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Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam with Creed on top


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Guest nutsonmychin!

Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


is there even a question?














dumb thread.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


No chance in hell...Kurt seemed to hate fame, almost as much as life.


That broke my heart, when he killed himself. What a waste...


They probably would have broken up, but Kurt had a lot of good music ahead of him.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


Kurt did hate fame but he susposedly wrote in his "supposes" "suicide note" that he was done with music and he didnt have anything left to give. He probably would have gone through the whole finding jesus thing and recovered and we'd have another Axl Rose.. Its like he was meant to be a martyr. Its sad because hes my idol and i have posters everywhere on my walls.

RIP Kurt, RIP Hendrix, RIP John Lennon

Never Forgotten...

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


I listen to mostly older shit.. The punk scene now isnt even punk and the rock shit is alll fagy Emo shit. I like OLD AFI 1st two albums. There new one is GAY. I like zeppelin, Trivium(only new band that i listen to often),Minor Threat, Mettalica, Pink Floyd.. soo many bands... i cant name them all. But Nirvana's my favorite because i can connect with it and feel the power and emotion im feeling through his lyrics and guitar.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


I listen to mostly older shit.. The punk scene now isnt even punk and the rock shit is alll fagy Emo shit. I like OLD AFI 1st two albums. There new one is GAY. I like zeppelin' date=' Trivium(only new band that i listen to often),Minor Threat, Mettalica, Pink Floyd.. soo many bands... i cant name them all. But Nirvana's my favorite because i can connect with it and feel the power and emotion im feeling through his lyrics and guitar.[/quote']


I know dood, what a bunch'a fucking HOMOS.


Face it, you shut off all the lights and listen to AFI... just so you don't have to kick anyone's faggot ass for seeing you vulnerable.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


There music was retarted lyric was but at least i could mosh to it and fuck around. Now its like I WANNA DIE PLEASE LET ME DIE...now layer it and add synthisizer until it sounds "unique". I think they tried to hard to do what Green Day did with American Idiot and branch off and try something new for a change.. Two bad Sing The Sorrow was there American Idiot and DECEMBERUNDERGROUND is there part II.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


Okay, I had a pretty hard time understand that post, but I'm going to do my best regardless...


Your focus on the so-called mosh is more or less everything that's wrong with hardcore. It was never, at any point about being violent- did that come off in the expression involved in the music? Yes... but anyone who is solely interested in the aspect of beating people up with music as the background music needs to find something else to do. Maybe grab a football and roll around with your gym buddies at the local park, I don't know.


In addition, I'm not too sure how you could consider punk rock 'emo'? Are you going on the premise that a band refers to themself as such?... Although this tends to happen, it's extremely easy to see through. Punk rock is punk rock, I can refer to anything I listen to as such, but it doesn't make it a true statement. But hey, maybe this confusion will keep you away from shows.

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


Okay, I had a pretty hard time understand that post, but I'm going to do my best regardless...


Your focus on the so-called mosh is more or less everything that's wrong with hardcore. It was never, at any point about being violent- did that come off in the expression involved in the music? Yes... but anyone who is solely interested in the aspect of beating people up with music as the background music needs to find something else to do. Maybe grab a football and roll around with your gym buddies at the local park, I don't know.


In addition, I'm not too sure how you could consider punk rock 'emo'? Are you going on the premise that a band refers to themself as such?... Although this tends to happen, it's extremely easy to see through. Punk rock is punk rock, I can refer to anything I listen to as such, but it doesn't make it a true statement. But hey, maybe this confusion will keep you away from shows.

nah i dont mosh to hurt people. I do it because its fucking fun.. it gets out all your aggretion and anger and everything. The whole point is to throw your self around and see what happens.

Im not hardcore. I hate the hardcore scene because the music is too violent. If ur in a good punk mosh ull be like picked up if u fall.. if ur in a hardcore pit...ull be stoped to death. Listen to OLDER AFI. Songs from ANSWER THAT AND STAY FASHIONALBE. Ull get what i mean. There music isnt angry. Its good natured punk not.. im gonna pop my mom cause she had sex with my friend bill!!!!

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Re: Nirvana Vs. Pearl Jam


When Nevermind and Ten came out, these were my two favorite bands. At the time, I liked Pearl Jam better. I would still take Ten over Nevermind, but I feel like Nirvana got better with every album from their first to their last, while Pearl Jam did the exact opposite. These days, I'll still put on Nirvana now and then (particularly their unplugged album), but I very rarely listen to Pearl Jam.


I will admit to being distraught over Kurt Cobain's suicide when it happened... I remember where I was when I heard about it, like your grandparents would say about JFK or the moon landing.

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