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I don't really like to have a conversation preceded by "What do you write." I remember, I used to have the knee-jerk reaction to tell every other writer what I was putting up as soon as I met them. Like, "You see me?" But now, being older, and more dignified, I think it's lame.


First off, Graffiti writers are too egotistical, cliquey, and obsessesive. Usually when I was introduced as "So and so" or introduced myself as "The one, the only, the magnificent, So and so" I'd either get people who wanted to talk about what I was doing - bores galore, snub me, or get all shy.


Sometimes I don't want to talk about graffiti. And almost all the time, I don't want to talk about any graffiti that I'm up to, unless I'm regaling my friends about a gone-wrong escapade, or searching for an ego-boost.


Let's talk about graffiti. When I meet other writers I want to have philosophical conversations about "graffiti" or "graffiti today," or exchange stories. I don't want to get up there like a runway model, or sit there like a critic. Just like when I talk about the problems in the world I don't want to tell people, "You're contributing to America's obesity disorder." Leave all that alone.


This is probably the wrong place to be posting this crap; most of Third Rail is "What's the Best Crew Name?" and the like, but anyhow, please share your thoughts, and agree with me.

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Let's talk about graffiti. When I meet other writers I want to have philosophical conversations about "graffiti" or "graffiti today," or exchange stories.


i can dig this angle.


i think writers could be on some real take over shit if we were more organized. seems though, a good lot of us dont have attention spans long enough to get past the next keg or piece of poon. there is a serious breakdown concerning newer generations of writers too. back in the old NY days it was based on a mentor system. it wasnt something where you could just jump on the computer and ask "i cant think of a new tagger name, can you give me some tips please?" if the newer kids dont have the foundations of writing under them theyre not going to last. and if the newer generations dont last, who will be there to show the next generations to come.


i think theyre will always be something going on graffiti wise wether its just people scribbling with rocks or oilbars or something but in my opinion, graffiti writers are going to be very easy to divide and conquer when shit hits the fan.


i'll stop here.

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A large majority of writers are complete idiots, I try to have those conversations with others but it always turns into "Yo you see that piece I put up on the rooftop?" or "Yo ima change my name to Solid" (So many people don't realize that there are tons of writers out there and names like Solid and Fury are already taken a thousand times over)


But back to my initial statement, is it me or are most writers just idiots and egotistical as Hardy said. I would go deeper but I know someone is gonna point out that I'm prolly one of those idiots, I usally hate posting on here now cuz of that. My search goes on for a sign of intelligence amongst the masses.

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I cringe when people ask "yo, what do you write?"


I always shy away from the question. To me it's BAD ettiquite to ask something like that.




nah see that the point its a dickhead question, ment to take the person off guard


"what you write"

if the person is nervouse or toy or young they'll tell you and then if your real dick you then say "never heard of you"


if not they'll respond "nah what you write"


then it goes on to "who you down with" ect ect


I know people that would randomly ask people walking down the street "what you write" a just to give shit and honestly its pretty funny

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