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"Let it be known that graffiti is not the action of antisocials, anarchists or hate-bringers. Graffiti is the art of the streets."




Dude, are you aware that 99% of the people that are into graffiti fall into these three categories?


Quit trying to elevate graffiti into this noble element capable of changing the world. We're writing on people's stuff that doesn't belong to us. Some of us are just better than others.


Try explaining that to joe lunch box who'd van got tagged on that it's not vandalism and rather it's "A cry of expression birthed from the flower of the urban ghetto prophet." You'll likely get your face beaten in.


Graffiti is dirty, fun, destructive, satisfying as a cold beer and gets me laid sometimes....that's all it means to the Lens.


"The aesthetic beauty lies in both the style the word is written in, as well as the sound of the word. The full impact can be felt when you look at a well-styled tag or other piece of graffiti, and then utter blah blah blah blah blah....."


geezis.......shut up hippie




Lens just shut down every hip hop prophet who thinks graffiti is sum deep expression of who u are.


Graff is getting up it isnt poetic justice

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Graff just stooped a brand new low than I could not have ever expected. Its typical for "hip-hop heads" to think like this these days. Sometimes I wonder what the Underground Hip-Hop culture , and the mainstream commercial hip-hop have in difference. You peeps are representing what this very culture is suppose to fight.


But then again, people have their own reasons for doing graff. Maybe its just a bomber mentality that have taken the majority in this thread/forum. Anyways, it might not be in some peoples eyes, but graff shouldn't have to be so negative. Keep doin' what you do NOVA, not everybody has to see it your way. Peace.

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You peeps are representing what this very culture is suppose to fight.



so we're supposed to fight against good times and pussy?


Sorry, i don't know what dotted line YOU signed but I got into graffiti to get AWAY from all that idealistic BS. Get up your "Free Mumia" tags on someone elses time, not mine.

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Oh, and how could I forget


"... most graffiti artists, when caught, will simply admit to what they've done, or make little effort to escape (unless they think they're invincible... but that's a whole different type of graffer)."



Are you fucking serious? Admit guilt?


Won't run?




This shit is ridiculous

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  • 2 weeks later...

youre a turd,

you are fucking trying to win the affection of a bunch of assholes who hate graff, what for? fuck 'em. you are expressing your own narrow minded opinion, and you wrote it as if you speak for all writers. fuck you. taking pride in what you do is way different from kissing ass to a bunch of people who hate graffiti.


oh yeah, someone should ban him for indirectly dissing 12oz. "Not all writers are like the idiots you find on some generic graff forum."

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I dont think we need to explain our selves to these anti graffiti soccer mom type people. its not like we do it on there garage doors, these moms see a stupid fuck you scribble on a playground bench and figure it means a gang, the talaban, hippies and junkies have just moved into there community. Graffiti is self expression NOT poetry it is not ment for all these hip hop shirt wearin thugs who think there down because they no tupacs other name is makaveli. this shits reduntant i swear it never seeces to amaze me.

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