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why did the wtc's collapse? conclusive proof


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From the horse's mouth:


Controlled demolitions: absolute bullshit. Now, I know there are some legitimate inconsistencies in the story that can't be proven false. My problem, and your problem as well, is that we have been blatantly misled by people who are only interested in selling dvds and t-shirts. This is supposed to be a truth movement. At this point, Alex Jones could pull every smoking gun out of ass that proves without question that 9/11 was an inside job, but it will never excuse the fact that he had lie so blatantly. Fuck you, fuck avery & bermas, fuck 9/11 mysteries, and fuck every true believer who goes out there and tells people that they've "done their research."

Mike Metzger









Any engineers or physicists care to dispute theese facts I would love to hear about it otherwyse you are just spewing out more bullshit in my humble opinion.

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From the horse's mouth:


Controlled demolitions: absolute bullshit. Now, I know there are some legitimate inconsistencies in the story that can't be proven false. My problem, and your problem as well, is that we have been blatantly misled by people who are only interested in selling dvds and t-shirts. This is supposed to be a truth movement. At this point, Alex Jones could pull every smoking gun out of ass that proves without question that 9/11 was an inside job, but it will never excuse the fact that he had lie so blatantly. Fuck you, fuck avery & bermas, fuck 9/11 mysteries, and fuck every true believer who goes out there and tells people that they've "done their research."

Mike Metzger









Any engineers or physicists care to dispute theese facts I would love to hear about it otherwyse you are just spewing out more bullshit in my humble opinion.




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Wow! Props to Mike Metzger for coming to his senses and turning his back on his fellow 9/11 conspiracy theorists.


Still, I think Mike Metzger is an idiot for even falling prey to the 9/11 conspiracy movement in the first place. There's no excuse -- I was never a 9/11 conspiracy theorist because I first looked at the explanations from both sides before coming to any conclusion. He could've easily done the same. He simply chose to become sheep to a movement without any rationalization. And I can't believe he was "shocked" that Screw Loose Change debunked pretty much EVERY claim Loose Change made -- Loose Change made a lot of provocatively bogus rants and ludicrous claims. Debunking Loose Change is a fucking cake-walk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Damn, what the F^%#&$&^$%*%*&(*^)&(CK...are you guys still arguing about this?


There's terrorists out there blowing up buildings, planes, buses, people etc.

The US govt. can't be trusted with or without 911. Is that new news?

Get on with your life. I can't believe you guys waste your time on all of this.

Seriously, what's the benefit? Do you think the whole world is just going to one day

beleive that 911 was an inside job, then revolt against the Govt.?

Even if they did, then what? Are you going to maintain the roads and build schools for the kids? What's your plan? What are the goals?


I'm just sayin'....... seems pointless to me. Get married,Fall in Love, have kids, raise them with manners, be good to your neighbors and enjoy the rest of your life. Prepare for death , because it's the only thing you are truly promised.

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Damn, what the F^%#&$&^$%*%*&(*^)&(CK...are you guys still arguing about this?


There's terrorists out there blowing up buildings, planes, buses, people etc.

The US govt. can't be trusted with or without 911. Is that new news?

Get on with your life. I can't believe you guys waste your time on all of this.

Seriously, what's the benefit? Do you think the whole world is just going to one day

beleive that 911 was an inside job, then revolt against the Govt.?

Even if they did, then what? Are you going to maintain the roads and build schools for the kids? What's your plan? What are the goals?


I'm just sayin'....... seems pointless to me. Get married,Fall in Love, have kids, raise them with manners, be good to your neighbors and enjoy the rest of your life. Prepare for death , because it's the only thing you are truly promised.



why not love your heritage? have patriotism? respect your forefathers and what they set up? save the nation for the next generation? those things are just as important. yu can't just bury your head in the sand and forget that there are evil people trying to destroy the country you were born in.

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I'm not particularly fond of what this country stands for PRESENTLY and what it was established upon IN THE PAST (freemasonry). So, no I'm not patriotic at all.

I feel you though, casek, everyone needs something to do, a cause to stand for. That's cool, just not what I'm into for the long run. (although I used to be into it a lot more when I was younger)

Mark my words, when you get married, have kids...you'll mellow out. I see you as extremely idealistic and that's not a bad thing, you care and look to a greater good based on what you know. I didn't say what I said to belittle you, by the way. I just like to stir things up sometimes. A lot of what you post on here is good info, the only problem is a lot of it isn't practical for the average reader and the nature of these conspiracy things is some of them are going to be true , some of them are going to be crap, I guess you gotta take everything with a grain of salt. same with all the 911 info.

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yeah, marriage xmay change alot of priority's. i can see it happening.

and i'm not idealistic, i just do as you said, look to a greater good.


btw: george washington, a master mason, swore off the masons after

the founding of the u.s.a.

he even mad a speech about how it was a bad thing and shit was going to come of it.

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Can I play?

Pillar 1- dere iz no allah but mofuckin allah, and mothahfuckin mohammad be da nigga bringin dat noise

Pillar 2- you gotsta get down on yo knees den bend over girl, 5 times a day bitch, yeah you like that don’t you, yeah girl bend over, yeaaah bitch real slow

Pillar 3- yous gotsta be givin up yo cheddah fo some niggaz wit no loot, but not 2 much cuz dem custies be punk bitchez anyway

Pillar 4-dont eat so much you fat bitch

Pillar 5- yo nigga get to travelin you become mofuckin haji!!! haji ass bitch!!!

Pillar 6-yo gotsta whack some niggaz fo defilin yo shit 2 show dem whats^


So when will I get my muslim decoder ring?

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I've got some shit to say that I'm sure will be dismissed as bullshit by you fuckers but here goes. I think them buildings were rigged no doubt.


I work on life safety systems here. Basically electronic nervous systems for buildings that control fire alarm devices and tie into all the buildings AC units, Elevators and so on. I met the lead technician for the WTC towers system and dude told me some crazy shit. They had a state of the art evacuation system in those buildings and a fire safety director who should have evacuated it better.


First off, from the originally impacted floors up the audio evacuation system was not working as the risers for the audio system were damaged from impact. As for all the other floors below, the sequence of operations according to NYC building code are as follows.


First, any fire alarm should cause the floor of the initiating alarm and the floor above to go into what is called evac. This means an evacuation tone should sound, strobe lights flash, the elevators recall to the first floor (if elevator lobby gets smoke) and all ventilation fans should shut down. Any doors with access control locks are opened and a few other things. This was working, and many of the floors below the impact had smoke in them. The other floors in the building get whats called an alert tone on the speakers.


Second, any office building with more than a certain number of people occupying floors not at a ground level (most buildings in NYC) are required to have a fire safety director present when the building is occupied. This is needed along with the system for the building to be legally occupied. The fire Safety Director has a responsibility to evacuate the building floor by floor during a fire in an orderly manner and must pass a tough exam to qualify. The person must be trained by people like us to how to operate the speaker systems and make announcements floor by floor and in the stairwells.


The person with the microphone that day told people not to evacuate and just stay put. Completely going against all training and common sense. You can only call off an evacuation if the person on the floor of the alarm (usually called the floor warden) investigates the cause of the alarm and finds it to be a false alarm. this person is trained to use the floors warden phones (the red phones in buildings that connect to the fire command center).


Usually the floor wardens are not that well trained but the fire safety director should have known better. The technician for this place told me he was interrogated as to why people were not evacuated and they tried to say the system he had been in charge of making sure it worked flawlessly didn't work. They pressed this issue with him and tried to get him to admit it didn't work. It did work, and he was on a floor that was impacted (somewhere in the 70's I think) and got hit by debris from the impact. He heard the person on the mic saying to "stay put" and telling people not to leave. Now I'm not sure if this person was an Idiot or just not really the fire safety director. Either way, in NYC people are quick to point fingers in every suspicious direction without hesitation but nothing was ever mentioned about this.


I don't know if the trade center collapses were due to a huge jet fuel fire or whatever but WTC7 was definitely dropped like a demolition and had 2 small fires. I don't think that many people were supposed to die in there that day. 200 deaths would have the same impact and results to start bullshit wars and end constitutional freedoms. But the kicker is everyone in those two buildings heard the bullshit "stay put don't evacuate" message and no one was charged for any crime for doing that shit. If I were investigating to find out the truth, knowing what I know about how things work here in fires, I would be very interested in this. If I were doing a scripted investigation report, I wouldn't mention it and try to say the system didn't work due to damage.


The guy telling me was understandably shook and I didn't really press for more details but this was enough to bring me around to the conspiracy side of the debate. Just to make my post more unbelievable I met this guy in Jerry Seinfeld's upper west side garage. This garage is for only one Porsche. The first Porsche ever built. Not his huge warehouse garage for ordinary porches. The car was found in the Midwest with a tree growing out from the hood and was restored by Porsche. The garage is dope and the car is even doper. The car was almost damaged by the custom multi million dollar elevator designed to take it from the first floor to the basement while two of my coworkers were testing the safety system in there one day.

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Can I play?

Pillar 1- dere iz no allah but mofuckin allah, and mothahfuckin mohammad be da nigga bringin dat noise

Pillar 2- you gotsta get down on yo knees den bend over girl, 5 times a day bitch, yeah you like that don’t you, yeah girl bend over, yeaaah bitch real slow

Pillar 3- yous gotsta be givin up yo cheddah fo some niggaz wit no loot, but not 2 much cuz dem custies be punk bitchez anyway

Pillar 4-dont eat so much you fat bitch

Pillar 5- yo nigga get to travelin you become mofuckin haji!!! haji ass bitch!!!

Pillar 6-yo gotsta whack some niggaz fo defilin yo shit 2 show dem whats^


So when will I get my muslim decoder ring?



This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the chuckle Stereo...

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Bill Maher owns disruptive 9/11 conspiracy lunatics on live television:





I like how many 9/11 conspiracy theorists are/were fans of Bill Maher, continously asking him to raise this "issue" (term used very lightly) on his program, thinking he'd go along with it. But they forget that Bill Maher is an intelligent man. It's pretty difficult to subject him to the mindless drivel, hoping he'd indulge with the rest of the sheep flock. I like how Maher continously shoots these conspiracy theorists down.


Maher is anti-Bush, but said that the only thing he'll defend Bush on is in the face of 9/11 inside-jobbers. I'm the same way -- against the Bush and the Iraq War, and I think Bush should be impeached and imprisoned for war crimes and breaking international law. But I'm not going to foment a lie, and accuse someone of something they didn't do, no matter how much I dislike them.

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Its all hear say since I wasn't there that day, but most of it is overlooked common knowledge. No matter how much evidence is put forward, until someone involved confesses its just dismissed or buried.


mass convertion is needed, for the general public to follow like they always follow.

the more people, the more weak their mental slavery becomes, the harder to resist to change.

as we get closer to truth more people come out of the closet and snitch on their masters.

and the number of people will motivate them to shut off their programed brain and learn what really happen, to a point they individually change completly in all fields of life because this goes further than a political agenda....


someday we will see people like theo joining the firing squad facing members of the nwo standing in front of a wall.

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This is what makes me belive somethigs not right.

I have studied fire science myself. WTC7 should have never colappsed.


1991 One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia:

Raged for 18 hours

Gutted 8 floors of the 38-floor building

Still standing.






WTC7 small fires, controlled demolition style collapse

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2789, the fires in WTC7 were far from "small". Several floors were engulfed; as there were several fuel-generators on various floors.


Another key point that conspiracy theorists often ignore, is the structural damage all 3 of those buildings received. Conspiracy theorists often compare it to other "building fires" (Philadelphia, Madrid, Milan, etc,) without taking in to account that these other buildings simply caught on fire. There was no structural damage in any of these buildings (no steel columns taken out). The WTC7 and WTC 1 & 2 both had gaping holes in their sides several stories tall and a few hundred feet wide, with many steel columns were wiped out and obliterated.

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