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dear eastbay powder puff,


nigga, listen up. the way we do it in the nerdy souf, is to:


type cmd

<enter> (from now on, that means "click")

now you've got a command prompt up

type ipconfig /release


it goes through its schpiel

type ipconfig /renew



close the command prompt after it confirms that you have a new ip address.

continues to pick teeth with a piece of straw


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Back and fucked up worse then ever


ok so editing time has changed or the message borad timer is really fucking fast it says its been 25 minutes sense i posted and i am editing it now????



and also when you edit a comment the tread gets bumped to the top as if you made a new comment




hahaha this comment is really fucked up its stuck at the bottom

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Teh osms pwnd!!!!11111


1337 status here I come


you don't listen to him. ok, then. very good.

you go to local store and buy one of these type things. solve all your problem. can be used in laptop or desktop



maybe compusa not so good. find other store.


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So back to my wifi problem...


I did all the dns stuff you asked for. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the driver for my wifi... Still nothing.


It says it's connected, but anytime I try to open a page it doesn't. Then when I try to repair it says cannot clear DNS cache.


When I try to flush it through CMD, it says operation failed...


Any ideas?

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