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something to bitch about

Kelly LeBrock

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haha, i thought the same damn thing. and those shits arent even hoppers there like some weird hybrid between a hopper and a coal car, shit is strange, and where are the markings?


bottom line is wherever this is, i hope they stay there, cause i would be pissed if i sat at the bench and thats all that rolled by.


a coal car is a hopper.


some of those were pretty cool. some not. oh well.

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ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


optimus primer the transformers hybrid, i didnt really see any real questions, just a bunch of stupid ass statements by a bunch of stupid ass americans who have fooled themselves into believing that america is the only country in the world that is developed enough to have trains and aerosol paints. however, congratulations on proving the thread title right. now pull your head out of your collective asses while i decipher your ELITIST questions.

where? not america

markings? who cares?

boxcars? this is pretty much all that lays up in the yard in my town, except for a couple of others which are just variables on the same thing.

i dont spend every day on the net so this is the first time i have been back, and the time difference means that when you get this ill be out painting or sleeping.

incidently i agree that much of the graffiti i posted is shit, but you cats are basically writing it all off because you dont recognise any of the writers, fuckin douchebag americans............. and what the fuck does the style of car matter???? are you trainspotting nerds or writers? seems that most of the replies are hating on the cars, we dont make em, we just paint em. BIATCHES!!!!

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