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the LOST appreciation thread!


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I agree, it's just a filler episode, like that dumb shit about Hurley finding a truck.


At this rate I'll be 30 before the writers explain every mystery they fucking twisted into giant fucking overlapping squiggly lines.


So why waste an episode with dumb shit about nobody characters and spiders that appear at the most ironic time possible.


And before, I was really glad I only had to see that goofy science teacher guy once, because he was like a really bad sitcom character, so seeing his face again almost tempted me to turn the tv off.

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Well I felt like you got a better idea of the others from that little insight of Paulo's when he was in the other hatch. That the whole thing with kidnapping Walt was to get to Michael and to get to Jack. He was Ben's goal the whole time. that was an explanation. As far as the whole new story line, it was more of a one shot that gave you better perspective on some older issues and questions. Also seeing a ittle bit more of Arzt was cool.



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In a lot of ways, this week's episode stood alone as it's own insular story... but there were a lot of little events that will probably tie in to the greater plot. They castaways have one of the Others' walkie talkies now, Sun knows that it was Charlie and Sawyer that attacked her, we know that the Others utilise the Pearl station, etc.


Also, I was psyched that they killed off those characters. Especially at the end.

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I mean Think of it like this. It just showed how insidious the others were. honeslty I've always thought that they took Walt for a specific reason, but I did think it had to do with Walt and not Jack. I mean that shot of paulo in the other hatch when he was spying on them.....in LOST time that was early on. They had that plan from real early on. To me that says that the urgency he(Ben) we exibiting in the first episode of this season when he sent Ethan and the other guy who's name escapes my memory right this second, to the crashes knew he needed someone for that surgury even then.

It also showed just how early on Ethan was infiltrating and mingling with the survivors, which, coupled with the fact that the others villiage is days away from the beach, and the shots of those maps talking about tunnels, there seems to be another whole part of this island that we havent really explored yet.

I also don't thin'k Locke blew up the submarine.

I think it was a decoy.

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Yeah that's another thing I was thinking.


When what's her face asked Ben how he thought he was going to get him to agree. And he said something along the lines of, "I'll do what I always do, find out what he cares about, and exploit it"


There is always this thing that I keep thinking about that Ben isn't a HORRIBLE person, but with shit like that you basically can't trust anything he does. I mean I know that that's already been established, but I've never heard him say anything like that before...

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Now why the fuck would the Others go through such an elaborate plan of waiting for the raft to be finished so they could get Walt so that Mike would come after them so they could blackmail him to betray Jack blah blah and so on... when they could've just kidnapped Jack!! It didn't sound so hard to do, I mean Ethan knocked Jack out in a fistfight in one episode.


I'm very optimistic, but for the very first time I'm really starting to feel like the show is sinking under its own convolutedness.

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Honestly I don't think they were wainting for the raft. I think that just happened. I think we will see things form moreof the others perspectives in episodes to come. Like the gy who everyone thought was the main head bad guy in the first season who throws the footbal with Jack. Honestly I believe they waitd fro oppourtunities that best serve their purpose. On that raft...Jin, Michael and Sawyer were out numbered, out gunned, and easily over taken. Thats just good planning. We've already seen how manipulative Ben can be. He gets everything to happen because he is twenty steps ahead of everyone else. With the exeption of Locke possibly there isn't anyone out there who can match him. Actually I think that the match of Locke and Jack if they could get along for twenty minutes would be a perfect match for Ben.


The others are extremely loyal to Ben either out of respect or fear, and that keeps them as a cohesive team. With supplies and means and knowledge the survivors don't have.

The survivors don't really ever have a solid leader, they are still scared from surviving a plane crash on a deserted island with crazy things happening on it. It's a wonder they've made it this far. That is mostly due to Locke, Jack, Sawyer, Charlie, Jin, Sun, Kate, and Sayhid.

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