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t's a Gmail party and everyone is invited!

You can still invite your friends to enjoy Gmail's spam protection, 2.8 GB free storage and other great features, but now you can also just tell them to visit http://www.gmail.com and sign up without an invitation.


Increased attachment limit-- 20 MB!

Now you can start sharing more of those home videos, large presentations and files you just can't seem to get smaller. We have doubled the allowable attachment size to 20 MB to make your Gmail space even more useful. Learn More

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Guest R@ndomH3ro
so i got an external HD not too long ago, and it's working alright when i'm logged in on the mac OS BUT when i switch to XP it doesn't show up. can i getz sum helps? thanks.


Yeah, your mac formatted the hard drive to it.


Windows does not understand Mac formatting..(windows uses NTFS or FAT, mac uses MOE?)


what you need to do is partition your drive


half NTFS and other MAC stuff.

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format the drive as FAT32 (in Windows) or as MS-DOS (in Mac). Keep volume/folder file names following Windows naming rules. Don't erase any of the invisible files that will be visible on the opposite system when running. MP3's will write/read fine for both OS.


also a Unix File System format in Disk Utilities. If you format the drive with that file system it will share perfect between OS X, OS 9 and Windows.

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i haven't done it yet, i'm still saving the shit i have on the external hd to the regular one, to the ipod, and to dvd-r's, i think i have too much porn.


'mkay it worked,


another question, some keys don't work(apple keyboard), like volume and eject, is there something i can do/download to assign keys an action? thx.





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as long as yer USB ports are in working order you should have no problems at all short of the windows start menu key missing off the apple keyboard.



when you plug in the apple keyboard in VIA usb, xp should recognizes it right away and add new hardware



control -> control

option (alt) -> alt

command -> windows


The three volume keys should work just fine. i am not sure about the eject button will work but. All the other keys should. There is a piece of shareware called AppleK Pro (http://www.trinityworks.co.jp/US/software/AppleKPro/index.php) that allows you to use all of the typical Mac shortcuts such as command-s, command-w, screenshot combos, etc...





you can use the apple mouse too

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My neighbours are stealing my wireless internet access. I could encrypt it or alternately I could have fun.

Split the network


I'm starting here by splitting the network into two parts, the trusted half and the untrusted half. The trusted half has one netblock, the untrusted a different netblock. We use the DHCP server to identify mac addresses to give out the relevant addresses.



ddns-updates off;

ddns-update-style interim;



shared-network local {


subnet *.*.*.* netmask {

range *.*.*.* *.*.*.*;

option routers *.*.*.*;

option subnet-mask;

option domain-name "XXXXX";

option domain-name-servers *.*.*.*;

deny unknown-clients;


host trusted1 {

hardware ethernet *:*:*:*:*:*;

fixed-address *.*.*.*;




subnet netmask {


option routers;

option subnet-mask;

option domain-name-servers;

allow unknown-clients;






IPtables is Fun!


Suddenly everything is kittens! It's kitten net.


/sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -j DNAT --to-destination


For the uninitiated, this redirects all traffic to kittenwar.


For more fun, we set iptables to forward everything to a transparent squid proxy running on port 80 on the machine.


/sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination


That machine runs squid with a trivial redirector that downloads images, uses mogrify to turn them upside down and serves them out of it's local webserver.

The redirection script




$count = 0;

$pid = $$;

while (<>) {

chomp $_;

if ($_ =~ /(.*\.jpg)/i) {

$url = $1;

system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/space/WebPages/images/$pid-$count.jpg", "$url");

system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip","/space/WebPages/images/$pid-$count.jpg");

print "$pid-$count.jpg\n";


elsif ($_ =~ /(.*\.gif)/i) {

$url = $1;

system("/usr/bin/wget", "-q", "-O","/space/WebPages/images/$pid-$count.gif", "$url");

system("/usr/bin/mogrify", "-flip","/space/WebPages/images/$pid-$count.gif");

print "$pid-$count.gif\n";



else {

print "$_\n";;





Then the internet looks like this!


And if you replace flip with -blur 4 you get the blurry-net

Home Mythic Beasts, shell accounts, cvs hosting, co-location, virtual servers

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ok, so i got a new computer and it has this annoying hp load screen before the windows xp boot load screen comes up. is there any way to remove it?


go to your bios screen and turn off the boot up screen.

i think on hp's you have to hit escape or del at boot up to get to

the bios.

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

yo . help needed. my machine restarts at random, so i thought. i know its due to a worm which triggers restart when anything having to do with the registry is modified. also does this when any tools are used to remove the bug. how can i disable this bug completely so i can get rid of it.



oooo also. if i google registry, anti spywayre, etc. it will restart

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yo . help needed. my machine restarts at random, so i thought. i know its due to a worm which triggers restart when anything having to do with the registry is modified. also does this when any tools are used to remove the bug. how can i disable this bug completely so i can get rid of it.



oooo also. if i google registry, anti spywayre, etc. it will restart







download those, install them, update them. restart

hold F5 until you get the option to boot into safe mode.

run spybot. immunize, then scan.


spyware blaster is simply to block shit like your prob from happening again.


if you have any more trouble, we'll get hijackthis! in on it.

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