"?


Old dude ran over one of the bikers, then proceded to run over a couple more bikes and all these hipsters did was bitch and moan about it. If they were bout it they woulda demolished dudes whip and dragged him out and stomped him.


yup shit don't happen in san antonio

we'd have pulled a reginald deny



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You can tell those fuckheads were just trying to start shit with the old people.


They tried saying that there was someone under the van and somebody got injured. When that dude walked over and asked if anybody was hurt they said their bikes got ran over.


edit: who cares, if you throw your bike underneath my tires, im going to run the shit over because your an idiot for putting it there in the first place



Nobody threw their bikes under dudes tires. Why you think the one female was crying about her bike getting run over.


Somebody should post the origional video. I'm too lazy, and too busy trying to read the rest of this thread to go looking for it.

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And to all these people talkin bout how they'd beat Manute Bol to within an inch of his life over some bike shit....be serious, most of you skinny, hipster faggots would never do a goddamn thing


Notice I said most...Shai seems like a real dude



I'm not skinny, and I'm not a hipster faggot. I also havn't ridden a bike since I got my current whip a few years back. But I'd definately beat someone the fuck down for popping that stupid "get outta the street" shit if they were stupid enough to get out and try and make me. And I've def smashed dickheads whips with my lock for popping slick. And woulda beat them down if they didn't speed off like a fucking pussy.

You go ahead and keep doing what you do, one of these days you're gonna do it to the wrong motherfucker. Come back and tell us a story about that when it happens.

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