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Also stop posting my fucking pictures ive said it countless times. its getting old. You are all a bunch of fucking jerkoffs. I dont think any off you faggets are gonna pay my fucking court costs and fines when i catch new charges cause you fucking idiots keep posting my shit on a foum thats open to ANYONE!

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unkle and relo, making all yall niggahs look hella silly, and was that a dark sarge train i saw?

Total mind binder.


GTFOH with that shit. like you coordinate shit or something with that..."total mind binder" shit. and stop trying to talk like you run shit cuz you dont lil homie. I dunno why me and you always gotta have words for someone saying some dumb shit. I though me and you was on the same page after last time.


....and stop whinning about ppl posting up your shit. if u don't want ur shit seen or posted dont do graf. point blank. if you was Reeally worried about not drawing attention to yourself as you say, you wouldnt register on here with the same fucking name you write with genius. think about it.


as for everyone else, if you dont like what i said fuck yall too. I know who all ya'll niggas is. fuck a screen name. all lville threads are trash anyways so this post shouldnt matter. I havent been posting alot in awhile. but ya niggas kill me with the dumb shit.

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I dont smoke anymore, its an inside joke for those that know me..

But I can gaurantee if I rolled a stoagie yall would be down to smoke it.


That could be a flick of some rare shit and yall would still talk some shit. It aint swag,its just a shitty flick.

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get em nahmean


lol. but srsly dude kills me with that shit. talkin like he's on some high horse all the time. whats a "total mind binder", is them easy lame ass 1 or 2 color fills with a simple as outline he be throwing up.

if i did 3-4 of those a nite, i guess i'd think i was the shit too :rolleyes:

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stop trying to talk like you run shit cuz you dont lil homie.

fuck yall too

I know who all ya'll niggas is.

but ya niggas kill me with the dumb shit.



are you fucking serious?

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Sarge, your not good.

I know you really like to think your down, and cool, and dope.

But your really not.


So get off my dudes back.



neither are you Jigl. i aint even gonna start another whos better than who debate. I cant look at any of ur shit and take it serious. even that name is fucked up. and "your dude" can speak for himself, so stop riding his dick. are u his spokes person? he needs to get the fuck off his high horse. and stop acting like he calls shots or some shit and whining cuz other ppl are posting his shit. any of yall got a prob with me we can handle it im in the mood anyways. hit me up this city aint big.

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jigl burns you, and so does seap.

this thread was a little better when you were off the computer and in the streets acting hard.

thats all im going to say.


**stolen from the tennessee thread.

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^^lol. 3 of those looks like the same fucking letter. im done. i aint even gonna get started with this shit aint and this thread was never good. i aint actin hard..im cool til somebody says some dumb shit. easy for u to say when you aint even in this state tho.lolol

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okay first of all i tried to take a flick its kinda hard when ur going like 70 miles and hr u asshole duh.. 2nd of all fuck u too if u dont like what i say dont fucking read it... it wasnt esay from mul its esay thats in sic

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okay this is stupid. JIGL would burn SARGE any day. yeah his name is silly but its unique and so is his style. and no im not "dick riding" hell I dont even like the mother fucker. But he can paint. as far as KALI ONE and punk ass esay go well....haha it just goes without saying.

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