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Question, I have a imac and hoe ass dsl. when i open a page half of the pictures dont show up, its pretty fucking annoying. any idea what i can do to fix this? my isp is safari the one that comes with macs



Ok lets first get this right if you have an imac the Internet Browser that comes with it is Safari



yer ISP (Internet Service Provider) is the company that provides you with DSL


so now to answer yer question


you will have to buy a better plan with yer DSL company to get better speeds ( get cable) the only way dsl is ever faster than cable is when no one else in yer area has DSL


also firefox browser has faster loading times on webpages so go download it and install



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ok I got a problem... its a laptop running windows xp that boots up into windows, but displays nothing on the screen but the background, right click is disabled, and ctrl-alt-delete doesn't work. I can boot into safe mode and run things through the task manager.... any clues how to get my system back?


second problem...

got a desktop running windows xp, with 2 hard drives, it claimed to have 3 hard drives and the cd-rom wasn't being detected, so my friend pulled it open tried installing a cdrom and now bot hard drives are set to slave, it wont boot up and it still doesn't detect the cd drive...


any help would be great...

oh yeah why does my laptop screen display psychedelic colors....

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