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I think I'm dying


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if you think photos like that should never be seen you're an idiot. showing the ugly truth as a reminder will help prevent it from happening again. stop assuming people's intentions so much, especially when you're wrong


haha. I don't have to assume ones "intentions" when pepole are knocking the jews and some bonehead posts a picture like that.

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haha. I don't have to assume ones "intentions" when pepole are knocking the jews and some bonehead posts a picture like that.


was i among the ones making jew jokes? no.


i guess i'm making fun of you cuz you made a statement on impulse, were wrong, and stuck with your statement just to avoid admitting you were wrong.

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Look all I'm saying is that for a few years of prosecution, Jews were repaid with complete control of the worlds media and money. Forever...


Black people, few years of slavery, complete control over the majority of major sports. Plus at least 30 million black comedians making a living by making, "white people, black people" comparisons.

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Nah, I see what you are sayin jewish pepole are very bussiness savy and thrive on education....they make it big and do big things while others are stuck on the bottom of the bus cuz our parents raised us to be working class never to over achieve while many of us learned on our own how to exist in such a fucked up world.

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Eastbay you are on point about the comments you made.


The black people/white people comparison jokes are played out, but they still make me laugh.


But HAL, to me it sounds like what you have could be a sinus infection. I had similar symptoms and they lasted more than the obligatory couple of days like the flu usually does. Just take as many anitcold drugs as you can and eat well.

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Okay i wasn't really serious guys. In a sense it IS true but really I was just making gigantic assumptions about the whole world based on stereotypes...


You guys are really racially sensitive today. Stop being a bunch of kike gook niggers.

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After my mates fight last night we joined him and a few of the other fighters for dinner (they are mostly of asiany backgrounds) one of them said "I get the best of both worlds. I get called gook, and nigger!" this was a reference to his dark (for an asian) almost mullato appearance.


I said to him, "But at the end of the day, they are only words, and whether you choose to take offense from them is totally up to you, but they are only words at the end of the day".


But yeah, get this thread back on track guys.

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So I've been sleeping a lot and living off chicken soup and orange juice, and I believe my fever has broken. It was like 101-102 all weekend, and today it was 98.5. I'm still feeling achy and generally crappy, but as long as the fever is gone, I can be happy.


You guys need to lighten up with the holocaust pictures. I can find humor in a lot of shit, but somehow that just never seems to get funny at all. That and those slavery pictures making fun of black people with big lips eating watermelons and shit. It's just depressing. Ethnic cleansing is still going on today, so making light of it only perpetuates the cycle.

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I'm jewish, you bastards. I'm not trying to steal your money or make you a sandwich. i just want to feel better and i could use all the e-support I can get. Where's all the doctors on here? Can i expect to pull through?


im a doctor.

drink lots of capri sun;surf coolers and saltines.

sleep with a fan blowing on you with a heating pad on your chest.

masturbate as much as you can. the flu bugs take refuge in the testicals, if you can flush them out, you'll be alright.

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