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Train Detection Systems


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Ah damn... Thats what I was afraid of... I was all happy and shit when I heard everyone saying bullshit then I see some reply about london...


Damn. Well I dont think theyre is anything like thet around here but maybe higher up around ny?


eh. oh well, thanks anyway.

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Nah. im pretty sure thats a load of crap. seriously, as someone said before, they have more important terrorism issues to worry about. And the time, labour, and amount of money put into this is absolutly useless. painters will still have markers, its not gonna stop anything.


And it wouldnt work. every rattle of a paint can is at a different frequency depending on how hard u shake it, how much paint is in it, what its in etc: this is totally impractical because the sensor may pick up a stone rattling in against someones keys or something similar. this MAY be the same frequency as the rattling ball in the paint can. which is entirely the point. its just too impractical

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i don't know if you're talking about commuter or freight trains, but depending on yard/layup, there may well be pressure/light/sound/movement detectors. they exist, and are used to protect trains. ask our friends in london, they'll tell you all about them


true, but they werent put there soley to catch writers.

like someone else said, terrorism. the LU had to deal with a big threat from the IRA in the 90's and 90's (did you know there are no rubbish bins anywhere on a LU station? so the IRA couldnt place a bomb in a bin) and then the 7/7 attacks not to long ago.

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  • 3 months later...

As an alarm tech I may have some insight


1. If you have enough money you can make/buy one, there are sensors

all ready in mass production that detect glass breaking that can tell if

the glass is tempered (breaks into small pieces) or plate glass. There is

no such sensor in mass production yet but It would be easy to make. Items

of this nature are all ready patented but not cost effective.




Check this one too for laughs:



2. More effective is a camera system that sounds an alarm when motion

is detected. You can program them to sense movement of a specific type

like people sized objects entering a yard perimeter. These cameras need little

or no light to work (much less than your eyes need).


3.Motion detectors (passive infra red sensors) are not effective

in outdoor settings due to false alarms and less coverage area. They work

by sensing heat from an object changing position. Outdoors settings have

too much movement of heat (birds, animals, bugs, warm garbage or leaves blowing)


The best way to defeat these systems is to learn how they work. You can google

motion detectors, DVR camera systems, and alarms to at least know what to look for.

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that must take a rediculous amount of money and a place that has been hit tons of times..... thats very xtreme. ive seen this choper that circles train yards everynight and day with night vision cameras, they bragged how they have already jailed two dudes given them 2 years in prison each.

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Cost for camera system with 16 cameras that detects motion and sounds alarm: less than $7000.

Cost of labor for installing such a system in a medium sized train yard: $5000

Getting a good chunk of that loot and knowing how to defeat that system: PRICELE$$

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yo spraying anti graffiti chemicals on taggers when anything becomes adjacent to the wall... what happens if some old ladys waiting for the bus and gets wet with that chemical sht, sht would be hilarious. but ya they also have motion sensors now in nyc tunnels, bring a bat and smash.

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Better way to beat motion detectors, cover them with aluminum foil and jet.

Smashing them will only bring heat (they send trouble signals) and will be repaired.

If you can cover it with aluminum the owner will never know its not working.

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they dont spend our tax money on that shit, do they? i listen to people bitch on radio,news,etc. about how the people spend there tax money cleaning up graffiti. most of that is a bunch of BS, cause i know most of the ''graffiti clean up'' cash from taxes goes to paint an abandon building that was already an ugly peice of shit standing for the pubic to see, but its not considerd ugly till it gets painted with graffiti? what about the fucking thousands of dollars poured into churches, and repainting ''demo'' buildings.

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god i hate living in this time era....

thanks alot ! 2789 ! its good to see people doing research instead of saying "smash them cameras good!" but yeah this shit is fucking ridiculous, even if its all bullshit it still sucks to hear rumors like this yea know? ive heard that overseas they also are making "paint filters" that sound and alarm when paint fumes hit the filters, sounds retarded but totally possible.....

its been a while since a revolution, hopefully we get one, for once...

(i usually dont make posts like this but my cable is out and im actually being forced to think today...)

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ok here in california we have whats called "tag sat" and it is a sensor thats put on all the graff hot spots. this sensor detects the whistle of a spray paint can and can filter out other noises because of the tone of a spraycan. when a sensor is set off then the police are notified and are on the scene within minutes. true story

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ok here in california we have whats called "tag sat" and it is a sensor thats put on all the graff hot spots. this sensor detects the whistle of a spray paint can and can filter out other noises because of the tone of a spraycan. when a sensor is set off then the police are notified and are on the scene within minutes. true story



bullshit 600ers sound fully diff and almost silent to 400mls, also what if there was noise in the yard which threr usually is ALSO spray paint noise is so low it cant really be heard after about 10 meteres

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