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That would be bad ass to rebuild the mini wide.

Or a mini wide with a really big pump system.

Like four of those valves in line with each other and all metal.

But dont sell it full of ink sell it as a stamp pad moistener or something along those lines so we can buy it from chain stores.

You could be like zig and sell things that you secretly know arent used for anything but graffiti.

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that would be stupid, because people would rack them and he would make no money.


yeah, i rack the shit out of zigs. do you think that zig really knows people dump their shit and fuck stuff up? krylon does with their anti-graff campaign, but who gives a fuck about their watery piss paint anyways.:mad:


but seriously. im having thoughts.

maybe when i take an engeneering course, i can make a prototype and either get a patent or sell it to OTR or montana or something similiar.

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Johnehh fuck it heres how it works... blah blah blah... Im so ANGRY!!.


I can't believe you are still talking about this.

Go outside for a while... get away from the computer.


Do you even know Johnehh personally?

What does it matter. Why hate?

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Yes its safe to post again...


Im not really shure if you can refill a dalo. but if you can get it for free then its all good. cuz to me its not worth it like i posted on the other thread.

OH yeah i remebered i had a conversation with someone about dalos about 20 pages back. someone find it and Quote it so its on here so there isnt a repeat again.

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i read thru the over 100 pages of both the marker and ink thread

it was worth it

i got helllllaaaaa info and not just shit about how to refill or open a kiwi





those window markers are like the lil bottels junobo sells

the nibs stick out n shit

they pretty tite


thanks for the info

i just hooked this window paint/mop contraption up,

i threw some homemade shit in it to try it out,

so far its DOPE.

cant wait to load it up with junobo as soo as i do ill put on some pics.

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these are so legit.

easy to refill.



I think we should talk about this for a second.

For the new people on here.


You said that they are "legit," and this is short for

"Legitimate." Lets look at the dictionary for this one:

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source

le·git·i·mate /adj., n. lɪˈdʒɪtəmɪt; v. lɪˈdʒɪtəˌmeɪt/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[adj., n. li-jit-uh-mit; v. li-jit-uh-meyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, verb, -mat·ed, -mat·ing, noun


1. according to law; lawful: the property's legitimate owner.


OTR = On The Run.


These markers are NOT legit. OTR did not create the

markers they sell. They do nothing but profit off of other

peoples NON commercial ideas. This isn't about politics of

graffiti. This about survival of a counter-culture that has heavy

roots in custom modifications of consumer products, and innovation

of new non commercial devices for our... let's say "trade."


Writing... Really writing, not just legal piecing, but getting down

by getting up is a lot like a labor skill. A trade skill. Not every

artist can pick up a can and hit a rooftop. Or drop a styled out

tag. Not every big time writer can create a canvased work of art.

Some don't care about art. This isn't art. It's vandalism and if you

think its not... then you need not be in this game. I'm almost back

on point. Writing isn't and was never meant to be in a commercial on

TV or on your shoes(unless your boy or yourself did them for you), or

even on this internet.


It wasn't made to be sold. Copied, and reproduced over and over again

for a revenue. It was made out displaced youth. Kids that just didn't fit in.

Now the cool kids are the writers. A lot of them have never struggled for

the tools to use. A lot have never respected the origins of this whole idea.

That's all writing is. It's ideas. Ideas you don't sell. You give away for free

and in some cases risk a lot to give your free message(weather its positive

or negative).


So, not in my opinion... this one I will call fact and let the those without guilt

cast the first stone...


Small, American, companies like Krink, DED, Oink, Junobo, and MANY OTHERS

that are small and created by REAL writers are keeping things real and doing

for themselves. You want a LEGIT marker that is refillable?




If you can't or want something better than you can make, go here:



^^The MOST legit marker that you can purchase guilt free.


I am not bitting the hand that feeds me with this attitude.

I am just manning up and choosing the hand I eat from.


Stay local, educate yourself, and seriously... don't sell out through buying in.


Respect to:


Do Em Dirty





Everyone else:

Respect the scene that you did NOT create.

And support the locals.

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