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Blackbook Techniques.


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I've got some prismas and chartpaks. The chartpaks have xylene in them....smells like pure gasoline. They bleed through so I make sure to color slowly and not all the way to the outlines or they are very uneven and the sketch is ruined. The fill color bleeds past the outline and you gotta thicken up your outline or just start over.


Prismas are only alcohol based...they blend pretty well. If you want to get some dope blending go outside or in a well ventalated room and use some nail polish remover with a brush. That would work with any alcohol based marker.


As for Copics...never used them. Seems a bit expensive for a marker. The Hobby Lobby in my city has them under lock and key. $6-7 for a marker?! ....I'll stick with decos for my blackbook.

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I have the Set A of Touch Twins and about 80 Prismas and a load of letrasets as well, to be honest colours don't mean shit if you haven't got your letters down, a shit piece coloured with prismas will always get beaten by a nice one with sharpies.


Might see how the Nail polish remover blending works (although I'm sure my wife wont be impressed the next time she needs to do her nails and I have killed off all the removed haha), although I have the prisma blending pens they kinda annoy me for some reason

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in dollars it equates to "racked"



see unlike you i have a job which allows me to purchase items with an invention called ''money'' which your poor racking wanna be ganster thug ass might not have heard of !


stop trying to be a mad bad Ganstah G and keep your mouth shut bitch.

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the way i blend is this

1 put down the color

2 use prsma or another fancy color pencil

3 take the cololess blender and blend

time saving and head ache free blending also once the blender marker hits the pencil it looks like marker not all cakie an shit


hope this helps been doing this tech since 99

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I have the Set A of Touch Twins and about 80 Prismas and a load of letrasets as well, to be honest colours don't mean shit if you haven't got your letters down, a shit piece coloured with prismas will always get beaten by a nice one with sharpies.


Might see how the Nail polish remover blending works (although I'm sure my wife wont be impressed the next time she needs to do her nails and I have killed off all the removed haha), although I have the prisma blending pens they kinda annoy me for some reason


True that about the sharpies vs. prismas.


The colorless blenders annoy me too. Thought about it and tried finding a site a while ago that shows a technique I haven't tried for using them. Haven't found anything....got bored looking. Seems the wetness of the colors is key for blending.

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i bought a set of 300 faber castle pencils a while ago got them cheap because my uncle bought bulk. they work great when overlayed with the colorless mixer.


water colors also look great with pencils .. like lay down a water color paint fill let it dry then build up from there looks great.. i havent been up with this thread but im starting to like it alot i was thinking of illistrating a few techniques. might need a little help. if your interested in helping pm me :B

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hey guys how do you get details inside a letter when the color of the details is different from the color of the letter?

let's say that you wanna do some green circles on a red letter or something, when I do it the color of the details never shows up well (either it gets darker or it doesn't show at all).

BTW i'm using sharpies.

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hey guys how do you get details inside a letter when the color of the details is different from the color of the letter?

let's say that you wanna do some green circles on a red letter or something, when I do it the color of the details never shows up well (either it gets darker or it doesn't show at all).

BTW i'm using sharpies.




hope it helps?

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yeah that helps!

BTW I never done that fill it was just an example lol

it's just that i see all this awesome blackbook pieces with a lot of these tiny details in so many different colors and I kind of wonder if they thought it all before hand or added those details later!

thanks a lot anyway

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when im sketching i usually have a vaige idea of what im doing .. barely ever know how my fill will work out .. just what ever feels right but most people build there own style and stick to it. like my friend has a habit of doing hatched fills now he's known for it. so personalize your stuff and just try shit out as many ways as you can. graffiti is alot of trial and error . so just have fun with it .. peice out.. good look keep sketching !!!!

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see unlike you i have a job which allows me to purchase items with an invention called ''money'' which your poor racking wanna be ganster thug ass might not have heard of !


stop trying to be a mad bad Ganstah G and keep your mouth shut bitch.


hahahahahhahaha some people would rather not spend there money when they can get it for free

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