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NHL 2006 Playoffs


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That is such a cop out. I can't believe that you actually think any team is actually Canadian. Canadiens (french spelling?) get your heads out of your asses and love hockey for the sake of hockey. It's sort of pathetic that you would stake your national pride on Edmonton, or any hockey team for that matter. You can take pride in your boys who make up a large portion of the league, and take home a large portion of the revenue straight from the pockets of hard working USAmericans. Even the original six was two thirds US teams. I mean do the math, you have six of thirtyish teams in Canada that's still almost a third, ok it's just a fifth, but considering you have a mere fifteen million people concentrated in metropolitan areas that means alot of you can see a hockey game somewhere on the regular. Get over it.


I must admit, however, it's really hard to watch the Carolina hockey fans. But, if I don't like it I know it's my own fault for selfishly not wanting to share, let's face it, they just want to rant and rave about their team as much as you or I have been doing. I think Stillman might be a goner for the rest of the playoffs, it looked like a break to me. Good luck Stillman.

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That is such a cop out. I can't believe that you actually think any team is actually Canadian. Canadiens (french spelling?) get your heads out of your asses and love hockey for the sake of hockey. It's sort of pathetic that you would stake your national pride on Edmonton, or any hockey team for that matter. You can take pride in your boys who make up a large portion of the league, and take home a large portion of the revenue straight from the pockets of hard working USAmericans. Even the original six was two thirds US teams. I mean do the math, you have six of thirtyish teams in Canada that's still almost a third, ok it's just a fifth, but considering you have a mere fifteen million people concentrated in metropolitan areas that means alot of you can see a hockey game somewhere on the regular. Get over it.


I must admit, however, it's really hard to watch the Carolina hockey fans. But, if I don't like it I know it's my own fault for selfishly not wanting to share, let's face it, they just want to rant and rave about their team as much as you or I have been doing. I think Stillman might be a goner for the rest of the playoffs, it looked like a break to me. Good luck Stillman.



Edmonton is, and has traditionally been, a largely Canadian team.

I also happen to live pretty close to Edmonton, and have been an Edmonton fan all my life.

Edmonton also has the loudest building in the league, its also been about 16 years since they've won the cup.



Edit: Edmonton just scored now its 2 - 1.

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Hell yeah I'm ready. What is it going to be, Friday before they play again.


And dude, I'm just saying, Edmonton and everyone else have been largely Canadian teams. It's a fun sport, don't hate on us for liking it too. Hey you have Rollie the Goalie, and you got Peca back too, good stuff. Third period's back on.

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Go Oilers in the West!

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Go Oilers in the West!


Hahahaha...They boo our national anthem all the time. A canadien pastime actually.hahaha.


Anyways, you got your wish.







Its on.

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I don't believe I've ever heard or seen Canadian NHL fans boo the American anthem. It's not in our nature. It just doesn't happen (though I wouldn't be surprised if the Montreal fans have done it before).


In recent memory, Islanders fans and Flyes fans (of course) have booed the fuck out of 'O Canada'. So fuck those guys, and fuck San Jose.

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I don't believe I've ever heard or seen Canadian NHL fans boo the American anthem. It's not in our nature. It just doesn't happen (though I wouldn't be surprised if the Montreal fans have done it before).


In recent memory, Islanders fans and Flyes fans (of course) have booed the fuck out of 'O Canada'. So fuck those guys, and fuck San Jose.


Yup, Canada started that battle a long while ago. If I remember correcly it was just after we went into Iraq the first time. During a baseball game, and has happened alot during hockey games...

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Montreal Canadiens Fans boo as U.S. national anthem


March 21, 2003

MONTREAL (AP) -- Fans booed during the playing of the U.S. national anthem before the New York Islanders' 6-3 victory over the Montreal Canadiens on Thursday night.


The sellout crowd of 21,273 at Bell Centre was asked to ``show your support and respect for two great nations'' before the singing of the American and Canadian national anthems.


But a significant portion of the crowd booed throughout ``The Star-Spangled Banner'' in an apparent display of their displeasure with the U.S.-led war against Iraq. More than 200,000 people turned out for an anti-war demonstration in Montreal last Saturday.



``I'm sure there are a lot of people against the war, but some things people can't control,'' said New York's Alexei Yashin, who is from Russia. ``They were probably showing what they feel about it.''


Teammate Mark Parrish, a native of Bloomington, Minn., was upset hearing the boos.


``I came to the game pretty pumped up, but once I heard that it really got me going,'' Parrish said. ``So I guess I can thank them a little bit for getting me more pumped up.''

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SSP, I'm not sure that really translates to now. It is disrespectful, but it's playoffs so there is bound to be some really f-ed up shit like that going on. Everybody is looking at the world wearing rose colored glasses, let's just hope the refs aren't.

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I'm not defending or justifying what the Canadiens fans did, but the Islanders fans booed the national anthem a couple of years before that when they were playing the Leafs in the playoffs.


Do you know what the Leafs fans did in retaliation when the series came back here? We cheered the fuck out of the Star Spangled Banner.


ANYWAY, I'm so psyched for tonight. I think Edmonton might take it, but this rest for Anaheim will pay off, perhaps, when the series gets to three or four games.

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I was mistaken. It was just a year before; right after US soldiers had killed four of ours in Afghanistan.


In fact the entire period of the series, from April 18th to 30th, was one of confused national mourning in Canada, on account of the killing of the four soldiers, who were the first Canadian combat casualties in nearly fifty years, & who were victims of the US Air Force.


Nevertheless, it has now emerged that for the sixth game of the series, & the last in New York, the audience there did more than just loudly boo the Canadian national anthem.


According to Bruce Arthur in the May 2nd National Post, a paper I don't much like but that sometimes has interesting tidbits, the opera student who had sung both national anthems in Toronto for an earlier game got a surprise when he arrived in New York for the sixth one:


"Days after being cheered as he sang the Canadian and American anthems before an NHL playoff game in Toronto, Robert Pomakov watched, horrified, as unruly New York hockey fans burned his Canadian flag in the parking lot of Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.


"Mr. Pomakov, an opera singer, saw both his Canadian and his Toronto Maple Leaf flags torn from his car and set on fire by a crowd chanting 'USA! USA!' in the moments before Sunday's Game 6 between the Leafs and the New York Islanders.


"'We lost four of our soldiers and they were basically defending these idiots,' an outraged Mr. Pomakov said. "If patriotism is what drives these people and their ignorance, then I am ashamed to have our soldiers defending them... There's a line that needs to be drawn, and this was just so far across."


What Pomakov did not mention, of course, was that the Canadian soldiers were not just killed while implicitly defending American citizens from "terrorist attack." They were killed by an American fighter pilot, and are the only Canadians to be killed, or even wounded, in the war in Afghanistan.


Nor, it should be noted, did the American mob shout "New York! New York!" or "Islanders! Islanders!" while burning the Canadian flag.


Instead they chanted "USA! USA!".


This being the chant which accompanied George W. Bush's first visit to the ruins of the World Trade Centre in that same New York City, & which has become the semi-official vocal accompaniment to the "war on terror."


I know it's not representative of the whole of Long Island or anything, but, man, the entire stadium was booing.


I remember when my buddy's mom was driving back from Florida, she was having mad trucks tailgate her and honk their horns all the way back. Why? Because she had Ontario license plates, and Canada had just refused to go to Iraq.



*But one may say Fructoes is right. People make the argument that the fans booed the anthem because Tucker landed a good, CLEAN hip check on Peca, but that's a joke.

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Yeah, I hear ya, but I'm going to stick with my Sabres. Any word on Cory Stillman as of yet? I checked their site, and they had an article on Cole skating (are you kidding me, he fractured a neck vertebrae two months ago!) but no word on Stillman.

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The sabres injuries are mounting..will that have an effect?

Who knows. Im rooting for buffalo..I guess. Really Im just happy to see two teams that no one really expected to be in the playoffs this year.


Im taking edm over anahiem. They started to look REALLY good at the end of thier series and roloson is going to take them wherever they want. Even if I dont like the guy.

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Why, because he sucked for Buffalo back in the day?


Kevin Lowe gave up a first round draft pick for Roloson. Edmontonians were hating, but now Lowe looks damn smart.

Agreed. I always thought of him to be arrogant. I read an interview awhile back and the guy refered to himself in the third person.


I play goal, and Im as wierd as the next one, but I hate arrogant goaltenders.

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Yeah' date=' maybe, but Edmonton has to be severe underdogs in this round? I hope they got their legs back tonight, then they have to solve that new goalie down there.[/quote']



it all comes down to traffic in front of the net

the oilers have smyth, and it doesn't get any better than that

dude is so good at getting under a goalies skin


edmonton all the way. the oilers own anaheim, statistically speaking.

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