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hit and run pussy ass mother fjk98(**)&(&*

Paris Filtin

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That was the entire story...me and Paris used to work together at a messenger company...I was one of the helper monkeys, and she was the HNIC (Head Nigga In Charge, aka the dispatcher, aka dickscratcher)...and, well, you know. We're both pretty stubborn, so sometimes we'd go nuts dealing with the BS and forget that it wasn't personal, it was business...somehow, we managed to get everything done and not kill each other in the process, so I would consider that a measure of success...


But, it was fun, at the same time. I think we had fun...I DEFINITELY had a good time making certain people think, "You mean I have to get HIM to cooperate with me? He's insane! They don't fucking pay me enough money to work with freaks like that...what did I do wrong to deserve this? No wonder I spend all my money getting wasted after work, it helps me forget....etc., etc..." I'm almost positive I made a dispatcher or two cry at one point.

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I used to have a "special" water bottle that I kept filled with piss and bleach for the haters...yep, nothing like a little shot of Shai's Secret Homebrew to let some yuppie know that yeah, you fucked up...ha ha.


One time, I got cut off by a prick in a brand new Mercedes...too bad for him I didn't go down, since I had just purchased a 32 oz. Coke and managed to not spill it...and, because I am a caring, sharing individual, I realized his bad driving might be due to dehydration, so I pulled up to him at the next red light, screamed, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!" and chucked the Big Gulp straight into his open window.


Man, I miss doing shit like that. It used to make my day when I could ruin someone else's day and get away with it. Now I just yell at crackheads who try to steal my lawn furniture and recycling bins...but, I have plans for them.

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Looks are decieving...I'm the sweetest guy you'd ever want to meet. Honest...a few people here know me in person, they can attest to this. I really don't have a mean bone in my body, but there's plenty of mischevious ones in there.


I never punch first. It's one of my cardinal rules. Actually, I try not to punch at all...there's more creative ways of getting even.

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Yeah, I don't mean you're scary lookin like you could kick my ass. You look like the kind of dude who'd tie muthafuckas up in his basement on some "IT PUTS THE LOTION ON ITS SKIN" type shit


That's funny, a friend of mine had a "who can look/be weirder?" contest a few summers ago...and the Buffalo Bill thing played heavily into that. Not fucked-up weird...just, having a good time being weird , and laughing at folks who couldn't hang. I think it was a draw- I was a lot weirder looking, but my friend has really bad ADHD, to the point where you hang out with him for five minutes and think, "What the HELL is wrong with this guy?" I'm sure we made some great first impressions.

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you know what was funny?



that one video of those kids driving around buckin' at people with a paintball gun


that was hilarious






























though if they did that to me id start blapping at them with the glockmatic

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People just think it's funny. They honestly beleive that because they're in a car and you're on a bike that they're somehow superior. All that changes with a bike-lock to the windshield accompanied by a beastly roar. Then they usually speed the fuck off pissing their pants.

True story.

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