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do you wear a respirator

HK Army

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I was thinking about getting a respirator after reading the spray safe sticky. I was gonna get this one at sears this weekend for 25$ http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&pid=00982954000&cat=Power+Tool+Accessories&subcat=Tool+Safety&vertical=TOOL&ihtoken=1


It seems fine for me since im just gonna bomb with it. Does anyone have this mask?

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yea thats the one, ive got the money right now, for that and some 1$ black paint because im still a toy sketchin my block letters. Im not gonna go tag yet, but when I do I want all the stuff I need so yea, you guys think its a good deal?

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yo i wear resperators for legals or if im inside a proper inclosed area or using this stuff called 'monster' paint which we get in england, its basically powder in a can.....


got my 3M one off u know where.....


ebay! it only cost £10 with 4 filters, brand new sealed. i almost bought the exactsame one for £35 the day b4....

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Them paper masks are shit for anything cos a) they don't filter the fumes which is what kills you and b) actually can trap the paint globs in the mask and so you end up inhaling more of the fumes.


For bombing you probably won't need a respirator but a wet cloth or something wet to put over your mouth and nose will absorb some of the fumes into the fabric, which helps a little.

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not to be a dick, but ive read so many posts on this thread that dont mean anything.

if your out bombin you dont need a respirator.

honestly, i dont care wat your doing, as long as your not in a sealed room, you dont need a respirator.


Its simple wen i go out.

my fitted comes down to my eyebrows, my flag comes outta the cell fone pocket on my dickies, gets unfolded and tied on the grill, bank robbin ass toughguy cowboy style.




Quote of the day: 'respirators are for legal wall clowns who love to get their wallet bootyfucked by people like montana'



rack, then wreck.

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  • 3 weeks later...

not to be a dick, but ive read so many posts on this thread that dont mean anything.

if your out bombin you dont need a respirator.

honestly, i dont care wat your doing, as long as your not in a sealed room, you dont need a respirator.


Its simple wen i go out.

my fitted comes down to my eyebrows, my flag comes outta the cell fone pocket on my dickies, gets unfolded and tied on the grill, bank robbin ass toughguy cowboy style.




Quote of the day: 'respirators are for legal wall clowns who love to get their wallet bootyfucked by people like montana'



rack, then wreck.


i tottaly agree but

if your doin a rooftop (fellin/peice) then you should cause, that paint does catch up to you.

i sometimes twich for no reason:o just lookin out for you guys:D

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Hitup Home Depot, all the local ones out here got 3m respirators for 30 bills. Comes with a set of cartridges for the mask, and a set of extra filters. Good deal. Respirators serve two purposes, one the obvious, two it serves as a good way to mask your face from the eye in the sky etc. Go out for the gusto and keep it raw!


I say you use one when you can, if you are wearing one, don't wear one around people... if you are out in the middle of east bumfuck, rock it, especially around cameras. A lot of the cheepos and five fingers will be up in your grille in a low tunnel or highway area... I know out here it don't cirulate too well out on the highways, especially if you got two of your crew next to you and it's windy that night. Just use your brain.

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i use that AO safty quicklatch its great for when your out with a buddy next to you or even just solo under neath a bridge where fumes just sit...altho i ripped of the front grill looking thing one time when i had to make a run from a cop, so if you know where i can pick up a part for it that would be great, it still works like a dream but im wrorried the seal will give after not being covered up.

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i doubt that snoe kid bombs. who the fuck walks around downtown with a bandana on their face. unless your idea of bombing is some creek or some shit. that just grabs attention.


also, years and years of inhaling this shit does get to you. it doesnt matter if you're in an enclosed room or not. you're fucking retarded.

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For bombing you probably won't need a respirator but a wet cloth or something wet to put over your mouth and nose will absorb some of the fumes into the fabric, which helps a little.


your taking the piss , right?:rolleyes:

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Guest qwerty

You guys arent very bright are you?


Bandannas dont do anything to block out the harmful chemicals, neither do those little surgeon masks.

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