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at times i wish there was no cyber web. i miss the old days of networking.

trading flix "hard copys"


i might understand this if i lived somewhere with an established graff scene, older heads to mentor cats and show them the ropes, and/or a large, compact population of people where it might be easier to locate people with a similar interest in graffiti, who could then help us link up with even more people...


i'm from west virginia, and when i first started writing (i use that term loosely for what i was doing) 15 years ago, all we had as inspiration were pictures in the back of the source and what we could see in rap videos and movies. the fact that there were maybe 5 legitimate writers in any city (and zero in some) made it hard to network with people that were essentially trying not to be found. then along came the internet, and next thing you know we're making 3 and 4 hour trips with four dudes and a trunk full of paint to go crash for a weekend and crush our homeboy's city with productions, or killing the train yard that's in the middle of nowhere that we never would have found otherwise. it's essentially created a real "scene" here, so i'm thankful for what it's done to graffiti in my case...and i'm pretty much opposed to the internet in every other instance

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