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the LOST appreciation thread!


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fuck is right! Hugo got off, but he's telling Jack I shouldn't have gone with Locke?



The commercials do suck but that's TV, I don't know how anybody can sit in a chair and watch any thing other than 5 minute youtube clips / music vids on the comp though.The dvds rock, cause you can just jump to the next one instead of the cliffhanger. But Im not waiting a year.

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meh. i was underwhelmed. not to mention, the whole 2 hr event was just an hour long recap first. maybe that was common knowledge but i was bummed. AND they showed clips in this weeks commercials leading up to tonight that werent even in the fucking show. like parachute guy saying our primary reason for being here blah blah blah.

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So over here ABC decided to go to a black screen (audio could be heard) over the first ten minutes, and then pop back in as if nothing happened.


I said fuck that, I'm not gonna watch it without those first few minutes. You don't know how royally pissed off that made me, almost fucking killed myself racing home from the office. Who's gonna be the first to find a torrent so I can watch it ASAP?

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