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-----> NY OLD SKOOL (1969-1974) <-----


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Wow...just wow... what an incredible video! Any idea what year this is from? My guess is 1972. Couldn't resist making some screenshots in case it will ever go of-line:































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Some more screenshots from "The Vandals"

























Its funny how the best tags in this 1972 documentary are LA gang tags.:lol: :lol: :lol:

How is it that the "birth place" of graffiti and home of graffiti's biggest egos had a less developed hand than LA at the time??? Because you've all been lied to and you all believed it.

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It would be even funnier if you started an Old School LA thread instead of pulling your pud over here.


Don't worry, I pull my pud everywhere. Just pointing out the fact the New Yorker's HATE. Aside from all the Kilroy type graff, LA was the first America city to use a spray can to write their name in a stylized manner. Spray paint has only been around since the 50's, but cholo styles are older than that. Soooo, LA started it in the 50's, get ZERO credit, while Philly get full credit for creating modern day graff in '67. Credit from everyone except New Yorkers, of course. :D :D :D

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Don't worry, I pull my pud everywhere. Just pointing out the fact the New Yorker's HATE. Aside from all the Kilroy type graff, LA was the first America city to use a spray can to write their name in a stylized manner. Spray paint has only been around since the 50's, but cholo styles are older than that. Soooo, LA started it in the 50's, get ZERO credit, while Philly get full credit for creating modern day graff in '67. Credit from everyone except New Yorkers, of course. :D :D :D


for what its worth, i give classic cholo graff from the 50s and before credit. and correct me if im wrong but there have been books on the subject. NYers and the larger graff community dont recognize this legacy as 'first' because cholo graff from the 40s and 50s is not the same as what philly and NY writers did in the 60s and 70s. was it stylized? yes. was it done for the same reason? no. and that is why. if you wanna just group all wall writing by what was stylized - then you have to go back to ancient egypt. but what makes our graff different is the reason. cholos were getting the gang up, and in doing so it was part of a much larger culture. the writing itself was not the culture. but with the NY & phl group - the writing itself was the culture. everything was focused on how much an individual could get their name up. this was not the case with cholo graff.


and ease up on the New Yorkers are haters comments. I am a New Yorker and give LA graff much respect. i got many homies out that way. I think LA graff (which is heavily influenced by gang graffiti) has had an equally profound influence on the worldwide graff community.

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Don't worry, I pull my pud everywhere. Just pointing out the fact the New Yorker's HATE. Aside from all the Kilroy type graff, LA was the first America city to use a spray can to write their name in a stylized manner. Spray paint has only been around since the 50's, but cholo styles are older than that. Soooo, LA started it in the 50's, get ZERO credit, while Philly get full credit for creating modern day graff in '67. Credit from everyone except New Yorkers, of course. :D :D :D


I don't think NY'ers HATE that (fiction) statement. I think it's all the lackies from everywhere else that are preocupied with trying to scvaenge whatever crumb of legitimacy they can muster up, in typical copycat/wannabe fashion.


Without taking it back any further than the 20th century,... If you want to count Gang Writing as graff, (which would be erroneus) then explore the fact that NYC had prolific gang graffiti dating WAYYY before the 50's. In fact it was so commonplace throughout those decades that by 1961 gang writing made it all the way to the sets and opening credits of West Side Story, a major hollywood release. (LA/ Hollywood imitating NY)


In 1971 TAKI 183 stated that HE began putting up his tag, away from his block, in the summer of 1971, but that he got the idea when he saw JULIO 204 (away from HIS block) a few years prior in 1967.

So already in 1967 JULIO 204 was bombing.


I'm not sure when Cornbread claims he started writing in philly, but to say it was before NYC, it has to be at least prior to 67, and with eye witnesses or documentation, or else it don't count. Anyway, to ME, if Cornbread is Graff, then KILROY is graff.


Many young people in many cities have wrote on walls for different reasons, but the youth culture of GETTING YOUR NAME UP is undisputably a New York Thang.


Zed, yes I conciously left out Philly cause I'm still not convinced, but I know you can shed more light.

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Its funny how the best tags in this 1972 documentary are LA gang tags.:lol: :lol: :lol:

How is it that the "birth place" of graffiti and home of graffiti's biggest egos had a less developed hand than LA at the time??? Because you've all been lied to and you all believed it.






I think you mean these two, right? I didn't know these were from LA. And about "hating": i'm not from New york, not even from the US so don't say i'm hating.


Maybe you shoudl start an "LA OLD SKOOL" thread to proof/show your point somedude.

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gang graffiti is marking turf,it has nothing to do with getting up.they couldnt get up cause they cant leave there turf which is sad since the only time they get to travel is when they do a state bid...political graffiti has been going on for years,also when bands would go on tour they would leave there mark.punk rock graffiti has been going on in parts of europe for along ass time.the vandals video didnt really show anything other then vandalism,but the tags by junior161 and a couple of other cats they showed on trains.thats why alot of the gangmembers of ny looked up to those cats cause they were doing something they couldnt,which was leave the neighborhood.everybody has there own history in ny it moved from the streets to the trains. the trains is what it was about there was no subway in the world like it. not philly,detroit,chicago no where.and as the saying goes all good things come to a end. europe has takin it to another level.much respect as for LA u guys got some good writers out there yet climbing up a pole on the back of a freeway sign to do a burner WHATEVER standing on a platform and watching your name go by now thats priceless

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