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Canada's most patriotic animal


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It was a metaphor, not a generalisation.


You have both taken an ultra defensive position without even trying to understand what I have said.


I dont personaly have a problem with Americans in the slightest, I also never said the majority of Europeans do. What I did say is that Americans have been known to experience racism in Europe and I attempted to explain why. That is all.


Arab-Europeans are the worst. Fuck them.

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Really nothing other then the fact we were a British Colony or state, so if you wanted to say at the time we were brits,you could. We were no true Canuks until we were free of british rule in the 60's.


I wasn't hating or trying to minimalize the achievement at all. I'm just saying that a lot of Canadians think that the Dutch people should treat them like they're forever in their debt, and then you go there, thinking they'll treat you as such, and you find out that there's hundreds of other Canadians thinking the exact same thing and realize how annoying it must be. I actually met a couple of Americans who pretended to be Canadians in Amsterdam for just that reason, and it completely backfired.


But you're 100% right about the politeness.

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I think the american hatism comes from the fact that americans feel they are superior to the rest of the world, it comes across too pretentious and way too patriotic especially for a country that hasn't been around long and mostly been known for being war thirsty and not really winning anything.

I think Europe is like the parent and US is the bratty spoiled kid, Canada is just the nerd kid. I bet if the americans ever tried to invade Canada they would easily lose(again), too many countries would side with the canucks which would piss off the americans-that's probably why americans love to spout out "fuck Canada" comments, you folks are jealous. It's all good though because if we weren't such a nice country we probably would've cut you guys off long ago considering Canada supplies the USA with majority of your resources(power, water, wood, oil, etc).

Americans wanted France to become an ally in the whole middle east thing and France wasn't having any of that, so the americans cried and had to rename their fries to freedom fries, it's ridiculous how the US blows tantrums. The rest of the world just rolls their eyes at the americans.

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I think the american hatism comes from the fact that americans feel they are superior to the rest of the world, it comes across too pretentious and way too patriotic especially for a country that hasn't been around long and mostly been known for being war thirsty and not really winning anything.

I think Europe is like the parent and US is the bratty spoiled kid, Canada is just the nerd kid. I bet if the americans ever tried to invade Canada they would easily lose(again), too many countries would side with the canucks which would piss off the americans-that's probably why americans love to spout out "fuck Canada" comments, you folks are jealous. It's all good though because if we weren't such a nice country we probably would've cut you guys off long ago considering Canada supplies the USA with majority of your resources(power, water, wood, oil, etc).

Americans wanted France to become an ally in the whole middle east thing and France wasn't having any of that, so the americans cried and had to rename their fries to freedom fries, it's ridiculous how the US blows tantrums. The rest of the world just rolls their eyes at the americans.


it appears that you're the one that's jealous. everything about this hate-rant is wrong. where do we start?


for one, you're completely wrong about the canada supplying the US with the majority of their resources. it's the other way around. canada is the US's biggest foreign trade partner, but they do not make up the "majority." 20% of exports 16% of imports in the US come to-from Canada. 75% of imports and 85% of exports in Canada come to-from the US. so obviously, it is the US that's doing more "supporting" of Canada than the other way around. the US makes up the majority of Canada's foreign trade.


you also have a terrible habit of generalizing. most americans call french fries, french fries. that "freedom fries" nonsense was renamed in a few cafeteria lunchrooms inside government buildings in washington. all 300 million americans aren't running around calling them "freedom fries."


also, some of the people here that said "fuck canada" weren't even american. i like how canadians claim they "won" the war of 1812, when neither side won because there were no clear objectives. both sides officially claimed "victory" after the treaty was signed. however, there were twice as many british casualties to american casualties. and most of the battles were american victories. even funnier is that canada didn't even exist as a country at the time, and it was more or less the u.s. fighting the british empire. so how could a country that didn't exist "win" a conflict?

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for one, you're completely wrong about the canada supplying the US with the majority of their resources. it's the other way around. canada is the US's biggest foreign trade partner, but they do not make up the "majority." 20% of exports 16% of imports in the US come to-from Canada. 75% of imports and 85% of exports in Canada come to-from the US. so obviously, it is the US that's doing more "supporting" of Canada than the other way around. the US makes up the majority of Canada's foreign trade.


You are correct on the stats but its kinda misleading when you break it down in a percentage.


If Canada has 10 apples and we give the americans 7 its obviously 70%, americans have 5 apples and give us 4 sure the percentage is higher but we don't get supplied with more apples. As a more accurate breakdown, last year Canada exported almost 30 billion dollars in oil energy to the USA/ the states imported 10 billion back to Canada. We exported almost 40 billion in forestry, the USA imported 2 billion back to Canada. Statistically we definitely are supporting the USA, but a percentage breakdown is very misleading. Canada is the second biggest country so its obvious that we have more resources to supply.

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it was on the verge of extinction years ago but it has been heavily re-bred and returned to dominate the skies.


The bald eagle is no longer endangered and now considered threatened but not in any serious danger of completely going extinct.

Although if it ever does become extinct I'm assuming the USA would adapt the turkey as the american bird which was a close second to the eagle.


I think a goose could easily beat a turkey. haha

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I eat Canadian beavers...


ps the Fuck America thing was a joke... lighten up.

Fuck generalizations.

oh, and Theo you need thicker skin, bro... Geez is pretty much 100% on point with that "hate rant"

You all have to deal with a poor opinion overseas because of the US`s foreign policy since WW2



I love everybody.

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Personally I have no problems with my american friends-people are people I don't give a crap where you live. It's the government not the population so it is a shame that the world generally bases an opinion on people because of where they come from.

I also have some middle eastern friends and don't assume they will blow up my shit anytime soon.

I only have one racially stereotyping friend and she's German and doesn't like hanging with my jew brothas? I would've figured it should've played out the other way around but whatever.

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Let's get back to the animals. I see Bald Eagles all the time in Vancouver. They aren't really Canadian though. I think they just come up here to chill cause you guys shoot the shit out of them down there. I still think the Moose wins. I'd never fuck with a skunk or a raccoon from East Van though...

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it appears that you're the one that's jealous. everything about this hate-rant is wrong. where do we start?


for one, you're completely wrong about the canada supplying the US with the majority of their resources. it's the other way around. canada is the US's biggest foreign trade partner, but they do not make up the "majority." 20% of exports 16% of imports in the US come to-from Canada. 75% of imports and 85% of exports in Canada come to-from the US. so obviously, it is the US that's doing more "supporting" of Canada than the other way around. the US makes up the majority of Canada's foreign trade.


you also have a terrible habit of generalizing. most americans call french fries, french fries. that "freedom fries" nonsense was renamed in a few cafeteria lunchrooms inside government buildings in washington. all 300 million americans aren't running around calling them "freedom fries."


also, some of the people here that said "fuck canada" weren't even american. i like how canadians claim they "won" the war of 1812, when neither side won because there were no clear objectives. both sides officially claimed "victory" after the treaty was signed. however, there were twice as many british casualties to american casualties. and most of the battles were american victories. even funnier is that canada didn't even exist as a country at the time, and it was more or less the u.s. fighting the british empire. so how could a country that didn't exist "win" a conflict?




Where are you pulling these numbers from?




I won't get into this but my man here needs to read up on hydro elcetric power and soft wood lumber and DRINKING WATER exports.

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I eat Canadian beavers...


ps the Fuck America thing was a joke... lighten up.

Fuck generalizations.

oh, and Theo you need thicker skin, bro... Geez is pretty much 100% on point with that "hate rant"

You all have to deal with a poor opinion overseas because of the US`s foreign policy since WW2



I love everybody.


i don't see how he's on point when i just debunked much of what he said.


i have no problem with them objecting the u.s. government's decisions, especially to go to war in iraq because i'm definitely against it. it's about ignorant europeans and whomever else giving me scowls when i'm overseas when i have nothing to do with Bush, and i have nothing to do with the war in iraq. i'm just one man living life and getting pussy just like them. i had about as much to do with america's foreign policy as any european or canadian citizen living life. use your cynicism productively to protest the u.s. government, but don't use hatred against a person just because they came out of a vagina on u.s. soil. they must think all americans love bush and work in his administration and make crucial wordly decisions. like any other country, the vast majority of the population in the u.s. have little to no sayso, and only the elite in power politically and/or economically make the decisions. to me people who hate americans for no reason other than they're american are just as bad as the shit they complain about.

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"74 percent came from the U.S., while 86 percent of Canada's total exports were shipped to the United States. The volume of Canada-U.S. trade last year was far greater than the total amount of Canada's trade with all of its other trading partners combined."


Now Like I said I'm not getting to far into this my man, but if we have to start breaking down the populous and the consumption of what goods are being traded and actually used and not for resale when it comes to whom is supporting whom. The fact you guys have the largest ports also helps in the numbers rankings, its a gay fucking discussion that I don't want to get into because the lack of economics degrees on both our walls will leave the two of us sounding like armchair economists slap fighting at a sushi restaurant.



The two places rely on one another and along with our mexican brothers from a strong economomy owned by the japs!

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It's not just Bush that has swayed the worlds opinions, americans have been wearing the Canada flag on their backpacks way before the Bush's were in power.


I suppose your statement on the war of 1812 has some merits because it was the British on what has since been called Canadian soil. Once the British destroyed the white house shortly after it left the americans in a position to say "alright we'll sign the treaty" The americans can't really claim a victory over a country that wasn't established yet and the British did destroy some important landmarks? The war of 1812 pretty much made Canada what it is today because many soldiers settled there, so if a victory was to be crowned I would say Canada won.


Just the fact that the US government would even notion the idea of "freedom" fries seems childish. It's like a bratty kid not getting his way in WalMart-you want to punch 'em out.

So when an american gets all high and mighty the rest of the world unites and tends to beat the kid down in the Wal-Mart.

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It's not just Bush that has swayed the worlds opinions, americans have been wearing the Canada flag on their backpacks way before the Bush's were in power.


I suppose your statement on the war of 1812 has some merits because it was the British on what has since been called Canadian soil. Once the British destroyed the white house shortly after it left the americans in a position to say "alright we'll sign the treaty" The americans can't really claim a victory over a country that wasn't established yet and the British did destroy some important landmarks? The war of 1812 pretty much made Canada what it is today because many soldiers settled there, so if a victory was to be crowned I would say Canada won.


Just the fact that the US government would even notion the idea of "freedom" fries seems childish. It's like a bratty kid not getting his way in WalMart-you want to punch 'em out.

So when an american gets all high and mighty the rest of the world unites and tends to beat the kid down in the Wal-Mart.


the americans claimed victory over britain, not canada -- again you've got it backwards, the canadians are the ones that claim victory as a country when their country didn't exist at the time. it's funny that you contradict yourself by saying that the u.s. can't claim victory over canada because canada didn't exist (true), while at the same time saying canada can claim victory (even though they didn't exist).


the war of 1812 was a minor occurence in british history, and had little to do with canada being a nation. canada would've been an independent commonwealth nation whether there was a war or not.


what makes you think only the americans wanted the treaty signed? the british had their hands tied fighting france, and wanted to get out of the conflict as well. a lot of canadians incorrectly believe the war of 1812 was about the US trying to take over canada, when in fact it was merely just one theater of a wider war for many other reasons/motives -- and us's goal was not to annex canada, but to the war started because of the british navy harrassing american merchant vessells and instigating native-american attacks on the u.s.

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The americans never won shit! The British signed a treaty and walked away with the second largest country(later called Canada) and the americans never gained anything substantial compared to how much land mass the British secured.

Can you honestly say that if the americans won the war of 1812 there would still be a Canada?


I suppose it's like hanging out at a house party-some american cat is in the kitchen entertaining and getting is game on and some English dude walks in and starts bugging him. The american calls his buddies and the brit calls his chaps for a duel in the kitchen. After some smashing heads both parties decide to quit, the brits say we'll stop fighting and we'll head out to the 25 acre yard, you americans can have the kitchen. The americans agreed. Later the band showed and set-up in the yard and the americans weren't invited because they agreed on the kitchen. After a long bender the brits decided to build a huge party house(we'll name it Canada) on the land and were nice enough to keep supplying americans with beer in the kitchen.

Moral of the story, american beer sucks.

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The americans never won shit! The British signed a treaty and walked away with the second largest country(later called Canada) and the americans never gained anything substantial compared to how much land mass the British secured.

Can you honestly say that if the americans won the war of 1812 there would still be a Canada?


I suppose it's like hanging out at a house party-some american cat is in the kitchen entertaining and getting is game on and some English dude walks in and starts bugging him. The american calls his buddies and the brit calls his chaps for a duel in the kitchen. After some smashing heads both parties decide to quit, the brits say we'll stop fighting and we'll head out to the 25 acre yard, you americans can have the kitchen. The americans agreed. Later the band showed and set-up in the yard and the americans weren't invited because they agreed on the kitchen. After a long bender the brits decided to build a huge party house(we'll name it Canada) on the land and were nice enough to keep supplying americans with beer in the kitchen.

Moral of the story, american beer sucks.


wow, this shit is real serious to you. where in any text did it say america's primary reason for 1812 was to conquer canada? did you read the motive for what started it? initially there was no plan to invade canada. it was to stop british harrassment of u.s. merchant vessells and their support for native american attacks on the u.s. that made the u.s. go to war with britain again. that's pretty stupid that you consider it a win just because canada is bigger in land than the u.s.... there were no other nations colonizing up north, so britain was pretty free to expand. duh. your "kitchen" to "25 acre" comparison is an obvious exaggeration. the u.s. is the third largest country. you act like the u.s. is incredibly smaller than canada. canada is 3,854,085 square miles, and the US is 3,718,695 square miles. a standard kitchen isn't even a 1/20th the size of an acre. get real.


as far as american beer yeah some does suck, however i never tasted anything good from canada honestly.

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