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Genome's Guide To Getting Away With It


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this reminds me of when i first got caught with paint, before i started writing. (got put in cuffs, cop pulls a can from my pocket) turn out some dick said i was getting up with a yellow bomb, with a green can of paint. b/s. th dude never said he was a cop, i almost ran. guy just comes up from behind me, grabs my neck, and puts me to the wall and tells me to stand still. wtf.


and my friend was skating and ran when the cops came and got the fuck beaten out of him. bruised ribs, scratched belly/chest, swollen face. he got fucked up. he ended up getting the fine cut in half cuz the cop beat the fuck out of him. fuck that. if that shit happens to me, im going to the press with that shit until i get paid. hell yeah!


also, run from heroes, not the police.

and say your hitting up a highway, or something public. not a school, and a heroe tries to physically restrain you. can you legally hit them or something? or the whole yelling "let the fuck go of my(dick/tits)and then run like hell letting the hero look like a sexual predator.:lol:

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I think it goes something like, "Oh hey, this car was possibly used in a theft...we're gonna search for stolen items"


6 minutes later...


"What are these spraycans doing in here? Ahh, not a stolen object, no good to us"



They have to state what they are searching for, they cant be looking for apples, find bananaas, and try and charge you for bananaas........nope.


I got searched for weapons but they found paint, and they still charged me having paint, cuz i was a minor

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I got searched for weapons but they found paint, and they still charged me having paint, cuz i was a minor


Thats entirely different. You arent supposed to have paint in the first place. They had every right to take you down for it. If you were over 18 it would be a different story.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 2 months later...
I think it goes something like, "Oh hey, this car was possibly used in a theft...we're gonna search for stolen items"


6 minutes later...


"What are these spraycans doing in here? Ahh, not a stolen object, no good to us"



They have to state what they are searching for, they cant be looking for apples, find bananaas, and try and charge you for bananaas........nope.



Completley untrue, if a cop performs a legal search and finds evidence of any crime they have the right to, and will charge you with it. Just having spraypaint is not a crime if you are of legal age. They still have to prove you commited a crime.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i've been told that if a cop pulls up on you and starts hitting you with false accusations and you start stating that you do not consent to searches and that you feel that you are being profiled for being a minor, asking for his badge number to report the incident instantly simmers them down. has anyone heard of or had any success with this tactic?

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As im sure most people said in the thread, this is a VERY GOOD thread, the first 2pages or so is pure good shit for the newer generations that dont know shit. only if i knew about these things when i was starting off. hope all the new comers take this real seriously, or they'll be on a big short roller coaster to arrest n all that shit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


You completely skipped the posts about why its a bad idea, didn't you? Toy.


But yeah, spectacular thread, very helpful. There needs to be more information about what you should do if you do so happen to run, though. Do you keep running straight? Take every turn possible? Hide? Keep going? Things like that would be great to discuss.

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i realize its not the smartest to take a camera when painting, but some cameras/phones record video; is it legal for the cops to tell you to stop recording the detaining etc...

because sometimes there are no witnesses around..


a worthwhile idea is to start recording a video on your phone and just leave it in your pocket so it records the whole audio conversation you have with the police.

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You completely skipped the posts about why its a bad idea, didn't you? Toy.


But yeah, spectacular thread, very helpful. There needs to be more information about what you should do if you do so happen to run, though. Do you keep running straight? Take every turn possible? Hide? Keep going? Things like that would be great to discuss.


if a car is chasing you try to rely on your strengths




-can jump walls

-enter buildings



-can only drive on roads, foot paths or flat surfaces

-not nimble


see what im getting at? if there is a car behind you and you are already running turn and run the opposite way, past the car (within reason of course)

this causes two things

-car lights cant shine on you/sirens wont alert people to a crime in the area

-officer has to LEAVE THE CAR. most times they will not bother to reverse of pull a u-turn.


in a chase you want to take away all the advantages the cop has over you being; cars and fitness.



dont be afraid to hide. if you find a good spot and haven't already dumped incriminating tools do so. maybe change up your clothes a bit. take off your hat or jumper or whatever. compose yourself and try not to look sweaty or out of breath. this way you look like a different person.


dont turn every corner you can for the sake of it. play to your strengths. if you wana hide have a damn good spot.


also if you have a phone on you and are starting to feel like james fucking bond call 911 or 000 or 999 or whatever and say something (more serious than a graffiti misdemeanour) is going down a few streets away. naturally the emergency services will send the closest available vehicle and maybe you'll get lucky and the cop will decide he'd rather deal with something more important than some kid who may or may not have been doing graffiti.

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in all my incounters with the law. this is what happens.

1.) the cop searches me no matter what

2.) I am never read my rights

3.) The police report is never the actual truth

and in the end its my word against Officer Hero and his sworn testimony of lies in court.


So my advise is either RUN if you have atleast a 50% chance of making it. Or. play ball and hope u have nothing incriminating on you. NEVER BRING A CAMERA as its probably been said many times before.

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I think it goes something like, "Oh hey, this car was possibly used in a theft...we're gonna search for stolen items"


6 minutes later...


"What are these spraycans doing in here? Ahh, not a stolen object, no good to us"



They have to state what they are searching for, they cant be looking for apples, find bananaas, and try and charge you for bananaas........nope.


not true. There have even been cases in the Supreme Court that an officer ILLEGALLY searched a car but found illegal weapons. The Supreme court ruled and the charges stuck. Even though the man had his rights shit on.

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Las Vegas Police will go out of their way to pin ANY charge they think will stick in court, just so the D.A. gets a conviction, getting arrested for doing one tag will probably get you atleast 10 charges for that SINGLE! piece of graffiti...


1. Malicious Destruction

2. Criminal Mischief

3. Trespassing

4. Placing Graffiti

5-9.Posession of Graffiti Implements(each marker/cap/scribe/can is a different charge)

10.Conspiracy to place graffiti...


All those charges will pump up your bail quick! While your in jail the D.A. will most likely get Gang Unit/ Vandal Squad to investigate you...if your a big time vandal they'll get warrants for your home (if posted bail they'll get grand jury inditements build a bigger case and put you back in jail)....


So you wait for a trial(in jail), meanwhile you'll be dishin out thousands for attorneys, even after you cop a plea its still automatic jail time(maybe prison)... If you're lucky they let you run your time concurrent and MAYBE cut your jail time in half for not bein an asshole...


So after everythings settled

you'll have a 20pg. Criminal record, you owe attorney fees, No one will hire you, then the judge decides to send u a bill for restituion you can't pay it cuz ur broke so you get sent go back to jail! YAAAY!


GRAFFITI Is all worth it? YES.... YES IT IS! FUCK THE POLICE!! /no rebel-activist

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thirdly, don't bring a weapon with you - this is common sense, but I've seen people bring a knife or gun with them anyways. This is just fucking stupid

unfortunately for some of us who happen to live in bad neighborhoods it isnt smart NOT to have some kind of weapon.unless you want to be robbed or jumped

Finally, do bring a business card for a lawyer you know, and preferably one associated with the local branch of the ACLU - if you do have a chance to fight back after being arrested, it will probably be because of a breach of your civil liberties and rights. Don't trust a court appointed lawyer who doesn't give a shit about you case - keep your own army of assholes in your back pocket.

not everyone can afford a good lawyer or one at all.like me.if you do end up getting a court appoiinted lawyer be ready to plea bargain regardless of whether you have a good case or not


Now, here's the most important advice in this whole essay: Put all this shit (except the lawyer's business card) in one bag, and don't keep any caps, pens, markers, cans, masks, gloves, or other supplies in your pockets. Your person is at risk of being legally searched, but with appropriate responses to police inquiry, your bag is not.

completely agree with you


Also, if you think the cops that just drove by saw you, MOVE. Sure, you're probably caught, but at least you won't be caught trespassing on private property when they swing back around. It gives them less right to search you, and gives you more chances to say that you haven't done anything wrong. And don't run from pursuing police unless you really, REALLY think you can make it. If they catch you when you ran, you've just entered a whole new world of ugly. I remember one time I shouldn't have ran and did - I got to spend an hour laying on the opposite side of a bridge pylon in a river in late September waiting for the cops to give up looking for me on the shore, and got to have a nasty cold for a week afterwards. If you run, you get wet, dirty, bloody, hurt, and still probably caught. And when you get caught they have something on you. If you don't run, you're able to weasel your way out of many nasty police encounters. Weigh the costs and benefits carefully.

i think in this situation the best thing to do is run BEFORE he swings around.becuase if he swings around chances are he saw you painting.and that means he's probably not gonna be easily persuaded to let you go.or at all.


If he asks if you are carrying a weapon, or drugs, or "anything I need to know about," tell him no, in as straight-forward a way as you can - "No, officer" works pretty well. If he mentions graffiti, do not use any jargon or lingo that could raise his suspicions. If the police officer continues to question you, or asks to search you or your bag, remember the following phrase - "Am I being placed under arrest?" This is your safety question - if you are not being placed under arrest, you have the right to refuse any searches besides body frisks for the express purpose of finding concealed weapons and identifiable contraband. If the officer states that you are not being arrested (he'll probably add the phrase "at this time" on the end) state that you "do not consent to any searches." It helps to have witnesses when you say this, because uttering this phrase can save your ass in court. If he still insists on searching you, let him - he has the right. If he insists on searching your bag, refuse, stating again that you do not consent to a search of your property. However, do not physically prevent him from taking, opening, or searching your bag. If he does, he just got you off scott-free. And if you try to physically prevent him, you just entered a world of hurt. At this time, remember the following phrase - "Are you placing me under arrest at this time, or am I free to go?" Again, magical words that put a stop, legally, to most police encounters.

ive never.NEVER had that work ever.ive tried to say no sir you cant search my bag and all i got was "fuck you punk im doing it anyways" chances are he's gonna fuck your rights unless of course someone has a camera or theres alot of witnesses and he still might not give a fuck.


Something went wrong, and you just got arrested. Step one - shut the fuck up. Seriously. Don't say a word beyond identifying yourself and your home address. Demand to see your lawyer, the ACLU motherfucker with rabies and a hatred of "The Man," that you have a card for right now in your back pocket if you've listened to me at all. State that you will not answer any questions without your lawyer present.


It's time for me to let you in on one of the deep, dark, dirty cop secrets you don't see on Law and Order. The cops don't have to get you a lawyer at this point in many places. And you might not get your one free phone call. What they will do is say "Sure, that's a fine choice, probably best, waiting for your lawyer, we'll leave you alone." Then they will, for a while. And then five hours later they will show up, sans lawyer, and ask if you are ready to talk. Typically idiots will eventually decide with this method that they aren't getting a lawyer no matter what, and will start to talk. DON'T. We all know cops are often lousy and crooked, but don't let them get you talking. And if they promise you leniency for a confession, and you DO want to fess up, get it in writing, or they aren't obligated to give you shit. And they won't. Cops are fuckers.

any deals you want to make will have to be made with the prosecutor,not the cops.the cops just bring you in all the legal shit goes down in court.and that thing about spending 5 or 6 hours in the interogation room.completely true.happened to me.


If you have any questions about specific laws in the United States, feel free to message me or post here. I'm not living in the States any more, but I can probably direct you to someplace or someone who has the answers you need.

all in all very helpful but unfortunately for some of us the courts and law enforcement doesnt treat us the same.minorities and the poor got it bad like that.and unfortunately im dirt poor.

-Genome out.[/u]


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in all my incounters with the law. this is what happens.

1.) the cop searches me no matter what

2.) I am never read my rights

3.) The police report is never the actual truth

and in the end its my word against Officer Hero and his sworn testimony of lies in court.



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