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That was so nerdy its not funny


*wanga's post



nah, man. that was a sneak peek (no pun) into the inner workings.


it's good to know that 12oz is getting its shit together...now if raven would stop

posting on other forums using a particular name.....while giving out security holes....


heh. actually, he stopped, but it was still wrong of him.



which leads me to another question for raven: has 12oz ever been hacked (that you're aware of)?

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it appears that those tweaks have done the board alot of good.

i notice a speed increase, no more errors when posting, correct timings,

and the threads are starting to bump to the top correctly. good stuff.


now if we could only get some 12oz radio going. i might set up a shoutcast server

if i can find a proggy that mac users can use to listen.


have i still got permission to set that up raven?


p.s.: eugene deserves a beer or eight from the admin and a pat on the back for a job well done.

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it appears that those tweaks have done the board alot of good.

i notice a speed increase, no more errors when posting, correct timings,

and the threads are starting to bump to the top correctly. good stuff.


now if we could only get some 12oz radio going. i might set up a shoutcast server

if i can find a proggy that mac users can use to listen.


have i still got permission to set that up raven?


p.s.: eugene deserves a beer or eight from the admin and a pat on the back for a job well done.



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so... i just got a computer. i'm not illiterate, per se, but i'm not particularly knowledgable on them either. (its technically """"borrowed"""" and i don't know shit about what it has, so those questions will not be answered as i don't know...)


my question: when i copy music from cds using windows media player the songs don't copy well, even if the disc is perfectly clean, when they play its as if they were skipping or buffering. its not my speakers because they play streaming songs just fine. and the "skipping" happens at the same time/same fashion on each song. so i assume its my drive--i'm getting a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827151133 soon... finally to the question: is the drive i have hopeless for this type of action and/or should i just wait til i have that new drive to worry about it?

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I've managed / ran many streaming radio stations,

if i can find a proggy that mac users can use to listen.
iTunes or VLC on the mac will play just fine. If allen wants to go ahead and do the radio i'll be more than happy to help him set it up, furthermore to keep it legit I can help acquire the proper licensing.
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I've managed / ran many streaming radio stations, iTunes or VLC on the mac will play just fine. If allen wants to go ahead and do the radio i'll be more than happy to help him set it up, furthermore to keep it legit I can help acquire the proper licensing.



dude, that would be awesome. allen was in here earlier. don't know if he saw my question.

we had discussed it a year or so ago, but i couldn't find anything to support what he wanted....a quicktime type station. now with shoutcast support macs, and *nix, it would be simple.


talk to him about it, wanga. he has the server capability (which i don't). i think it would be fun to get a small group of people together to dj for a 12oz radio station. we could get some of the more "famous" writers to do spots for fourthehardway, etc. it would be a good promotional thing as well as alot of fun.

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so... i just got a computer. i'm not illiterate, per se, but i'm not particularly knowledgable on them either. (its technically """"borrowed"""" and i don't know shit about what it has, so those questions will not be answered as i don't know...)


my question: when i copy music from cds using windows media player the songs don't copy well, even if the disc is perfectly clean, when they play its as if they were skipping or buffering. its not my speakers because they play streaming songs just fine. and the "skipping" happens at the same time/same fashion on each song. so i assume its my drive--i'm getting a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827151133 soon... finally to the question: is the drive i have hopeless for this type of action and/or should i just wait til i have that new drive to worry about it?




easy solution man. stop using wnidows emdia player to burn stuff. grab yourself a copy of nero burning. burn at the lowest speed and see how that works out for you.

if you need assistance (you knwo what i mean) with nero, drop me a pm.you may not need a new drive at all. in fact, you probably don't. windows media player just plain sucks for burning stuff to cd.

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dude, that would be awesome. allen was in here earlier. don't know if he saw my question.

we had discussed it a year or so ago, but i couldn't find anything to support what he wanted....a quicktime type station. now with shoutcast support macs, and *nix, it would be simple.


talk to him about it, wanga. he has the server capability (which i don't). i think it would be fun to get a small group of people together to dj for a 12oz radio station. we could get some of the more "famous" writers to do spots for fourthehardway, etc. it would be a good promotional thing as well as alot of fun.


i'll talk to him. it's an idea we been sitting on for at least 8 years.

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hey.. so i dl'd said item and ripped a song and it does the same thing as windows was doing... my drive, other options?



wow. hmm. it could be you don't have your dma set correctly.




try that solution. i recently had a computer that wasn't burning dvd's correctly.

it was the dma settings.

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Quick 'N Easy IDE to USB Converter


This is a great way to quickly add some extra storage either internally or externally to your system. It's also an excellent little tool for IT or tech support folks who need to backup internal hard disks a lot while they're fixing PCs. The gadget is made by a company called Vantec, which has named it (appropriately) the IDE-USB Adapter. Thing supports all standard IDE disk interfaces on one side and handles eitehr USB 1.1 or 2.0 on the other. A great little tool, especially at only about $25 on the street.


(via OCModShop)

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Quick 'N Easy IDE to USB Converter


This is a great way to quickly add some extra storage either internally or externally to your system. It's also an excellent little tool for IT or tech support folks who need to backup internal hard disks a lot while they're fixing PCs. The gadget is made by a company called Vantec, which has named it (appropriately) the IDE-USB Adapter. Thing supports all standard IDE disk interfaces on one side and handles eitehr USB 1.1 or 2.0 on the other. A great little tool, especially at only about $25 on the street.


(via OCModShop)





that's $15-$25 less than the enclosure for making an internel HD usb capable. nice find mainter.

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Computerworld has an article examining Microsoft's plans to launch a competitor to the Apple iPod, the wireless media player called Zune. The article lists five reasons why Apple may fear the Zune, and why it won't be as easily smacked down as the dozens of mp3 players before it have been. The Zune isn't just a music player, the article argues. Think of it as a portable, wireless, hardware version of MySpace. With the Zune, Microsoft is trying to launch a consumer media 'perfect storm.'" From the article: "Microsoft will make the movement of media between Windows, Soapbox and the Zune natural and seamless. The Zune interface is just like a miniature version of the Windows Media Center user interface and is very similar to some elements of Vista. Apple fans are overconfident in the iPod because Apple once commanded 92% of music player market share, a number that has since fallen to around 70%. About 30 million people own iPods. But Microsoft owns more than 90% of the worldwide operating systems market (compared with Apple's roughly 5%), representing some 300 million people. The company expects to have 200 million Vista users within two years."

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