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the LOST appreciation thread!


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yeah he is a real ladies man it appears.


so gooch can you tell me where faraday went?

i tried the recaps but couldnt find anything.

basically he tells desmond that he needs to find his mother and then i dont

remember how he got seperated from sawyer, juliette, etc

has that been explained?

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faraday went to the headquarters for the dharma initiative in ann arbour michigan. i guess he was trying to get some more info about the island, dharma and whatever else.


i don't remember the last time we saw him with sawyer and company prior to him going M.I.A. for the last few episodes.


so far they never explained when or how he left, but the why and where were sort of given last night when he told miles and the losties.


i had a feeling that widmore was going to be his dad.

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widmore vs ben is god vs devil.


the whole season has been an explanation of faradays theories on the island and time travel.

thats crazy how he messed himself up AND the random girl when testing time travel on each other. then he went dumb, but was cured once he went back to the island.


if faraday was trying to stop the events from currently happening, which then would create a world where the hatch wouldnt had been built to contain the energy, desmond would have never pushed the button, he missed the button, plane crashed, and then all events leading up to the current(which is the 70's), then what future was he trying to create?

is it not all a continuous loop of sorts in time and space. i feel like the events we have been shown have and will continue to repeat themselves in time over and over into eternity. like a groundhogs day effect. but what would a ripple or break in that accomplish?

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my guess is the original flight will go without a crash and the lost passengers will go their separate ways

they will then disappear from the 1970's and forget anything ever happened.


oh and john locke will become god.

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another great episode tonight


i don't know how many times i wanted jack to tell kate to shut the f up and just explain everything at once, but hey, they have to make tv dramatic like that


locke seeing locke was great. i'm loving how they forshadowed so much that we're seeing it all again. i was wondering what happened to sayid too



2 hour finale next week !!

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No. James a couple episodes back saw Kate and pregnant bitch. Means the other one of him was out there somewhere before they got threw back in time again.


By the way, worst submarine special effect I've ever seen. Lost lost points there.

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there is definitely a father motif going on,

john locke's father, jack and claire's father, ben's loser father, sawyer's loser father

miles father, faraday and penny's father, kate shot her stepfather.


my theory is that the dharma initiative is just one big sperm bank trying to create some sort of mormon like buddhists.

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Is that shit really gonna be 2 hours, or are they frontin with another fucking clip show?






nah, it's 2 hours. 2 full episodes back to back, like last season.


i read some spoilers, all i'm going to say is.....oh boy!

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