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May Day 2006. The Great American Boycott


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its not even that casek


its just that when you quote sources like that, it doesnt really back up your argument,


it reminds me of what dawood does when he pulls out the koran quotes and acts like that will make you go "hey, if its written in the koran then i guess i must be wrong"




but yeah its not really what you were saying, but what you were using as a source



you know youre wrong cash, stop frontin mang.

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that's wrong to say, but there are over 25 million illegals from mexico here now.


with the population of mexico being 106,202,903 and growing (quickly) it's scary to think what would happen if our borders became wide open.


what, mexico is over 106 million? wow i thought it was more like 50 million or so.

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let me guess


you wait tables?


You didn't answer my question. I am an immigrant to a foreign country, so I know what it's like to obtain a visa and whatever else I need. Since you didn't answer my question, that means that you are not an immigrant and have never had to go through that process. I went through everything because I respect the country I am living in. You have never gone through that so everything you say is just speculation.


And no, I do not wait tables becauase I have skills that allow me to have a better job.

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who cares? This is a country that was built and is populated by immagrants. If we need to establish quotas and regulations again then so be it, but we cant refuse them the right to live in america. To do that would be hypocritical.

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who cares? This is a country that was built and is populated by immagrants. If we need to establish quotas and regulations again then so be it' date=' but we cant refuse them the right to live in america. To do that would be hypocritical.[/quote']


Not really because those immigrants that came through Ellis Island were all documented and legalized. Big difference. There is no blurry line, it's clear-cut and simple.


At least you somewhat admit that there should be immigration enforcement laws. The people on this thread that endorse illegal immigration seem to think the borders should be completely open, with the dismantling of the border patrol altogether, all border fences should be taken down, and all of Mexico should be here. People should just come and go as they please. Anyone that thinks there should be laws and immigration enforcement, afterall, is a racist, a hypocrite, and just an all-around evil person with no human compassion.

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You didn't answer my question. I am an immigrant to a foreign country, so I know what it's like to obtain a visa and whatever else I need. Since you didn't answer my question, that means that you are not an immigrant and have never had to go through that process. I went through everything because I respect the country I am living in. You have never gone through that so everything you say is just speculation.


And no, I do not wait tables becauase I have skills that allow me to have a better job.


in that case can i guess again?

indian working in the technology sector?



and no im not an imigrant, just spent my entire life living with immigrants and come from an imigrant background. if you think this discredits my posts you can keep on sucking my cock, why dont you pay me a visit in my hood and we'll both see just how much of what i say is speculation.

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to support casek the niggas who organized this shit are retards and round here none of the hispanics(and its all spanish up in here) paid the least bit of attention to that shit. a spanish nigga not working is like rich white kids not complaining' date=' never gonna happen, me amigos viva por travajo[/quote']



we're from the same area, but obviously we live in two diff worlds.

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You kids seriously have no idea.


Im from el salvador, hopped the border, worked my ass off, im still in college, i paid my taxes during the time when status wasnt there, i now own two businesses, at an age when some of you dont know your ass from your head, ask around about me.



we came here as refugee's due to our entire family's getting killed by the paramilitaries and guerillas.


for example, everyone in darfur getting killed for simply being there, thank you.


like i said, most of you have no idea. im out of here, you kids are dumb.


oh, and i paint more then most of you, so when im not making my money, im making the government clean my shit up. that's right.

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No I'm an american in Japan. But so what if I was an "indian working in the technology sector?" Are you jealous of them because they have better working skills than you do and make more money than you do?


So you are not an immigrant, you just associate yourself with immigrants. You come from a immigrant background? Who doesn't? I'm sucking your cock? Because I'm proving how ignorant you are? And how much you really DON'T understand about being an immigrant? If illegal immigrants were deported, you would not be.


So if I pay you a visit in your hood, it will prove that you know what you are talking about? There are other immigrants other than the ones near you.

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I cam from elsalvador as a refugee, illegally. all the tiem i worked, i paid my taxes. (if you kids knew half of anything youd understand how this works) graduated, am currently in college, and i own two business at an age when half of you dont know yoru ass from your face.


Like i said before, unless you know, i suggest you keep quiet.


oh, and i paint more then half of you kids and i make the government pay to clean my shit up.


For writers you fuckers sure are conservative little fucks. wait. that's a whole other debate.



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dude' date=' you sure are egocentric. good to hear that you did well for yourself.[/quote']


not really egocentric, i posted 3 times cuz i thought my posts didnt go through so i typed em all out, im actually quite humble, ask around.


but going on this post, most of you dont know shit, and i had to stick the other aspect in there.

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what would you say if i presented you with a map of your country that had areas marked where the invasion was a success>?


well, the "invasion" of mexicans/chicanos/what have you is approaced that way because that is the way the land was taken from them initially. remember the alamo? anyways


most chicanos, if they are strongly political, are realistic enough to realize they are not every going to actually take over or control those areas that were once under mexican control. it's a symbolic thing.


i mean seriously, in america, white males are holding all the fucking cards. give me a break with this invasion shit.

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casek all your doing is taking quotes from random websites and trying to let fly as the spoken word of all 'mexican immigrants'. thats like taking a quote from a black panther speech in 1967 and trying to say all african-americans feel that way in 2006.


i take it your not of mexican ancestry.

so i would not expect you to understand the culture.


MeCHA was started in 1969. It's purpose is not to rid the US of non-indigenous peoples aka honkeys. It was started to as a group that wanted colleges to have chicano history courses. It's purpose was to help facilate that. It's much like the BLack student unions. Remember the date 1969, a very radical time. So the name might sound radical. MeCHA has chapters in colleges all over the US.


Aztlan is the land of the Azteca peoples. Yes it included parts of the US southwest. It is a source of pride for many chicanos. Contrary to your beliefs we aren't trying to take back the land the US stole from us. Because an african-american has a necklace with the continent of africa doesent mean he wants to go to Africa and control Liberia or something. Because a white guy from alabama waves a confederate flag at a Talledega does that mean he wants to lynch blacks and infect indians with smallpox? No he's probably just proud of his culture and past, good or bad.


Your basically not saying anything your just quoting shit clueless people are trying to interpet and make into propaganda that fits their purpose.


Since when did this become about Mexicans?

Last I heard this was about immigrants from Asia, Europe, the Americas not just Mexico.

Maybe your brains have been trained by society to think Mexicans are the only immigrants?



Solutions? To be honest with you I don't have a clear cut solution. I guess if I did I would be in office right now. But I would not try to take away basic human rights from people who have nothing. I would not make it a felony to not have documentation. I would not try to make immigrants a scapegoat for the failings of our administration. I would not try to distract the public from the war, raising gas prices, loss of privacy and freedom, the deficit, vacations in crawford, VP's shooting guys in the grill, VP's vacationing with foreign diplomats, or the us not having a fuckin' clue on what to do with iran. I could go on...

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i have not sen any irish hopping any fences to get into our country.


as far as the alamo: many hispanics fought alongside white people for

texas and the u.s.


there's more, i'm too tired to type it all out. pistol, i will present a better argument later on.

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about "mexicans" coming through and flooding the US if the borders were open..what about all the white kids running down to mexico to get stupid drunk and have mad sex. they just run past the border, unchecked and have their fun and trash the place and then they come back like nothing...what the fuck. seriously.

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