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Guest shai_hulud

Hi, Spectr.


Nothing much. Tired. Hoping it rains tonight so I can get out of work tomorrow.


Did everybody suddenly decide to go play cards?


Or is it me?


Shit, I'll even answer questions. I've got about another hour or so before I pass out.

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Guest shai_hulud

Hi, crooked.


Don't mind me, I'm tired.


Here's my problem. I'm sitting in front of a G4 that's been considerably modified (new 1.8 GHz CPU, new ATI AGP card, lots of RAM)...but, there's no OS on it.


I've tried Kubuntu 6.0.1, but since it predates the video card by about two years...that means the drivers are outdated and X won't start. Also, from the looks of things, it doesn't seem like they're doing much in the way of PPC support these days.


Next, I tried CRUX PPC. Went fine for the first 15 minutes or so...reminded me a little bit of Slackware. Very minimalist/text-based installer. But, when I went to recompile the kernel...all hell broke loose. Seems like it doesn't like the videocard OR the CPU. Darn.


SO, my question is...what's a good, small PPC Linux distro? The only other options I have are SUSE, Fedora, and Yellow Dog.


My x86 is in storage ATM, and looks to be there for the forseeable future. But, that's okay because I'm interested in PPCs now. I need a good challenge.

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Guest shai_hulud

Spectr- I'll try to get you on AIM...I have to jump through a couple hoops first.


You missed out on a LOT since I last spoke with you.


Oh, and I need your AIM handle.

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its listed next to my name... i should be online for as long as my internet signal lasts... though it seems to be doing pretty good tonight...


Oh and I would try yellow dog.. I used it a while ago on a older mac i had a while ago...

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Guest shai_hulud

And, I couldn't get my Demonoid torrent to work at all tonight. So, I'm not entirely sure the trackers are working, either.


Hopefully, someone will mirror the site soon or they'l just pack up and move to Russia. I hear the weather is nice there this time of year.


Edit- Okay, I got your handle now. I can't talk long, I'm toasted.

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i am still uploading some stuff and downloading one torrent right now and have been all day...

though it has been iffy a couple times... so I think the trackers are still working... or else I am just one of the lucky ones...

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Guest shai_hulud
shai: know anything about linux administration?

what code do you know? remind me


I'm not sure I understand the question. But, since you're asking about Linux...


Can I maintain my own install and fix/change/mod it? Sure. Would I do it for a living? Not at this point. I think I have a lot more to learn. I would like to learn about Apache and PHP someday.


As far as what code I know...just your basic POSIX commands and apps like cp, mv, chown, dmesg, tail, less, cfdisk and how pipes work. Not a whole lot, mostly what I just figured out along the way.


I still haven't learned C or any of the scripting languages...well, I know a little Python. Not enough to write code with it- mostly just how to fix things when they break and how to install Python-based apps.


I got sidetracked messing around with XP for a while. Lately I've been using Macs. Speaking of which, I found the PPC port of Slackware. It's new, up to date. Maybe it will work. I've had pretty good luck with Slackware in the past. As long as I don't have to get too wrapped up in it, I'm optimistic.

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OK, new drama.

I'm trying to backup files on my comp so I can do a full restore, and for some reason Nero is taking ages to burn dvds.

I mean, in Task manager, I see it is using like a shitload of memory, but close to 0% cpu.

I have no idea why this is happening, but it is pissing me off.

Any ideas?

And should I do a full restore and start fresh, or just restore it back to 6 months ago prior to any drama I had on here.

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Guest shai_hulud

Hey Mainter.


Nowhere special. Working odd jobs around the Bay.


Also, I took a break from the interwebs. It still remains to be seen how much you'll see of me (here).


Mauler- check out Ashampoo. They have a bunch of apps that I've found to be very easy to use and reliable. In your case, I'd recommend their burning suite and firewall- both are first rate.


They're available from their site- <http://www2.ashampoo.com/webcache/html/1/home_2.htm> .


Or you can go through, uh, other channels. (Not me, however.)

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I tried to do a system restore, and it says it is unabel to do one as windows hasn't shut down properly.

Now if i choose turn off computer thru start menu -> shut down computer, my computer restarts instead of remaining off.

Now that is weird, as it never used to happen to me like that. Only the past few weeks has that been happening. As i can't do a system restore, I have no idea how to fix it other than go with using the restore console to do a clean wipe.

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mauler did you get this taken care of?


if not


do a full wipe and format the drive completely wiping any history of data on it "format" (when you do the install of XP unplug from the internet meaning take the ethernet cable, phone, wireless card, whatever you got to connect to the internet and disconnect it )after you installed xp install an antivirus program ( really recommending Avast!! here latest version with latest virus database update if all possible, (contact me PM if you need help with that) after installing avast run a complete scan thoroughly ( remembering to leave the internet connection off make sure it comes back clean. Install all the drivers and all the backups and shit and then bring it back up online and run the antivirus again when it comes back clean make a system backup to DVD

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Guest shai_hulud
Ahh I didn't get it taken care of.

I already have been running Avast since I have had this computer.

I have no idea what these dramas have been caused by at all.

Ill let you know how I go, but can I do a fresh install of Windows thru my HP recovery console?


I'd recommend using a couple anti-malware apps. Of course, use them sequentially- NOT AT THE SAME TIME. Running two virus scanners in tandem will raise all sorts of hell.


I had pretty good luck with ClamWin. Avast is good too. Norton fucking sucks.


I do things a little (okay, a lot) differently with XP/Server2003. I'll try to break it down as simply as possible.


I'm assuming you backed everything up by now. If not, do that first. To DVD, external HD, whatever.


Before I do anything, I figure out how I'm going to set up the HD I plan to use, since I dual boot Windows and Linux. Since you probably aren't going to be using Linux, I'll leave the info about Linux out.


For starters, I'll zero (wipe) the HD to clear out all the old data (important), then create a 5 GB NTFS system partition using Paragon (a really good HD manager). I keep all my personal data (music, apps, art, photos, etc.) backed up to a RAID (fancy nerd thing) and a seperate external HD. I NEVER do anything on the system disk besides install the operating system(s) and apps....if the system tanks, it's no big deal. Plus, it's easy to password protect all the good stuff on the other drives. And, I can use a small, cheap HD for the grunt work. When it dies, I just pop in a new one. If you have to use one HD, though, just make a seperate partition for your personal data. It will save you headaches later.


Next, I pick out all the apps and drivers I want to use and copy the installers to a 512 MB thumb drive. I don't use much in XP- I try to use the smallest apps I can find. The two big things are Cygwin (Unix emulator) and VMWare...but everything I need easily fits onto a 512 MB thumb drive. A lot of space is for the videocard and wireless drivers.


Then, I just install everything then get the network shit up and running. I won't go into the details about net configuration, because everything is different every time I do it, and it's boring. I'll just assume you know what to do with your rig and connection.


If you use p2p or torrents, it's good to use Peerguardian. I'm not a total security nut, but I do use PG and a firewall called BlackIce. I then make sure my browser and clients can get in and out, close up a couple of ports, and that's about it. I don't run any virus protection full time- I'm pretty choosy about the sites I visit, and most of my DL's are from trusted sources. If I'm not sure about something, I'll run through ClamWin...but, I've been pretty lucky so far.


Mostly, I just steer clear of DDL sites, any Russian or Chinese sites, and porno sites. They seem to be the best way to get burnt. If I HAD to go somewhere shady, I'd just unplug all my HDs, then use a live CD.


It's late, I'm tired, and I'm sure I left a few things out....but, this shit is really easy. Don't stress off of it.

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