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fox news guy calls for car bombings in iran


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What kind of question is this? If a group of people were running around killing people at random and I happened to run into said group. I would defend myself by any means that I could. Regardless of race, religion, age or gender. I hope the rest of you would do the same.


As far as supporting terrorism in Iran. You got to be fucking kidding me. You might as well support the people that carried out 9/11. Seriously we are at WAR with TERRORISM. Yet we are talking in our own media about possibly carrying out if we aren't doing so already terrorist attacks in another nation. How am I the only one that thinks this is the most hypocritical thing possible? I'm going to quote my man Chomsky here since he's someone atleast the majority of people here can respect.


Well I've already pointed out that it would be hypocritical to support terrorism in Iraq.

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  • Replies 101
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Calling the MEK 'communist' is almost the biggest stretch of the imagination for this thread.

I take it you haven’t heard of them before I mentioned the name, and your knowledge of the group comes from the wiki article (which, like everything on the internet, must be true.) They are a group based on the principals of socialism, and their end goal is a socialist state. Not much of a stretch. And if you aren’t already aware of the various unhappy oppressed minority groups in Iran, I would suggest an enlightening course in basic international affairs.


you seem to be issuing a dick measuring contest I finished the second time round with an MA, and you?

I didn’t intend it as a dick measuring contest because most people realize that any semi-literate/conscious retard can get a college degree, I talked to a kid who is a senior at an ivy league college recently who explained to me how WWII was a war between Africa (which he thought was a single country), germany, korea, and the US. The frat boys may be fucking stupid but atleast they recognize their ignorance. The dumbest fucks are the kids like you who are raised in the generation where everyone is special, and everyone gets a trophy at little league, then they go into college not knowing shit about the world and get completely indoctrinated.... and remain stupid enough to think having rich parents and a piece of paper makes them vastly more knowledgeable and superior than all others.


I would rather be a rude cunt than carry out a polite discourse because the internet is meaningless

Then what is the point of your considerable effort, writing your ‘war and peace’ length educational posts, at all? But it was already pretty clear that you are the type of stupid self important assclown whose existence and continued survival shakes my otherwise firm belief in Darwinism. It’s sad for me that people like you don’t realize what a drain they are on society, because suicide would be the only thing you could ever possibly accomplish for the betterment of human kind.

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1.First of all...the cia involvement in iran in the 50's was a mistake (1953 to be exact)...and it was more b/c we wanted to help our greedy allies...the british...oil..(does BP sound familiar)

but now...it would be for a different purpose...getting those fucking mullahs out of power before they start a major war which could lead to ww3....and give the people in the country some fucking freedom....

you can just youtube videos of the govt imposing their religious laws on women for not wearing hijab...as well as other "crimes against humanity"...


2.Bombing a plant which makes nuclear weapons is an act of terror??....its a move that could potentially make the world safer....if the iranians were really using the nuclear plants to make energy then it would be terrorism to bomb them....bottom line is..theyre trying to develop a bomb...like pakistan...and pakistan's neighbor india...


3. Iraqi people have every right to kill american soldiers?....what the fuck??....are you fucking retarded.....i hope you fucking get hit by a train for making this statement.


4.yes...communists groups....LOTS of them.....just use google dumb fuck...









now shut the fuck up and suck a dick up till you hiccup

you ignorant brain washed fuck!


x10000. This thread is pretty bad even by 12oz standards, I am betting most of the people who posted in here are going to cringe with embarrassment if they run into their posts in 5 years.

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x10000. This thread is pretty bad even by 12oz standards, I am betting most of the people who posted in here are going to cringe with embarrassment if they run into their posts in 5 years.


thats why people should avoid PUIs(posting under the influence)


i think a lot of us come here drunk to post.


i remembered a member sent me a pm saying he wanted to fight and where do i live, then admitted he committed a PUI and apologized

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1.First of all...the cia involvement in iran in the 50's was a mistake (1953 to be exact)...and it was more b/c we wanted to help our greedy allies...the british...oil..(does BP sound familiar)

but now...it would be for a different purpose...getting those fucking mullahs out of power before they start a major war which could lead to ww3....and give the people in the country some fucking freedom....

you can just youtube videos of the govt imposing their religious laws on women for not wearing hijab...as well as other "crimes against humanity"...


2.Bombing a plant which makes nuclear weapons is an act of terror??....its a move that could potentially make the world safer....if the iranians were really using the nuclear plants to make energy then it would be terrorism to bomb them....bottom line is..theyre trying to develop a bomb...like pakistan...and pakistan's neighbor india...


3. Iraqi people have every right to kill american soldiers?....what the fuck??....are you fucking retarded.....i hope you fucking get hit by a train for making this statement.


4.yes...communists groups....LOTS of them.....just use google dumb fuck...








I definitely feel where you're coming from but...


1. When we (The CIA) ousted Mossadegh, it was at a pretty crucial time in Iran's history. He was trying to nationalize the country, and unite his people. So they can see the benefits of the oil that is actually coming out of their land. Which who knows what kind of state Iran would be if this were actually allowed to happen. This man was a hero to the Iranian people. Something like I guess a John F. Kennedy would be here.


We also were pretty scared that they may ally with the Russian's who weren't exactly our friends around this same time period either.


After this all happened what did we do? Not only did we take the wind right out of the Iranian people by ousting Mossadegh, we put in place the Shah that ruled Iran for 25 years with an iron fist. Which was probably pretty similar to facist Germany or communist Russia.


We also didn't only do this for British profit. We got our hands in the cookie jar as well and got a nice chunk of that money.


2. I don't know about the U.S. military bombing Iran's nuclear plants being terrorism. But talking about funding people to blow up car bombs in populated area's with probably more civilians then anything, is terrorism.


3. I'm not saying anyone has the right to straight up kill anyone. Defending you're family and property though? I think thats something we all can relate too. Which was probably what Purple Mushroom was getting at.


4. Can't really comment on this stuff.


Good day.

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2. I don't know about the U.S. military bombing Iran's nuclear plants being terrorism. But talking about funding people to blow up car bombs in populated area's with probably more civilians then anything, is terrorism.


Just to stick my beak in, the terrorist groups being discussed are mostly ethnic minorities who operate among their own populace with local support (meaning they aren’t killing civilians to consolidate power like the Iranian groups do in iraq). They go after various revolutionary guard targets, you see stories about it in the news now and then but the Iranian govt has taken the opposite approach than the turks and try to keep it all under wraps.


Also I doubt the US is supporting these groups in any meaningful way, which is fucking stupid on our part. The only thing we seem to be doing is publicly announcing efforts to fund democratic movements which just puts the 70% or so of the country that is under 30 and likely opposed to the mullahs in a bad position, and gives an excuse for crackdowns.

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1.First of all...the cia involvement in iran in the 50's was a mistake (1953 to be exact)...and it was more b/c we wanted to help our greedy allies...the british...oil..(does BP sound familiar)

but now...it would be for a different purpose...getting those fucking mullahs out of power before they start a major war which could lead to ww3....and give the people in the country some fucking freedom....

you can just youtube videos of the govt imposing their religious laws on women for not wearing hijab...as well as other "crimes against humanity"...


2.Bombing a plant which makes nuclear weapons is an act of terror??....its a move that could potentially make the world safer....if the iranians were really using the nuclear plants to make energy then it would be terrorism to bomb them....bottom line is..theyre trying to develop a bomb...like pakistan...and pakistan's neighbor india...


3. Iraqi people have every right to kill american soldiers?....what the fuck??....are you fucking retarded.....i hope you fucking get hit by a train for making this statement.


4.yes...communists groups....LOTS of them.....just use google dumb fuck...









now shut the fuck up and suck a dick up till you hiccup

you ignorant brain washed fuck!


you cannot be serious mate. How in the FUCK is Iran poised to start WW3? just this statement alone is so fucking outlandish and taken straight from some stupid american news anchor that i won't bother with the rest of your post, ill assume you just said that dumb shit because u were angry that some guy didn't care whether an american soldier died, now i guess you understand the frustration of the other 90% of the worlds population whose lives are deemed without value by the powerful countries

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you cannot be serious mate. How in the FUCK is Iran poised to start WW3? just this statement alone is so fucking outlandish and taken straight from some stupid american news anchor that i won't bother with the rest of your post, ill assume you just said that dumb shit because u were angry that some guy didn't care whether an american soldier died, now i guess you understand the frustration of the other 90% of the worlds population whose lives are deemed without value by the powerful countries



not really outlandish.....yeah...it sounded outlandish when bush said it...

but actually it could really happen.


lets just say...hypothetically...

hezbollah in lebanon was to bomb northern Israel...again...

and Israel was to retaliate...again..

and Syria became involved...and Iran decided to join..

then the U.S. would Join..

then Britain would join..

this is just the begining of an escalation...that could in fact cause another world war..



you would say...well this was started by lebanon..

but hezbollah are funded by the iranians..


dont read the rest of my post....i dont care....like i said....i knew i was gonna catch a lot of shit...why?

cause i think realistically...

people act like ww3 can't ever happen...


but wast WW1 labeled "the war to end all wars".....yeah....people thought a second world war would never happen too....but guess what...it did.

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I definitely feel where you're coming from but...


1. When we (The CIA) ousted Mossadegh, it was at a pretty crucial time in Iran's history. He was trying to nationalize the country, and unite his people. So they can see the benefits of the oil that is actually coming out of their land. Which who knows what kind of state Iran would be if this were actually allowed to happen. This man was a hero to the Iranian people. Something like I guess a John F. Kennedy would be here.


We also were pretty scared that they may ally with the Russian's who weren't exactly our friends around this same time period either.


After this all happened what did we do? Not only did we take the wind right out of the Iranian people by ousting Mossadegh, we put in place the Shah that ruled Iran for 25 years with an iron fist. Which was probably pretty similar to facist Germany or communist Russia.


We also didn't only do this for British profit. We got our hands in the cookie jar as well and got a nice chunk of that money.


2. I don't know about the U.S. military bombing Iran's nuclear plants being terrorism. But talking about funding people to blow up car bombs in populated area's with probably more civilians then anything, is terrorism.


3. I'm not saying anyone has the right to straight up kill anyone. Defending you're family and property though? I think thats something we all can relate too. Which was probably what Purple Mushroom was getting at.


4. Can't really comment on this stuff.


Good day.



I actually think US/Iran relations would have been better to this day if Mossadegh had stayed...and nationalizing the country and uniting the people could have been good because they could have used the money from iran's oil to help the poverty in that country that still exists today.

yes, we profited...but not as much as the british...

defending family and property is something you cant do with a regime like the one in iran....they can pretty much come and seize your land...and you cant do anything about it...

possesion is obviously NOT 9/10ths of the law there..


i definately dont think there should be car bombings in tehran....but i would love to see a group of snipers go into iran and take out all the political/religious leaders one at a time.

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I would put money on being more than likely half a dozen years older than you with a lot more education, and more importantly for this place, trains under my belt, 'kid'.


before you recommend reading to anyone, why don't you go ahead and learn the english language. its clear you don't grasp it, i'm fairly confident your grasp of the semantics is questionable at best. odds are you're missing 9/10ths of what you're reading.


What am I missing here? I have pointed out that both ethically and legally Iraqi people are free to defend their land and kill US troops and you came along and had a cry.


every international law in existance condones killing? really? this is interesting.


Yes international law clearly stipulates the defense of a nation, by it's people, from foreign invasion and occupation.


moral and ethics justify murder of people who probably joined their military for college money? we're not all babykillers, son.


Which pretty much sums up your stupidity and lack of understanding. Where did I say everyone should kill the US baby slaughtering machine? Oh whoops I didn't.


Secondly a poll taken back in 05 or 06 showed that in fact the majority of new recruits into the US army and being sent to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan were not the oppressed minorities but middle class white kids.


also, i'm very glad your prized source of wisdom is wikipedia. keep it up, you make one hell of a bleeding heart.


Like I said little guy, I would recommend a course or book but you seem to have difficulty just grasping the concept, as is evident with the line about baby killers.


(i'm not going to give you a remotely serious response, not worth the time)


Yet you responded twice and lost twice

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What about all of these foreign Muslims flooding in to Iraq, killing innocent Iraqi civilians?


No that is not covered by international law and I think we can all agree, at least if one wants a leg to stand on in any argument concerning it, that terrorism (specifically the killing of innocent people) is never permissible in any situation ever.


The law, to my knowledge, also doesn't cover Muslim men from other nations going to Iraq to kill foreign troops. Although given that the invasion and occupation is pretty much the highest level of terrorism that there is whether its strictly unethical to go there to help Iraqis defend their land is up for debate.


However there is absolutely no debate over whether the people of Iraq are allowed to kill foreign troops, it is printed in black and white and it is a very basic and easy to understand concept of human rights.


But for out slow friend 666 lets just switch it up with the most child like opposite to help him grasp it


+ Greenland and New Zealand start to carpet bomb, err I mean tactically strike, the US homeland.


+ They then go on to occupy it for several years and the death toll of the domestic population climbs


+ I come on 12oz and say 'Americans have every right, ethically and by law, to kill foreign troops including soldiers of the New Zealand and Greenland armies'


+ 666 comes along and says 'uR a dA faGiT idDIot!'


...Yeah I am pretty fucking sure that last dot point wouldn't occur... chances are that our friend 666 would be fighting for the liberation of his beloved country and not on the internet, must be something about being the victim of terrorism that dissolves hypocrisy

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I take it you haven’t heard of them before I mentioned the name, and your knowledge of the group comes from the wiki article (which, like everything on the internet, must be true.) They are a group based on the principals of socialism, and their end goal is a socialist state. Not much of a stretch. And if you aren’t already aware of the various unhappy oppressed minority groups in Iran, I would suggest an enlightening course in basic international affairs.


I would recommend a course in how-to-read-what-someone-says because I'm pretty sure I dedicated an off the head paragraph to how oppressed the people of Iran are.


You called it 'communist' and presumably you are American.


This means I automatically assume you are not talking about actual communism in the vein of Marx original work OR neo-Marxian scholars but the US definition of 'communism' which we all know means anyone who is an enemy of the US or any nation that is repressive/totalitarian and doesn't get down with the free market except through the state.


If they are a group with principals based on socialism then they will be a socialist state and a socialist state in a world of free market capitalism clearly has externally imposed limits on just how socialist it can be.


So we can now come back to your original statement which to me uses communist in all its negative connotation glory and the popular US meaning of the word rather than the real meaning of the word in academia.


i think a better solution would be to fund a revolution for democracy (especially since there are communist groups ready to take over if the curent regime ever does fail)



Uhoh! The reds are coming! What is this 1955? Are you saying that we should fund a revolution for democracy ESPECIALLY so that we can get the MEK in or because if we don't the MEK will get in?


If you are using communist, as I can only assume you are, to mean mid 20th century boogey man than how the fuck is the MEK gaining power different to the current regime? Both would be authoritarian and both would have self imposed shit economies... there would be virtually no change at all.


I didn’t intend it as a dick measuring contest because most people realize that any semi-literate/conscious retard can get a college degree, I talked to a kid who is a senior at an ivy league college recently who explained to me how WWII was a war between Africa (which he thought was a single country), germany, korea, and the US. The frat boys may be fucking stupid but atleast they recognize their ignorance. The dumbest fucks are the kids like you who are raised in the generation where everyone is special, and everyone gets a trophy at little league, then they go into college not knowing shit about the world and get completely indoctrinated.... and remain stupid enough to think having rich parents and a piece of paper makes them vastly more knowledgeable and superior than all others.


So you didn't go to college and now you are having a cry? On the one hand I don't really have to defend what I say as it speaks very clearly for itself and is understandable if you have half a brain but on the other hand I left school at 14, my family are working class and I became self educated a long time before I ever had an opportunity to go to college, which I put myself through and given that the college system of the US is largely different from most other western countries its fair to say you probably wouldn't know about it.


Then what is the point of your considerable effort, writing your ‘war and peace’ length educational posts, at all?


Because I spotted posts that were making light of Fox news reporting while still parroting the party line about Iran being a danger to the US.


But it was already pretty clear that you are the type of stupid self important assclown whose existence and continued survival shakes my otherwise firm belief in Darwinism. It’s sad for me that people like you don’t realize what a drain they are on society, because suicide would be the only thing you could ever possibly accomplish for the betterment of human kind.



If you can't play the game, which is present an argument first and tact the insult on at the end of the sentence or paragraph then don't play the game at all other wise you just look like a cry baby with no argument.

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1.First of all...the cia involvement in iran in the 50's was a mistake (1953 to be exact)...and it was more b/c we wanted to help our greedy allies...the british...oil..(does BP sound familiar)

but now...it would be for a different purpose...getting those fucking mullahs out of power before they start a major war which could lead to ww3....and give the people in the country some fucking freedom....

you can just youtube videos of the govt imposing their religious laws on women for not wearing hijab...as well as other "crimes against humanity"...


See this is why I started to talk in this thread


The Iranians are going to blow up the world and cause ww3 and ultimate doom. Where are you getting this shit from?


Iran don't even have one yet but in a few years they might so lets attack them? Give me a fucking break, do you not remember the last four years? Swap the N with a Q and its the exact same scenario of pure bullshit. How are you actually buying into this?


2.Bombing a plant which makes nuclear weapons is an act of terror??....its a move that could potentially make the world safer....if the iranians were really using the nuclear plants to make energy then it would be terrorism to bomb them....bottom line is..theyre trying to develop a bomb...like pakistan...and pakistan's neighbor india...


We could argue about the sources of this supposed bomb making all we want but lets go with it for this scenario and say they actually are, so what?


1. The US have sent a clear message to everyone. If you have nuclear weapons we probably won't attack you.


2. Iran are not allowed nuclear weapons by the UN charter...


I think we can agree all rational people would like to a see a nuclear weapon free world BUT if the US have several thousand (and attack who they like with conventional armies), Israel have several hundred, Pakistan, India, NK and a couple others have some why the fuck should Iran not have one....maybe....in several years....? It is completely hypocritical.


3. We are assuming that the US government give a fuck about the free people of the world and genuinely want to stop the 'crazy Muslim leaders of Iran' from building a bomb. Which we all know is a joke backed up by several decades of economic imperialism.


3. Iraqi people have every right to kill american soldiers?....what the fuck??....are you fucking retarded.....i hope you fucking get hit by a train for making this statement.


What is hard to understand about this? Please explain it to me because I have explained my position several times now, it is very clear. Maybe its something in the water where you are or maybe its the ignorant cultural conditioning you have under gone since birth which makes people from other nations a little less human than you.


I will say it once again because it is so fucking simple a child can understand it





Which would either be 1. Exactly the same as the oppressive regime already around or 2. Probably a lot better


now shut the fuck up and suck a dick up till you hiccup

you ignorant brain washed fuck!


Irony given that you think you are showing some kind of dissent when you are confirming to the party line about having to attack Iran.... oh yeah and not understanding very basic principles of international law

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"You called it 'communist' and presumably you are American.


This means I automatically assume you are not talking about actual communism in the vein of Marx original work OR neo-Marxian scholars but the US definition of 'communism'"


Actually no, I didn’t call it communist, you are reading a different person’s post. You may want to bone up on that reading comprehension there professor. The mujahideen ekhalq’s specific socialist philosophy comes from karl marx. If you weren’t completely ignorant of them, and knew not to speak out of your ass, you probably wouldn’t have wrote that.


"So we can now come back to your original statement"

not my original statement, CALI wrote that. Do you have dyslexia or are you just really stupid?


"So you didn't go to college"

Nah I knocked out a degree in pottery or english or something, I just don’t mention “academia” every other sentence in a fairly pathetic attempt to show everyone on the interweb how awesome I am.

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you cannot be serious mate. How in the FUCK is Iran poised to start WW3? just this statement alone is so fucking outlandish and taken straight from some stupid american news anchor that i won't bother with the rest of your post, ill assume you just said that dumb shit because u were angry that some guy didn't care whether an american soldier died, now i guess you understand the frustration of the other 90% of the worlds population whose lives are deemed without value by the powerful countries


As far as supporting terrorism in Iran. You got to be fucking kidding me. You might as well support the people that carried out 9/11. Seriously we are at WAR with TERRORISM. Yet we are talking in our own media about possibly carrying out if we aren't doing so already terrorist attacks in another nation. How am I the only one that thinks this is the most hypocritical thing possible? I'm going to quote my man Chomsky here since he's someone atleast the majority of people here can respect.


"Everybody's worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there's a really easy way: stop participating in it." ~Noam


Fuck it though. Lets blow up the whole planet. Should solve everything.



Its good to see there are at least two people with a functioning brain

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"You called it 'communist' and presumably you are American.


This means I automatically assume you are not talking about actual communism in the vein of Marx original work OR neo-Marxian scholars but the US definition of 'communism'"


Actually no, I didn’t call it communist, you are reading a different person’s post. You may want to bone up on that reading comprehension there professor. The mujahideen ekhalq’s specific socialist philosophy comes from karl marx. If you weren’t completely ignorant of them, and knew not to speak out of your ass, you probably wouldn’t have wrote that.


"So we can now come back to your original statement"

not my original statement, CALI wrote that. Do you have dyslexia or are you just really stupid?


"So you didn't go to college"

Nah I knocked out a degree in pottery or english or something, I just don’t mention “academia” every other sentence in a fairly pathetic attempt to show everyone on the interweb how awesome I am.


Sorry your positions are so aligned and ridiculous its hard to differentiate.


So there are communists! waiting to take over.


Have you two combined actually put forth an argument or are you just stating it for no reason? Because as far as I can tell what your saying is that there are communist groups in Iran and they would be worse in power than a repressive Islamic state, which is laughable.


Also if the last few decades have shown us anything communist groups, minus old man Che, rarely succeed. ETA in Spain (although to be fair these guys are just flat out terrorists), RAF in Germany, the new Revolutionary Struggle group in Athens, etc.


As far as I am concerned a 'communist' (aka limited socialist state within the current global framework) if based on real democratic principles like an actual communist state would be is not only better than the backwards Islamic theocracy they now have but also equally better than the puppet government the US would give them so it could get its free market on with their oil, which is exactly what will happen if the US 1. attack Iran and don't set off the catalyst for ending the world or 2. Get their CIA on and fund terrorism to overthrow it from the inside.


But you will have to expand because as far as I'm aware all you have said is 'The US must be the ones to overthrow the Iran regime other wise communists! might'

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OMG U GRApH 2???/ LOL aWes0m3!!z do U aLzo DaNcE N GrAfF?!?!1?lolomglol u muss b wickit smartz, i m sor3y i disagreed wit U@!!! d1d u kn0 u cud get a grl preggers if she givez u a bj? lolzolmgpeace ouit!!!


PS where can i get sum capz?!! do u kno plz tellme lolkthx


It is a fairly valid dick waving given the forum. Don't pull out the word 'kid' on an old man and it probably won't happen.


But I guess you have to stick up for your buddy 666. People who don't understand international laws and basic moral principles have to stick together and fight rational arguments with immaturity it seems.

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So which is it, dyslexia or are you really really stupid? The only time I brought up the MEK was to refute your claims that there are no socialist groups in Iran (which you apparently realize was fucking retarded now and have decided to ignore). The US and MEK actually have a tenuous relationship. I never wrote anywhere that Iran would be worse off if any of the communist groups were in power instead of the clerical establishment. I think the only legitimate upheaval in iran will come from its own fed up population. I never said anything close to 'The US must be the ones to overthrow the Iran regime other wise communists! might' either. As far as I can tell cali has said nothing close to any of this either. Can you fucking read?


Seriously, do you have dyslexia? You can tell me if you’re learning disabled. Its not your fault cupcake, its just all the meth, coke, and nonstop gang bangs your mom was into while she was teh preggers.

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stereotype: dunno if you said it or not, but the cia estimates that iran will have nukes in 10 years. no more, no less. they aren't an immediate threat to anyone but themselves.


I never disagreed that they were going to have nukes sooner or later if that’s what you were referring to. Was the CIA estimate from the recent NIE? Some estimates put it at 3-5 years, others are probably way longer. Without any good inspections its hard to tell how many centrifuges they got running and what the time line is. They are arguably a threat to Israel once they eventually get nukes, the more pressing nuclear threat that gets much less coverage is the pakistani army’s possession of their arsenal though.

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So which is it, dyslexia or are you really really stupid? The only time I brought up the MEK was to refute your claims that there are no socialist groups in Iran (which you apparently realize was fucking retarded now and have decided to ignore). The US and MEK actually have a tenuous relationship.


So now they are a socialist group? Which is what I would actually refer to them as and was the initial point I was making.


He specifically said in a piece of dramatic dialog taken right out of 1960 that COMMUNISTS! might take over Iran and I didn't say 'there are no communist(socialist) groups in Iran' I said "show me" as in show me these heinous, presumably Maoist or Stalinist, communist! groups plotting in the shadows.


You then presented the MEK (which I was aware of just like all the other militant left wing groups I have listed, because when they don't kill civilians I actually follow their progression and support most of what they do). Which I then said was a stretch to call them communist with the assumption that you were also working on the definition of communism that CALI seems to understand, which is nothing more than a fancy 20th century word for totalitarian boogey man.


Now to me and you the MEK are communist because its clear we both understand communism to mean Karl Marx, mode of production, socialist, bourgeoisie, etc, etc, etc. Which is clearly not the understanding CALI has of the word communist when he uses it as if he is Henry Kissinger in 1975, I'm surprised he didn't say 'the red menace!' or something.




I never said anything close to 'The US must be the ones to overthrow the Iran regime other wise communists! might' either. As far as I can tell cali has said nothing close to any of this either. Can you fucking read?


Yeah I get by ok on the reading tip, can you though because this is what he said...



honestly..i think a better solution would be to fund a revolution for democracy (especially since there are communist groups ready to take over if the curent regime ever does fail)

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I never disagreed that they were going to have nukes sooner or later if that’s what you were referring to. Was the CIA estimate from the recent NIE? Some estimates put it at 3-5 years, others are probably way longer. Without any good inspections its hard to tell how many centrifuges they got running and what the time line is. They are arguably a threat to Israel once they eventually get nukes, the more pressing nuclear threat that gets much less coverage is the pakistani army’s possession of their arsenal though.


i somewhat agree. but yeah, they are recent estimates.


also, no one is really threat to israel...what with all the nukes we gave them...200+


israel, forgive me jews, is filled with a bunch of zionist asshole leaders who would like

nothing more than to take over the whole of the middle east...in gods name, of course.

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