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the following instructions will allow your computer to shut down much faster. This specific change tells the operating system to shut down the services on your computer at faster rate; instead of shutting down at the default 20,000 ms, your computer will be shutting down those services in 1,000 ms, after applying this change you should see a significant difference in the amount of time it takes to shutdown your PC. Below you'll find some simple steps to speed up your computers shut down time.


1. These tweaks require that you venture into your registry, please backup your registry.


2. Go to Start > Run when the Run box opens type in regedit


3. Your registry should have opened [Just checking...have you backed up your registry?] Navigate to the following keys; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > System > CurrentControlSet > Control


4. When you get to Control click on it, the pane to the right should have a listing of several keys, double-click on;


>WaitToKillServiceTimeout, change it to '1000' (changing this forces your computer during shutdown to end services that are running much faster)


5. Once you 've changed these settings restart your computer and your settings should have taken effect.

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Linux Hackers Re-claim the Linksys WRT54G

As predicted, the open source community has come up with a way to convert VxWorks-based LinkSys wireless WRT54G routers to Linux. The process does not require hardware hacking, and installs a recent version of "DD-WRT micro."


A version of Linux that supports the VxWorks-based "series 5" WRT54G has been available since April, when the DD-WRT project created its "micro" edition, with a 1.7MB footprint. However, the firmware could only be installed on routers modified to expose their JTAG ports (complicated instructions here).


Now, Jeremy Collake, aka "db90h," appears to have created a "VxWorks Killer" flash image that overwrites the VxWorks bootloader on series 5 WRT54G routers with normal Broadcom CFE firmware. This then enables the device to be put into maintenance mode at startup, after which Linux firmware can be installed easily.




Read the full story at Linux Hackers Re-claim the Linksys WRT54G.

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a linux joke i do not get


These two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, “So what’ll it be?”

The first string says, “I think I’ll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu”


“Please excuse my friend,” the second string says, “He isn’t null-terminated.”


i understand the null-terminated but that blabber is way over my head

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High-Tech Bedtime Prayer


Now I lay me down to sleep,

from the nightstand buttons beep.

PC all set to download a file,

and send the mail in a little while.

Then gather the news before the dawn,

and all the scores from fans long gone.


The AC is set to cut back on cool;

Lights to blink, the burglars to fool.

Alarm clock set on delayed shutoff;

CD to play some, then cutoff.

Sleep-maker set on medium tension,

Voice mail set on no-wake suspension.


Burglar alarm on delay activate;

Carport lite on, for son who's late.

Mr. Coffee all set to percolate;

Dishwasher to run at ten of eight.

Air purifier cleans each hour tonite;

Water filter to fill the tank just right.


TiVo to record three good shows,

Something to watch during winter snows.

Motion detectors on, to check what moves;

White noise machine set to seaside soothes.

Camcorder is ready to film in a flash

Blender's all set, the fruit to mash.


Lord, bless our all-electric domain;

Keep lightning away should it rain.

Let no errant shock reset it all;

Watch over the breaker box in the hall.

I'm wide awake now from all this hassle;

God bless our multi-megawatt castle.

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a linux joke i do not get


These two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, “So what’ll it be?”

The first string says, “I think I’ll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu”


“Please excuse my friend,” the second string says, “He isn’t null-terminated.”


i understand the null-terminated but that blabber is way over my head


Ha ha....it's about /dev/null, I think.


/dev/null is a old-fashioned way to send email, duplicate files, or extraneous information to a null device, which was usually a terminated serial port. It makes sense, if you ever tried to retrieve a deleted ext2 file....you can do it, but the data gets scrambled.


Good stuff.

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hey people what the hell do you want to read in this thread?


we got 3 tech-support technicians that are willing to answer your question FOR FREE (CASEK /SHAI & I also some random ones come thru) no matter how dumb you think they may be (the only dumb questions are questions that are not asked) be a man/woman bring up the questions maybe someone to scared to ask it so you may have to do it for them) (i got that same talk all thru school) i know alot of the people on this message board are kids so you should be use to it anyway


so with all that bull$|-|!t said


ask some questions damnit

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Casek, thanks alot man..that sounds promising but it looks it just aint my day...

I dled the torrent but didnt have the chance to try it since all i'm getting since then

is blue screens of death on each reboot. I'm on safe mode now just to report these

stop signs to you guys...






My computer was fine up until i installed, frap, after that i installed the prey demo(which worked fine in the past) to check how frap works and the whole crazy business started after a friend pluged his ipod on the comp(first time i lost the screen) rebooted, everything was fine, tried tp play a video and lost the screen again..eversince then i only get blue screens unless on safemode. I did try system restore to like 3 days ago and no dice...



I still have the same problems, uninstalled the nvidia drivers and installed the new ones several times but i get these blue screens all the time...is it time to buy a new g-card?! shieeet

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Hold on a sec....I'm not claiming to be anything other than the resident Linux grouch. Mainter and Casek are the real deal, I'm just broke and had to figure out how to do it all by myself.


Having said that, if I can help, I will. But, bear in mind that I'm only slightly less dumb about computers than most people here. That's not false modesty, either...


Hey, I need some XP video editing apps and/or a editing suite for a certain charming young lady I know....not me. (I'm still on the UNIX team.)


If anybody can help I would appreciate it a great deal....PM or email me with any details, and I'll make the arrangements.

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OK, ended up buying a new graphics card so problem fixed, the hard way..i just couldnt lose anymore work time so i dropped the 80 bucks on an ATI this time.


More problems that need solutions:


1. Theres something wrong with firefox. When i try to open pages that have a video (and an embeded player, usually qtime or media player) it doesnt show anything in there. I open the same link in IE and it works...any ideas?


2. I'm feeling opera alot but i just leave firefox i think, still what do you think about the torrent function in opera? didnt really work for me. Is there a way to bypass it and keep sending torrents to utorrent?!


3. Last question, whats a good program for downloading, something that will allow to dl all the target images from a thumbnail page etc etc etc




its a bit stupid like that.

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shai, i would recommend adobe premiere pro if i'm getting your request correctly.[/quote


Hmmmm. Well, she said Premiere didn't work too well on her laptop.


I've heard a lot about Avid Express. I know nothing about video editing, or apps used to do it. I offered to help her find a (ahem), "demo" version, if you know what I mean.


Meh. Time to go to SLSK.

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OK, ended up buying a new graphics card so problem fixed, the hard way..i just couldnt lose anymore work time so i dropped the 80 bucks on an ATI this time.


More problems that need solutions:


1. Theres something wrong with firefox. When i try to open pages that have a video (and an embeded player, usually qtime or media player) it doesnt show anything in there. I open the same link in IE and it works...any ideas?


2. I'm feeling opera alot but i just leave firefox i think, still what do you think about the torrent function in opera? didnt really work for me. Is there a way to bypass it and keep sending torrents to utorrent?!


3. Last question, whats a good program for downloading, something that will allow to dl all the target images from a thumbnail page etc etc etc




its a bit stupid like that.



ok: your media player probs:

quicktime alternative


embedded media player step0by-step



torrents: just "open with" and pick the app (utorrent)


images: downthemall plugin for firefox






also: luba is nice but i dig vika. petter hegre is a lucky sonofabitch

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i got the 9800 and its already much better than my previus nvidia one with the same specs more or less. I like the card, i'd just prefer the 80 euros in my pocket...


shai, avid is the No1 software used by montage people, its very good. Still, sony vegas is most likely the best piece of software for begginers out there.

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no doubt. 9800 hasn't got bad specs at all. there are some things ati has that nvidia doesn't, but not much difference, like you said.


$80 euros? that would be over $100 here, right? maybe a little over?



and yes, vegas video is bad ass. you can do alot more than you think with it. vegas is one of my favourites. and avid is the shit, too. they make softs for PCs now. i have some. "liquid" i think it's called.

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Re: «<< 12Oz Computer Tech Support >>>


Try Opera. www.opera.com It seems to be a lot more stable then Firefox. I prefer it over Firefox personally, so I admit there's a bias here.


Just so you know, I agree with Mainter that Firefox is a excellent project/browser, but as of late it seems to be plagued with stability issues.


Hmm. Thanks will give that a try. It's strange, I have never ever had a problem with firefox until now.

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