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ATTN SF1-Krakatau-Stereotype

Guest imported_Tesseract

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Originally posted by John Birch@Dec 24 2005, 10:11 AM

since I'm one of like 10 people who actually populate crossfire (thanks to my homie dawood) I have no problem... maybe's its because they all agree with me...but they seem cool...I don't see any flaming on here, if thats what you internet geeks call it...crosfires been dead, and since I've become a fan I've noticed its been dying out...



I stopped paying attention to you in crossfire, Johnny rocket.

you acted like you had a full house, I knew you were bluffing.

How could you throw up a fox against an alligator? I chew your posts one by one like a now and later........ha, ha, ....nah,

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Originally posted by Dawood@Dec 30 2005, 08:37 PM

can this be the trash talking thread? I always enjoy coming in a seeing a good SF stereotype ca cash brawl, it's kinda fun , Ill miss the cop jokes and the emoticons, the annoying snotty ass sarcastic remarks from (you know who) at least if we keep in in here, we can contain it, like a fungus, just let it grow in here. huh?



i havent had such a conversation with SF1 in a long while

i put him on ignore a while ago, everynow and then ill feel like reading what he has to say and read a post of his



same with you i got you on ignore

i just decided to read what you had to say


its easier for me and, keeps me from going off topic all the time

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oh, ok, now I see what stereotype is talking about^^^ desperate and nasty? I don't know about that. anyway, don't get bent all out of shape, man. everybody knows you for your annoying sarcastic remarks, it's just you, I'm not being nasty, just like everyone knows i'm a muslim and I talk about Allah in the nature of the creator thread. It's cool, that's just you , man, embrace it. maybe you can start a sarcastic remark thread and get freak nasty in it. I hope you don't get offended , I'm only playing with you.


man, CAcash, you hurt my feelings....ignore?



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Originally posted by Dawood+Dec 31 2005, 04:49 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Dawood - Dec 31 2005, 04:49 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-John Birch@Dec 24 2005, 10:11 AM

since I'm one of like 10 people who actually populate crossfire (thanks to my homie dawood) I have no problem... maybe's its because they all agree with me...but they seem cool...I don't see any flaming on here, if thats what you internet geeks call it...crosfires been dead, and since I've become a fan I've noticed its been dying out...



I stopped paying attention to you in crossfire, Johnny rocket.

you acted like you had a full house, I knew you were bluffing.

How could you throw up a fox against an alligator? I chew your posts one by one like a now and later........ha, ha, ....nah,




you're just hating cuz I know more about islam than you...and you never respond to my questions...happy new year!!!












but seriously, we talk about deep shit on here, emotions, hyperbole, swear words, insults...they come out...but I understand you as a mod tes...

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Ha, ha, yeah, youre the Iron Sheikh, John, The knowledgeable one.....There's something about knowledge that we all need to know. Knowledge doesn't become knowledge in the true sense of knowledge until you put what you know into practice, If you know something and you never utilize that knowledge, or you never act on it, it just becomes a proof against you , you knew , but still you didn't act according to what you knew so you were like a donkey with books on your back, the books can't benefit the donkey, just weigh him down. and , about your questions that I don't answer, well, I dislike most of your questions, they all come from a textbook of doubtful things, questions like , "If God is so powerful, could he create a rock so big that even he couldn't lift" I hate questions like that. So insulting to the greatness of the greatest. , but your posts still make me laugh. and youre one of the goodfellas from around the way, so youre ok in my book...anyway hit me on the pm later maybe we can bust a freestyle.

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Originally posted by John Birch@Jan 1 2006, 08:52 AM


but seriously, we talk about deep shit on here, emotions, hyperbole, swear words, insults...they come out...


There's a reason why you don't talk politics and religion at the dinner table... cause shit gets HEATED!

But this aint the dinner table. This is Crossfire, damnit! I was under the impression that Crossfire was named after the TV show "Crossfire" where politicians get into heated debates. Debates that often end up with niggas personally attacking eachother and/or cursing at eachother because either they really beleive in what they're saying or they are hardheadedly loyal to their partys agenda.

I remember when Bush stole his second election I was heated just like everyone else and I was venting that shit in Brickslayers. Some nerdball came on there talking about how brickslayers wasn't the forum for talking politics and that I should follow him over to Crossfire because he would love to argue with me there. At first I was like "I aint following to your little debate class". But then curiosity got the best of me so eventually I came and checked it out. Then I got sucked in. I couldn't beleive the amount of morrons with lack of common sense that come on here acting like they know what they're talking about when it's apparent that they live in Bumblefuck and probably never left home and get their ideas of the world and politics from Fox news and MSNBC. I hate these kind of people and I like to argue... so I was hooked.

But lately it has become obvious that this is not a forum where you can argue politics in a REAL-TALK manner without getting censored for useing REAL-TALK.

Me pulling someones card for using more than one screen-name isn't that different than a politician on the TV show "Crossfire" pulling Bushes card for being Cheyneys pupet, or Cheyneys card for his ties to Haliburton.

Me calling some snyde snotnosed sarcastic spinster little douchebag exactly that... is what would go down on the real "Crossfire".

Untill you mods decide that this is a real "political" forum where shit gets heated and that's OK (because sometimes you have to grab an idiot and scream in his face WHY he's an idiot and tell him to wake the fuck up and snap out of his aloofness in order for him to "wake the fuck up and snap him out of his aloofness"). Untill we can have our "freedom of speach" to call an idiot an idiot and a douchebag a douchebag... untill I can call shit as I see it in the way that I naturally and freely would in real life then I don't need this sham of a forum. You can find me in Brick-Slayers. :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

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Guest imported_El Mamerro

1) "Crossfire" the TV show was a fucking travesty, it was the Jerry Springer of political debate shows. I'm glad Jon Stewart put those people in their place. SF1, if your idea of adequate political discussion is the "Crossfire" TV show, sorry, but you really have no place discussing politics.


2) Feel free to vent at each other personally on this thread. Just keep it off the rest of the board.

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Guest imported_Tesseract
Originally posted by El Mamerro@Jan 2 2006, 07:23 PM


2) Feel free to vent at each other personally on this thread. Just keep it off the rest of the board.



I totally agree with that but promise you guys wont get mad if we start playing with the title a little....

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by SF1@Jan 2 2006, 10:59 PM

PS... The day freedom of speech in Crossfire is limited by censorship is the day Crossfire is officially dead.



We'd like to censor stupidity in Crossfire. I'm sorry if that leaves you few options.

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Originally posted by Tesseract@Jan 4 2006, 12:48 AM

We all wish members in here where more intelligent, but if stupidity is on the subject it can get ignored.


If that is directed at me (in the context it seems so), any part of my post can be corroborated with facts. Saying because my opinions differ means I'm less intelligent is an extremely simplistic and narrow-minded way of looking at things. If you want people who all have the same point of view it becomes a "liberal hug fest", as someone else aptly put it.

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Guest imported_El Mamerro
Originally posted by SF1+Jan 3 2006, 11:40 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (SF1 - Jan 3 2006, 11:40 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>

OK then how is it that this guy "Stereotype" can get away with posting stupidity like this and if I call him an idiot I get threatened with being banned??? Fuckit! if you're gonna ban me then ban him too!!! :huh2:




Alright SF1, let me show you something real quick:



Stereotype's post:


Originally posted by Stereotype V.001@Jan 3 2006, 11:58 PM

People think the fact that basically none of these guys have been charged with a crime means they are innocent. They are at one of the most expensive holding facilities, with an extremely small capacity, under the most public scrutiny, that costs the most per inmate. IMO that means the guys in there are confirmed senior Al Queda and Taliban people (I know for sure the so called "20th hi-jacker" is there because I have the TIME article about his interrogation, one of the 9-11 planners is there as well). There is probably a greater tendency to send prisoners who may not have done anything to a cheaper prison where they stack em in like sardines and release a random thousand guys now and then, like Abu Ghraib.


I personally don't have a problem with force feeding them. They are using propaganda with what they've got, plain and simple. If they were serious about killing themselves, they could easily make a noose with clothing or use a number of other easier and quicker ways.




YOUR post:


<!--QuoteBegin-SF1@Jan 3 2006, 11:40 PM

This is the biggest load of hoarse shit that I have witnessed come from you yet! "Oh well, if they got picked up in Afghanistan and they are muslim and got sent to Guantanamo then they must be guilty"??? Fuckit!! why the fuck was there ever a legal system in the first place then??? If everybody that gets locked up is automatically guilty then what's the purpose for lawyers and Judges and Jurys then??? If they're automatically guilty then what's the point of spending tax dollars to keep them breathing??? Why not just kill them on the spot??? Why aren't graffiti writers just thrown in the dungeon without a trial then? Obviously anybody that gets arrested is automatically guilty... right??? The cops are never wrong just like the US army in Afghanastan is never wrong right... aint that what you're saying??? And if they are guilty then why the fuck can't they actually get charged with whatever the fuck it is that they are guilty of???What the fuck!?!?




Can you tell the difference? One is a well-written, well-explained simple opinion, which others may or may not agree with. The other is a maniac getting pissed off because he doesn't like it, and jumping to all sorts of stupid conclusions because he can't accept it.


Stereotype's problem was that he couldn't resist adding some silly jab or mockery to any discussion he took part in, which made everyone respond in the same childish manner and completely defeated the point of him presenting a different point of view to enrich the discussion. YOUR problem is you can't seem to NOT make a complete fool out of yourself 90% of the times you type something. Control your temper and stop falling for his shit. He's already toned down on his part, now man up and do yours.

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for everyone in general... but this first appeared on another thread is response to someone's off-topic nitpicking:



*anyway for the record, stay on topic PLEASE and don't argue semantics. I assume everyone here is learned and intelligent enough to know what I'm talking about without wasting our time nit-picking terminology. If it makes you feel superior, start a new thread on being a nit-picking semantics bugger, and who's best at it.



This is a graf forum discussing politics. I don't need to waste my time spell-checking and explaining terminology on every statement I make...I write as precisely as I need to without wasting my and everyone elses time...



if one can make their point in 5 words, its much better than making the same point in 5 paragraphs...

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The topic of this thread was petty name calling that caused threads to get off topic. If the mods think the conversation was off topic, they can feel free to delete my post.


You presented something not even remotely true to back up your argument, and I pointed out it was wrong. I did not mention spelling, so no need to "waste your time on spell check". Terminology had nothing to do with it. Stop whining. My post about the topic can be found in the other thread.

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Originally posted by Stereotype V.001@Jan 9 2006, 01:06 AM

The topic of this thread was petty name calling that caused threads to get off topic. If the mods think the conversation was off topic, they can feel free to delete my post.


You presented something not even remotely true to back up your argument, and I pointed out it was wrong. I did not mention spelling, so no need to "waste your time on spell check". Terminology had nothing to do with it. Stop whining. My post about the topic can be found in the other thread.




Hahahahahahahah!!!! You're a fucking LIAR! Everytime I would shoot down one of your pathetic dim-witted posts you would resort to correcting my spelling in as long of a drawn out post as you could as a means to take focus away from the topic at hand. Don't deny it now you fucking clown! :haha:

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Also Stereotype, what was the point of telling me in a PM that you were coming to Philly to see me... then after I told you a way to get at me you told me you actually were IN Philly and that I would be hearing from you? I aint heard from you dawg! I'm calling bullshit.

As usual with you. :dozey:

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SF is back! I know this has been stated before by someone else, but have you noticed you're the only person who's spelling I correct? And certainly you do shut me down everytime, by using childish names and figuring out my many 12oz aliases!


As far as trying to hook up for a play date with you in Philly, I noticed how in several threads you stated you would love to beat my ass, meet me in person, ect ect. Juding by the tough guy talk, I figured you could be baited into giving me your address so I could send boxes of dildos or something funny but apparently even you're not that dumb.

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