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what if you were the only person on earth for one week


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I would have a lot of questions of i was the only person on earth for a week.


1. How did this scenario come to be? Aliens? Disease? Some other terribly unthought-out sci fi plot line including quantum physics, meta physics, or ground hogs? What did Jesus do? Did satan do it?

I might just kill myself with guilt.


2. After the week is over is everyone back to normal? Are people staring at my like why the fuck was I left alone on earth for a week and not them? Am I now the scape goat for the world's problems like when everyone was gone I went and fucked everything up?

I might just kill myself.


3. Did something tell me this was going to happen? Do I know it's only for a week?

If I didn't know it was for only a week I'd probably just kill myself.


4. Is everything still functioning? Is this some weird "day without a mexican" type shit where now that everyones gone, my electricity is dead, my food is spoiled, my water is off, my toilet doesn't flush, my tv doesnt work, the gas station doesnt pump gas, the fucking railways arent running, the airplanes won't fly, I can't get anywhere to steal anything of any significance, can't cook, can't eat, heater doesn't work, nuclear reactors are overloading, dams are breaking, satellights are crashing to earth, elephants and flamingoes escaped from the zoo and are fucking each other in my front yard.

I'd probably kill myself.

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Maybe deeper than just saying "I'd fuck shit up!"


i mean, its some odd A.M. in Channel Zero.




I never thought I would be the one to say this, but go to crossfire with your deep thought shit right now.


dungeons and dragons... cmon



cant you see we are on some stoned lets talk about little animals shit here.



post images of little animals or get out.

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cant you see we are on some stoned lets talk about little animals shit here.


Oh and I'm not? Sounds like you're already on some "I'm the only cool kid here" type shit even without this thread.


On my solo week of earth walking im digging a hundred foot ditch around your house so when you reappear you're fucked.

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It's pretty wide, but even still...


I wasnt gonna post this because I wanted it to be a surprise...

There's beartraps covering the floor of your house. You're legs are fucked even before you snap them at the bottom of the ditch.



Where theres another surprise...



Okay it's radioactively mutated lamagators.

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i also like that you would spend the entire week diggin this ditch. good dedication.


i would just blow your shit up and move on.


Naw awww, your level 1 cool guy "blow shit up" attack was repelled with my level four nigger wizard shaft jump shot shazaam dick in the eye counter attack.



Now you have to wait four turns while the pink eye fades before returning to the game.

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