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meh, had a bad day in computing. i tried to install tiny xp on my old, now junk comp, and get a windows cannot start because<windows root>/system32/hal.dll is miising or corrupt. i tried different numbers but it shuts down afterwards.

My ISP kills my connection because i downloaded paranormal activity even with peerblock and forced encryption enabled on utorrent. I guess i'll just have to do the netflix thing. /endrant



try Ubuntu.

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Ahhh! Reminding me of Ubuntu, would the Desktop version of Ubuntu work on a labtop? I have more than enough room, but Idk if it would work,or is there a Labtop version of Ubuntu


I've had Ubuntu on a Vista desktop with like 100GB a mem, now I have more than double that on a lil baby labtop

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Ahhh! Reminding me of Ubuntu, would the Desktop version of Ubuntu work on a labtop? I have more than enough room, but Idk if it would work,or is there a Labtop version of Ubuntu


I've had Ubuntu on a Vista desktop with like 100GB a mem, now I have more than double that on a lil baby labtop


Yep. It works fine.

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disable the DEP (Data Execution Prevention)

To disable the DEP, you reboot the computer and hit F8 to enter the boot selection menu.


Select Safe Mode.


Once the computer is booted up in Safe mode, click on Start and Run and type CMD and hit enter


Type the following;

bootcfg /raw "/noexecute=alwaysoff /fastdetect" /id 1










Tried what Silba posted, that didn't work.


after i typed in that stuff it said, error: boot.ini cannot be found

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i guess i'm fucked. this computer did not come with a windows cd. only system restore bullshit.


In the root of C: make a text file called boot.ini


put this in it


[boot loader]



[operating systems]

multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect


You can rename Pro to Home or whatever you have. Save it. All done.

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Oh, ok....here


Note You can run the commands in the following procedure by using the command prompt. If you run these commands in Windows Vista, run them at a command prompt that has elevated user rights. To do this, click Start, click Accessories, right-click the command-prompt shortcut, and then click Run as Administrator.


1. Use Bootsect.exe to restore the Windows Vista MBR and the boot code that transfers control to the Windows Boot Manager program. To do this, type the following command at a command prompt: Drive:\boot\Bootsect.exe /NT60 All


In this command, Drive is the drive where the Windows Vista installation media is located.


Note The boot folder for this step is on the DVD drive.

2. Use Bcdedit.exe to manually create an entry in the BCD Boot.ini file for the earlier version of the Windows operating system. To do this, type the following commands at a command prompt.


Note In these commands, Drive is the drive where Windows Vista is installed.

* Drive:\Windows\system32\Bcdedit /create {ntldr} /d "Description for earlier Windows version"


Note In this command, Description for earlier Windows version can be any text that you want. For example, Description for earlier Windows version can be "Windows XP" or "Windows Server 2003".

* Drive:\Windows\system32\Bcdedit /set {ntldr} device partition=x:


Note In this command, x: is the drive letter for the active partition.

* Drive:\Windows\system32\Bcdedit /set {ntldr} path \ntldr

* Drive:\Windows\system32\Bcdedit /displayorder {ntldr} /addlast

3. Restart the computer.

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tried to follow the tutorial and recreated some shit. plugged in my iphone. nothing. a few hours later, i plugged in my iphone and it starts charging! i was:scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled: . but my computer and itunes didn't recognize it. i unplugged the power source and still did not find it. i then restarted my computer and now the usb's doesn't recognize shit again and is not charging my iphone. i'm beginning to think it's a hardware issue.


are there any expresscard to usb adapter's out there?

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tried to follow the tutorial and recreated some shit. plugged in my iphone. nothing. a few hours later, i plugged in my iphone and it starts charging! i was:scrambled: :scrambled: :scrambled: . but my computer and itunes didn't recognize it. i unplugged the power source and still did not find it. i then restarted my computer and now the usb's doesn't recognize shit again and is not charging my iphone. i'm beginning to think it's a hardware issue.


are there any expresscard to usb adapter's out there?



Can you afford $8?


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