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i remember that babyrock emay and kadism right before the 2nd street tunnel on the el , babyrock had that spot twice with kad (the second time they did huge cursive letters and it looked like it said kool babyrock but it really said kad babyrock , if anyone has that picture post it please i havent seen it in a long time)and they definitely went over people ....kair went over car rh ( who are undisputed kings) and mad other peoples old fill ins when he killed(AND KINGED) the north side of the el roofs. before the buff mad people went over other people .... i remember seeing rakan and caem go over a kad and rabe roof on the el ... it is what it is , if you kill shit eventually you are gonna hurt someones feelings . skrew KILLED the r-lines . PERIOD. talking about it on here is just giving him more rep.

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Most of you need to slow it down. Skrew has never gone over any "real" Philly history because the R-lines were all buffed by Amtrak and Septa in 2000 leading up to the Republican National Convention. If you were writing back then you may remember everyone bitching about all of the history being erased. You can't go over something twice. I shouldn't have to explain why that just doesn't make sense. Rip peace to Ideo and Baelo, but Skrew has never gone over either of these guys after they died, so slow it down there too. The spot you're showing as evidence was over other "out-of-towners". I know this because I was both one of the writers he went over as well as being there when he did this spot. And if you go back in your graffiti time machine you'll know that this wall was first pieced by Syphi, Kunt, Rime and Kemos in 96 or 97. All from NJ. As for this whole out- of- towner bullshit, seriously, go fuck yourself. It's 2012 and a big world. Go out and see some of it. Your views are more narrow than a junky working K & A. The whole point of graffiti is to get up, bigger and better than the rest. Don't be salty you're having trouble. Just work harder, it'll be okay. I wasn't born in Philly, either was Cool Earl, MB, Babyrock, Spel, Curve and grip of other writers who are all Philly legends. So what? (And yeah, Curve is that dope.)






You're missing the point entirely.

Nobody's mad at Skrew or any other out of towner for moving to and getting up in Philly.

The point is him coming and just blasting over everybody.

It's fucking Philly for fucks sake, the buff provides enough blank walls that you don't have to do that shit.

Nobody in Philly gives a fuck what the rules are in LA, or Denver, or bumblefuck Montana, when you come to Philly respect the city that you're in.

And no not everything on the R-lines got buffed during the Republican convention.

Last I checked there's still shit riding from the 80's and early 90's.

But that's beside the point.

Are you saying that everything done after the 2000 republican convention is irrelevant?

Even the oldheads who are still active?

Apparently this guy Bard has something to say about that. As do IXU and TNT.

And it's a fucking disgrace that it took this long for anybody else to retaliate.


As for that spot in the pic, it was DEFINITELY over Philly writers.

And yes he fucking did go over Baelo and Ideo, and he got called out for it either on here or on SW when the pick originally got posted like 3 or so years ago..

I'm sure others remember this, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sift through 3 or so years worth of posts on two websites tying to find it.


Another point I'd like to make that I was just reminded of while searching Flickr for the pic of the spot where dude went over Ideo and Baelo,

is that people like Cense most DEFINITELY was not doing this type of shit before his buddy Skrew came to town.

He was way more respectful of the locals from what I remember.



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i wonder if anyone in philly ever looks at the shit that other cities and countries are doing

- then you can really understand how wack and disgusting [CURRENT]philly graffiti is -

if philly started graffiti then it was stunted at birth because it never progressed past tagging

seriously you tag when your 13-14 and then you PROGRESS!!

and all that PHILLY IS A TAGGING TOWN shit is bullshit

tell mb dazzle aj pep ez car rh not pez prize clyde sub espo suroc dazer met delta braze kape booster kad prink sef new denske sew spel dan1 jesc pre share [outtatowner] credit blint dru parish lover [rip] etc etc etc that philly is a tagging town..you fuckin retards

your just salty and jealous that skrew got style and boner got ill throwups and all you can BARELY do is a shitty black tag and 80% of you cant even get them right

your shits weak son MAD WEAK

war3 out

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I'm from Philly I don't care about any graffiti anywhere but Philly and maybe NYC... Philly beat down holds check .. disrespect .....protect your neck.... otherwise save the rap ... graff meetings stopped all this sucker ass bullshit ... in philly if you want real rep .. it's all that .. tags, throws pieces, ups, style, and fight game, but if your too pussy to even come to a meeting and you hiding on Amtrak or in the house.. you will never be considered a king .. because you are a BITCH!!!!!! don't get it twisted ... If you think this applies to you.. it does.. if this irritates you may I suggest VAGASIL .. I hear it works well on dirty little pussies

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Do people really care that much about the R lines? I always looked at them as more practice type spots or something to do when your bored. Yea a lot of people see some of them but thats just how I always looked at them. So if you dont want skrew (or anyone else) going over you just write on the streets. Then if they do atleast you have a more legit reason to get mad

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