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bringinphillyback does have a point tho, i hate to say it but philly graff is really goin down hill, there is alot of people gettin respect to early and their heads are gettin bigger than barry bonds head, but i respect tober as a writer and a person cause i wrote with him for a while back when he was like 11-12, i know im gonna get some hate responses so lets hear it.

finally, someone who isnt afraid to admit that they see the light. i only diss people who deserve to be dissed. its mindblowing that so many of you support these weak writers. even more mindblowing is the fact that i KNOW more people agree with me but dont have the balls to admit it.

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to be honest, its not even the toys that piss me off. its the fact that i know there are some real writers in this thread alot of whom won't speak up about how they really feel about the current state of philly graff. shit, if it wasn't for some of the older cats who are still dabbling in it there wouldnt be much shit to look at out there. i also hate the fact that there's very little or no progression at all amongst the younger generation and i guess thats largely due to the fact that not enough of us have taken them under our wings and guided them. either way, shit is still raggedy. i mean, when are tober and gaylax gonna do SOMETHING DIFFERENT??? how bout learning how to piece, fellas??? if you don't know how, LEARN!! we got a ton of outta towners in this city now that are wreckin shit proper and that shit is embarassing. step ya game up.

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when are tober and gaylax gonna do SOMETHING DIFFERENT??? how bout learning how to piece[/color][/b], fellas??? if you don't know how, LEARN!! we got a ton of outta towners in this city now that are wreckin shit proper and that shit is embarassing. step ya game up.



How about you state your name so we can learn off your awesome style. ive seen galax n tober piece before. i got tober pieces on paper and pics of it on the walls. stop acting like some graffiti guru.


also, tober did more stuff when he was 11years old then you have done in your whole graffiti career "oldhead", in graff your more like tobers youngboul.:D

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finally, someone who isnt afraid to admit that they see the light. i only diss people who deserve to be dissed. its mindblowing that so many of you support these weak writers. even more mindblowing is the fact that i KNOW more people agree with me but dont have the balls to admit it.


no problem man, i hope to see a change too. :D

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Fuck bringingphillyback. Your words have no weight without identity. Sorry, but thats just the way it works in Graffitidom. You're just a squack box writing a small novel on 12 oz. And you're happy they got busted? Thats almost like snitching in that you trying to bring the next man down. Same hater ass mentality. So you're a sideways snitch, internet banger who is scared to reveal who he is. You is pussy and have lame, contrived opinions.

TOBER is the shit. SEZA kills. Keep your heads up, fellas.

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PHILLY GRAF ALL DAY !! and comebackkid naming out spots on the internet no wonder

all you toys get locked up

philly is a self cleaning oven i love it

yall too dumb you aint built for this shit ! none of you n.e. philly wananbe gangsters

you wont last 2 years in this shit let alone 20 years

i hope more of yall get the picture and quit , leave this shit alone

state police, angel ortiz,chuck ramsey are all comin for yall

they got cameras watching all of you -FUCKIN NERDS


ITS EMBARRASSING PERIOD thats why motherfuckers that get good like curve/esteme

fuckin leave as soon as they can lmao lmao

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Bringinback aren't u the same guy who was talkin shit to delt for him laughing at boner gettin locked up????hmmmm hipocrite...aren't u the same old head that gets mad when someone tags on his pieces then when u meet the dude who did it u act like a little bitch I think so stay in ur lane herb....

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PHILLY GRAF ALL DAY !! and comebackkid naming out spots on the internet no wonder


pshhh that shit isnt even in philly no one gives two fucks and you shouldnt either. It was a place i thought no one else knew about surprised the fuck out of me when i saw it, no one gives a shit its in the middle of no where. INTRNT IS SRS BZZNIZZ get a life :lol:

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