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its thursday


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S.H.I.T. = Sure Happy It's Thursday


Fuck, this week is dragging by. Only one more day untill I'm drinking brews and spitting game on drunk sluts at my boys Halloween Kegger. The only problem is I still have no costume or any ideas for one.

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I should be working... and not on 12oz or AIM... makes my day longer later on when i figure i should have gotten more done. Then i jus tgo into a rush...


We did get new gear in for the mailorder, which means new shirts for me... thats bout as good as the days gotten so far.


that and i saw a pretty dope post on myspace referring to me.:p

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Yeah its Thursday and I haven't done shit. I should go turn in my timesheet so I can get paid on time. I was up all night unable to sleep and totally didn't hear my alarm clock or something. I think some people are moving into the house next door. They have a doberman pinscher and look really shady.

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