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I have heard that DeBeers diamonds own a huge portion of the diamond industry and are not very conscious about where and how they get their diamonds. After looking at their website they say they are making changes but who knows...

I'll try to find a good link

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turn the fear into anger. we can't let them do this to us.


I belive that America could overcome this if more people knew. But there's a large part of the population that is more concerned with Britney Spears, or who wins American Idol, than they are with what is happening to our nation.


I think that if more people knew/cared, they wouldn't be able to go through with this. But if you try telling people, they think your crazy. No matter what you show them, what you tell them they wount belive you......

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I belive that America could overcome this if more people knew. But there's a large part of the population that is more concerned with Britney Spears, or who wins American Idol, than they are with what is happening to our nation.


I think that if more people knew/cared, they wouldn't be able to go through with this. But if you try telling people, they think your crazy. No matter what you show them, what you tell them they wount belive you......




yeah, an aunt of mine claims that the internet is all made up. i even confronted her with "is espn.com fake? are they lying to me about scores? i swear i'll be pissed if they are!"


she still didn't get it.


and while i think some things like bohemian grove are a little far out for people to grasp, i still bring up mainstream shit like p2og, etc...and they still think i'm crazy. telling me that .mil is a fake website address. i explain to them that joe average can't get .mil, only u.s. military can..."no, you're wrong"

then i just give up and let them dream of o'reilly and his latest paris hilton no panties story.

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juan, no orbs please.


i can tell you one thing, and this is the best thing to look at, follow the money.

it keeps all the orb stuff, missing planes, etc. out of it.


and frankly, it does make you look like a nutjob.


now, don't get me wrong, i don't think you are a nutjob, but in the eyes of others, you are

when you post vids about no planes and orbs.


i watched the video, there are some odd things. i still remember watching that shit happen live on the news. i'm still wondering what is up with that protrusion on the bottom of the plane. von kleist got wrapped up in that, if i recall.


just follow what can be proven. the money changing hands, the people involved, the whole cheney in the bunker incident, etc.


all can be proven.

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i dont care if i look or dont look like a nutjob, i just want to inform of something that i found.


i show a video and yeah, is full of weird stuff but you dont see it?

what were you thinking when you saw it?

that you saw it when "it happened"....well those tape are when it happened, so take a look again because looking at something once wont do it sometimes.


still, thats not an excuse to say the planes are real.



and the orbs are there, and i didnt put them there.




also, what CAN be proven and that theres physical evidence for it, i dont say im against it, but the cheney stand down order can be proven by human testimony only, and thats not something concrete and strong like the evidence that can be seen infinite times. you will only waste your time.


and i repeat, they can make other incidents to black out other even bigger incidents.

so dont take all the info as truth.

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what did i think when i saw it? the video? angles, lens flares, dust particles, paranoia.


when i saw it happen live? i thought it was odd about the white jets circling, the helicopters, the death toll, the police state that would follow.


building 7.



as for the evidence trail: it's there, paper and vocal. sibel edmonds is a good source. especially after watching "kill the messenger". posted in the thread about her.

go watch it.

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Guest shai_hulud

Juan, this isn't the place to talk about WTC theories.


Now, if you have some evidence of collusion that ties some of the parties in this thread and how their involvement could have led up to the scenario you advocate...that's different.

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Guest shai_hulud

I didn't watch the clips because video streams don't work on this laptop.


I don't really have an opinion about 9-11 because I haven't seen anything that has made sense. I know what I saw on television and certain things I have read since the 9-11 report don't square with the official explanation, though.


I think if you look at the some of the events immediately prior to 9-11, it makes a lot of people look like they could have done it for a variety of reasons. However, as I have said before, I'm an empiricist. I believe what can be proven as fact through the scientific method and what I see in person with my own two eyes, or what history has borne out to be true from a variety of sources.


Unfortunately, video doesn't constitute hard evidence in my book. Theories prove nothing without some kind of solid evidence, and there's very little left of the WTC to examine to pursue the evidence I would need to be compelled to accept any theory.


Not to take a middle of the road approach, but nothing I have seen satisfies my need for a rational explanation to 9-11. And I don't expect anything ever will, either.

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Guest shai_hulud

I don't feel like I'm missing out by not being able to watch Youtube. I'm skeptical of Web 2.0, Juan. The phrase "user generated content" says a lot to me.


Just because someone on the internet says that it's true doesn't make me believe it. To be fair, it doesn't make me dismiss it, either.


As I said before, I'm pretty sure (wasn't there, you know) a pair of planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11. What interests me more is WHY a pair of planes crashed into the WTC on 9-11. That hasn't been adequately explained to me.


As other people have said to you before, you should be looking at the motives leading up to the events and less at the events that were set in motion by those motives.


Just my opinion.

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i get you, i understand your thinking, and it makes sense.


IF some other evidence doesnt cancel it out.


step by step.

the point to start in an investigation is always at the beginning.

if the start shows something, for example in this case, that the planes are computer generated animations added by the private owned media, the hijacking, the impact, the damage cannot take place.


that is what im trying to get.

i dont care about how neat other evidence look when is canceled out by a previous event that proves it impossible to happen in the first place.

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casek im definitely gonna check this out, i can't at the moment cuz i gotta run.


but already i can see my post sounding something like, "who is the history channel to admit anything?" last i checked the only person who could admit anything were those responsible for whatever they were admitting.


i haven't seen it yet though, so if what im saying is irrelevant to the video i apologize.


my post will be here soon.

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hey casek-


sorry man, i've really been trying to get open with these 'alternative explanations', but this one isn't the one for me for a number of reasons:


1. the name of the show is History Channel's Conspiracies. I used to watch that show History's Mysteries all the time when i was younger, it seems like that sorta show.


2. all of those people saying that 'it was an inside job,' NOT ONE of them were identified. are those cia people, fbi people, infowars people, or my personal favorite, 'free lance journalists.' with things as serious as terrorizing a population with anthrax in order to push them into war, i'm going to need serious documentation for an accusation that serious, you know? not some primetime sensationalism.


3. i think it was an american that did it. does that mean it was 'an inside job'? i don't think anyone (except for those in october/november 2001) has ever said it was 'al qaida'. seriously though, is there a bibliography for this show? or am i just taking this guys word for it.


4. i said it in the post above, but someone cannot admit that someone else did something. "The Guerilla News Network admits that the US trafficks Iranian children"


still though, i do think it was domestic terrorism. we got some groups in the states who stand to benefit by this, some of which surely have connects in the pentagon (okay this is really weird, but i was always freaked out sort of by ultra-libertarians [keeping investments in gold, living in the woods type crazy etc.], but theres a lot of them in here.. that's a different story though, and we probably won't hear about this story until after both of us are gone, or the revolutionary communist party (MLM) wins its long awaited protracted people's war. sorry for the rambles.

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you do realize that it was confirmed over and over to be the ames strain?







you want more?



btw: that show airs for the first time ever tonight on the british history channel.

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Sure, but it could still be domestic terrorism unrelated to an inside job.


you don't just wander in to DoD labs, mamerro. trust me.

you need very high clearance. and you certainly don't just wander

out with your vial.


it's also very, very hard to process without a very advanced lab setting.

not something you can do in your basement.

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Guest shai_hulud
you don't just wander in to DoD labs, mamerro. trust me.

you need very high clearance. and you certainly don't just wander

out with your vial.


it's also very, very hard to process without a very advanced lab setting.

not something you can do in your basement.


You've never seen what can grow in MY basement.


(Just kidding. I don't even have a basement.)


MK Ultra comes to mind. "What would a biological agent do if dispersed via mail in powder form? What would the reaction be if, say, it happened in conjunction with a large-scale act of domestic terrorism? What preventative measures would people take? What would the effect be on mail carrying and commerce? Who would feel the impact from it the most, and how long would it take independent researchers to trace the origins of the agent?"


Well, now everyone knows, right?

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When there's a will, there's a way. Somebody with clearance (and I'm sure there's a sizable pool... labs of any kind aren't as airtight as they'd like you to believe) may have snuck it out on their own accord, without government compliance. The fact that it's not easy doesn't make it impossible.


There's no slam dunk proof on any side, so the jury's still out.

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When there's a will, there's a way. Somebody with clearance (and I'm sure there's a sizable pool... labs of any kind aren't as airtight as they'd like you to believe) may have snuck it out on their own accord, without government compliance. The fact that it's not easy doesn't make it impossible.


There's no slam dunk proof on any side, so the jury's still out.



the slam dunk proof is that the govt stopped investigating after their smear campaign against that one guy failed.

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casek i agree with you its sketchy that they stopped investigating. HOWEVER- perhaps, just perhaps, like 99.999% of shelved investigations, they stopped investigating for lack of evidence. they found the virus was domestic in origin. what else can they find from the available evidence?


casek you seem to be a very staunch constitutionalist. does 'a shelved investigation' satisfy the condition of 'guilty beyond a reasonable doubt'? of course not.


furthermore, i bring up a random case, the armenian genocide. not clear what happened, a shitload of people died (i believe it was 2.2 million, thats number in my head at least). in the context of chaos and coups, the leaders were unwilling to admit or deny responsibility, because they didn't want to admit to being at fault either way (either they ordered it, or were unable to stop it, thereby admitting that they were not in power, which they were so desperate to demonstrate).


same thing applies in this case. if they were the ones responsible (as you allege), then they don't want to say so (common sense). however, if they don't want to, they also don't want to admit that there was a lapse in an anthrax lab right after 911 (this would be tantamount to responsibility).


domestic terrorism? definitely. inside job? not enough evidence to say definitively, especially considering that no one has been charged with the crime ever.


you didn't find it problematic that none of the accusers in that history channel clip were identified? i sure do.

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