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I almost got killed getting some of these flicks!


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god damn man, i was benching and saw no freights a comin, so i left. as i went over the bridge, out of nowhere comes a Tropicana freight and so i was like "oh god! gotta go!" so i chase it down the road to my other benching spot, i had to cut in from of this suv, and i was able to make the red light just in time that empties out onto the highway. I felt like a total asshole because i basically cut in fronn of them only to wait like everyone else. i then notice that i am actualy out in the line of oncoming traffic like a fucking idiot and this pickup truck is barrelling down and i am in the way about to get broad-sided. so i try to ease back and as i am i hear this "honnnnnnnnnnk honnnnnk!!!!" i look behind me and i have no room to back up because the suv is right behind me. Fortunately i made it safely, but not without feeling like a total douche bag. so enjoy! By the way, check out my archive at http://www.flickr.com/photos/fortheloveoffreights/ because there is so much more there and its updated often! peace...:)

please save your applause until the end










in the midnite hour, she cried mo, mo, mo...

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