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Ever since I got The New Windows Vista, I havent been able to instal this program. I keep getting this . . . .




Im pretty much the Administrator. I went to the firewall settings to have it in the "excemptions" but still dont work and i still re-intalled it like three times all ready. Im running out of ideas on what to do.


I still have the old version of windows, i dont want to go back to the old stuff:(


Any ideas?

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I think my laptop hard drive is on its way out... I know someone on here has a spare one... I would have something cool to trade but my ex either stole it or threw it out... But I still have my laptop.... I haven't been getting the net like I used to, so I haven't done anything with irc yet casek... Oh yeah... I could probably use a new screen to... mine likes to make funny colors that make me think I am on acid all the time.... but I can ignore the occasional funny colors if my hard drive works....


what kind you need?

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Guest spectr
what kind you need?


well I am currently running a dell inspiron 4000 so anything that will run on that... I got a couple different os I can install on it... I would have something to offer in trade but the ex made sure I owned nothing... though I might just get my boy to give me the ill discount on a new dell if I make a decent amount of money anytime soon...

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well I am currently running a dell inspiron 4000 so anything that will run on that... I got a couple different os I can install on it... I would have something to offer in trade but the ex made sure I owned nothing... though I might just get my boy to give me the ill discount on a new dell if I make a decent amount of money anytime soon...



i got a couple but they will cost you around 150 or so

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Guest spectr
i got a couple but they will cost you around 150 or so


thats slightly less then what a basic laptop will run me from dell with the discount my boy hooks me up with...


fuck it... I won't have net once this laptop dies... I probably need to take a break from the internet anyway...

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Leakage on Firefox 3.0. The current Firefox 2.0 browser is darn skippy, but in anticipation of an explosion of Web 2.0 applications, the folks at Mozilla are giving it a serious overhaul for version 3.0, due out later this year. It's in alpha right now, but the gearheads at Mozilla are claiming they intend to build the browser so it can run Web apps that will perform as smoothly as regular desktop apps. More power to 'em. (Source: InfoWorld)

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go to the task manager and see whats running


if you try to shut down the computer with programs running you will get that prompt

P.S there is really no need to shutdown the computer if you are leaving the room or not using it. just put it into sleep mode (saves more energy that way because it does not need to suck up as much power to restart it again

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You and your new bride both got real sick on your honeymoon cruise and you both took lots of Dramamine which fucked you both up and made you see stuff.

“What’d you see?” you’ll ask three years into your marriage.

“You first,” she’ll say.

Tell her, “I saw the world in your face. It was a world of peace and beauty.”

She’ll say, “I saw bugs everywhere.”

Admit to her, “Yeah me too. I was just trying to protect you.”

She’ll ask if you really think those bugs are real and you’ll say, “Don’t you?” Then the two of you will run to the shower and scrub at each other with metal brushes under scalding hot water.

“I wanted to do this to you the day we were married,” you’ll say. She’ll smile and you’ll kiss her bloody teeth. Then she’ll scream for you to keep scrubbing, and you’ll scream just to keep vigilant.

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Supreme Court Appeal News


The future of free expression in the information age and the fate of the Internet as a viable medium of free expression, education, and commerce hang in the balance. On March 19, 1997, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the legal challenge to the Communications Decency Act (CDA), which criminalizes constitutionally protected speech on the Internet. A decision is expected in late June or early July.

This site -- the home of the Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition (CIEC), a broad group of Internet users, library groups, publishers, online service providers, and civil liberties groups -- contains the lastest news and detailed background on the case. The site also contains important information on what you can do to join the fight for the future of this medium. more...


CIEC Attorney and Leaders Encouraged by Supreme Court Oral Arguments

March 19, 1997

The United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments today in the in the legal challenge to the Communications Decency Act (CDA), a law imposing broad content regulations on the Internet. Bruce J. Ennis, lead attorney for the CIEC who argued the case today said that he felt that the case got a thorough and thoughtful hearing from the Court. "The Court seems to understand that the Internet is a unique medium and cannot be subject to the restrictions on speech which apply in mass media such as radio and television," Ennis said after the argument was completed.


The CIEC lawsuit, also known as the American Library Association v. the Department of Justice, was consolidated with a similar case brought by the American Civil Liberties Union and 20 other plaintiffs, known as ACLU v. Reno.

Last June, a three-judge federal panel in Philadelphia unanimously held key sections of the CDA to be unconstitutional. The government appealed the decision this past fall. A decision is expected in late spring or early summer.



On Tuesday January 21, the Justice Department and a coalition of "pro-family" groups who support the CDA filed briefs in support of the statute before the Supreme Court. These filings began the formal process of Supreme Court review.



It's not to late to join the Citizens Internet Empowerment Coalition. Over 56,000 Netizens have already joined the fight to preserve free speech online, HAVE YOU?

To receive CIEC news, enter your email address below and press "Submit!". [Privacy Policy.]

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