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discussion on the nature of the creator of the heavens and earth


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You both have strange concepts of what God wants from you if think that adhering to his commandments means not using your brain. In contrast, disobeying the commandments of God is the pinnacle of brainlessness since he hasn't created your brain except that you use it to ward off harmful things and bring closer beneficial things. If you only knew.


The problem with Americans (especially white people in America) Is that christianity destroyed most of your chances of looking objectively upon religion. Christianity is so obsurdly unreasonable to any objective person that even most Christians I know admit they are only Christians by virtue of the fact they were born into a Christian family and that they don't truly believe in it.

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from wiki


“ In summary, then, Jefferson was a deist because he believed in one God, in divine providence, in the divine moral law, and in rewards and punishments after death; but did not believe in supernatural revelation. He was a Christian deist because he saw Christianity as the highest expression of natural religion and Jesus as an incomparably great moral teacher. He was not an orthodox Christian because he rejected, among other things, the doctrines that Jesus was the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God. Jefferson's religion is fairly typical of the American form of deism in his day. ”

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nah, I'm sure he means ALL of christianity.

Take Christmas for example....December 25th was a celebration for Constantine before he accepted Christianity. After he became Christian, he kept that celebration alive and just called it Jesus' birthday.

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Yupp.. but not all Christians take that day as Jesus birthday.. if i could remember correctly he was born somewhere around the spring.. or so they beleive i dont really know. But i am aware just like the christmas trees and all of that stuff its usually used heavily with the catholics and not so heavily with some protestants. Just take it inn consideration that catholicism was started by the empereor constantine.. so im not surprised. True christianity was born when Jesus resurrected and left his holy spirit on earth on the day of pentecostal. There was no images involve and no christmas, it was just reborn brothers and sisters preaching the word of God.

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but where in the bible did God say that the religion of Jesus was Christianity?


And as for Jesus' birthday. I'm not sure exactly when. What I do know is that in his day, they used the lunar calendar as opposed to the Solar calandar that America uses today. And even if the date was known it would be different ever year (in the solar calendar) because the lunar and solar calendar do not align.

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but where in the bible did God say that the religion of Jesus was Christianity?


And as for Jesus' birthday. I'm not sure exactly when. What I do know is that in his day, they used the lunar calendar as opposed to the Solar calandar that America uses today. And even if the date was known it would be different ever year (in the solar calendar) because the lunar and solar calendar do not align.


Well God didnt send Jesus to this world to establish any religion. He came to establish a new way of life and like John 3:16 says For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever beleive in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. So he didn't just came for his people (the jewish people) he came for anybody that beleive he was the messiah, the son of God so that they wont die but have the everlasting life. But he didnt just came to save the world, he came to give his people power. What do i mean by power? When i say power i mean the annointment of the spirit of the Lord. He said that by the name of Jesus and the spirit of God we were going to be able to heal the sick, to see miracles in front of our eyes and to take cast any evil spirits out. Thats whats wrong with todays Christianity, alot of my brothers and sisters around the world think this was just for the primitive church or the apostles. But Jesus said that we should wait to get babtize by the holy ghost. When you receive the spirit of God in you he said you should receive power. Alot of people believe this is a fairy tale of some sort but i am a true testimony of what that holy spirit can do in anyones life.Ive only seen a few people with this kind of annointment but im sure that soon there is going to be a huge REVIVAL and we will see miracles in front of our eyes. So far ive gotten to 2 points, 1) Jesus came to save the world 2) Jesus came to give his church power. So whats going to happened when His body meaning his church is full of the power of God? He is going to come for his people and take us to where our home is. The apostle paul said that for him to live is christ but to die is gain. HE was a man that killed any christians in sight but one the he saw the light of God that changed him and made him a true testimony of how God can change you in an instant.


So nowhere in the bible does it says Jesus came to establish christianity but somewhere in the book of acts people that werent christians started calling thos followers of christ christians. After that it just got stuck to us. Just like alot of people nowadays calls christians aleluyas or any other namecalling thats how we got our tag. Just remember Dawood Jesus loves and has big plans for you. I admire your seeking of god but Jesus said I am the way, the thruth and the life: no man comes unto the father, but by me. In the book of Isaiah in chapter 53 you can see clearly the prophecies of how Jesus was going to come. Alot of people get confuse because it says they shall name him emmanuel wich means God with us. But what they dont know that the name of Jesus means Jehova saves. And the name of Emmanuel will come true in his second and third coming to this world. Well Blessings to anyone who actually read this.

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haha how ignorant!

that's so pointless to say, science and religion are two different things and they are not suppose to compete with eachother, BUT when your religion is "science" , you fight against all the religions that believe in a God, because although your intellectual age might be high your spiritual age is way behind , and that causes your denial. not only God or religions, everything that is not "officially" accepted, making you no different than a cult follower.


wow. you honestly think that people whos views of the world are rooted in science, a community whos sole job it is to question our surroundings and attempt to prove and disprove ideas through intensive study, are akin to the followers of heavens gate, the church or LDS, christianity or any other religion? i think you may need to revisit the concepts of science and religion and make sure you understand them prior to making statements like the one above.

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wow. you honestly think that people whos views of the world are rooted in science, a community whos sole job it is to question our surroundings and attempt to prove and disprove ideas through intensive study, are akin to the followers of heavens gate, the church or LDS, christianity or any other religion? i think you may need to revisit the concepts of science and religion and make sure you understand them prior to making statements like the one above.


i dont know why you are asking me if scientists are akin to the followers of heavens gate, the church or LDS, christianity or any other religion? (akin on what would had made me answer it, i dont ignore the question)

my post wasnt about that.


i was mentioning why do these people of high intellectual levels that cant get higher on their spiritual level decide to deny the existence of a creator, WHEN they say they use science to discover what/when/how/who/why, YET if it wasnt for science they couldnt find that answer. NOW, the same happens with creator(s) and creation(s) (it doesnt apply only for God and this universe). you cant have one thing without the other.



the signs and proves of a creator are everywhere you look.


evolution brought men to the point it is where it is now.

who invented that procedure? it is who and not what, because when you see how intricate life is on earth(through science you can even see deeper into this) you bump into higher intelligence and that becomes one being(who) and not a thing(what). but be ungrateful of the beauty of life on earth and you will sink into this dimension of denial called atheism which will make you take decisions which will directly or inderectly hurt mankind (i say this because of the similar pattern of stances on a variety of issues that i see in atheists)

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the signs and proves of a creator are everywhere you look.


evolution brought men to the point it is where it is now.

who invented that procedure?


The signs and proofs?

Please elaborate as I can see none.


The only proof I can see is although the statistical probability of life emerging is very slim, we KNOW that it happened because we are the living proof.

There is NO EVIDENCE that links this event with a god that for some reason favours one species occupying a brief moment in a very long chain of evolution.

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The proof is the fact that your brain is a supercomputer that can't be duplicated to run as efficiently and as long as it does. You can't multiply the high enough to count that blessing.


The proof is the rain that is produced in the clouds that causes the plants and vegetables to grow. These same plants and vegetables nourish every living thing. A blessing from your Lord


The proof is in the alternation of night and day, How God Created the sun as a radiance for you to assist in the daily sustenence for his creation.

And the moon, how he made it a lamp for you to guide your way in the night.


The proof is how the planets are perfectly arranged, organized and running in an orbit. And how each thing has it's predetermined course and how nothing is haphazard.


And the proof is how God created everything in pairs (by his wisdom), so that you can enjoy each others company and continue to populate the planet.



In the proof is how God has set the stars for you, so that you may guide your course with their help through the darkness of the land and the sea.


And if they turn away (and do not accept these true proofs and evidences from the Quran), then surely, Allâh is All-Aware of those who do mischief. (Aali Imran 3:63)


They have hearts but , their hearts do not understand , they have eyes but their eyes do not see, and they have ears but their ears do not hear (the truth). They are like cattle, even more astray than cattle, They are the heedless ones.



The problem with most of you is that you're ungrateful for all of the good you have. If you were grateful, possibly your Lord would have mercy on you. Don't you realize that if Allah had willed he could have just destroyed you all knowing that you would be ungrateful and disobedient? But he tested you, from his mercy to see which ones of you would be best in good deeds. Every day you live is nothing but a testimony for or against you, and you will be called to account. Make no mistake about that.

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The proof is the fact that your brain is a supercomputer that can't be duplicated to run as efficiently and as long as it does. You can't multiply the high enough to count that blessing.


The proof is the rain that is produced in the clouds that causes the plants and vegetables to grow. These same plants and vegetables nourish every living thing. A blessing from your Lord


The proof is in the alternation of night and day, How God Created the sun as a radiance for you to assist in the daily sustenence for his creation.

And the moon, how he made it a lamp for you to guide your way in the night.


The proof is how the planets are perfectly arranged, organized and running in an orbit. And how each thing has it's predetermined course and how nothing is haphazard.


And the proof is how God created everything in pairs (by his wisdom), so that you can enjoy each others company and continue to populate the planet.



In the proof is how God has set the stars for you, so that you may guide your course with their help through the darkness of the land and the sea.


And if they turn away (and do not accept these true proofs and evidences from the Quran), then surely, Allâh is All-Aware of those who do mischief. (Aali Imran 3:63)


They have hearts but , their hearts do not understand , they have eyes but their eyes do not see, and they have ears but their ears do not hear (the truth). They are like cattle, even more astray than cattle, They are the heedless ones.



The problem with most of you is that you're ungrateful for all of the good you have. If you were grateful, possibly your Lord would have mercy on you. Don't you realize that if Allah had willed he could have just destroyed you all knowing that you would be ungrateful and disobedient? But he tested you, from his mercy to see which ones of you would be best in good deeds. Every day you live is nothing but a testimony for or against you, and you will be called to account. Make no mistake about that.


How can you say that because I dont beleive in a supernatural god I am ungreatfull for all the good I have? The two points do not correllate!


All your proofs can be equally attributed to the amazing ability of life and the evolutionary process to adapt and fit perfectly to its surroundings.


I can see this conversation will go nowhere quickly.

Enjoy your fairy tale while it lasts homeboy.

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All i can say is that at one point in your life , you'll be certain.

And remember, that atheism is brand new and something relegated to mostly spoiled over-priveleged westerners.


Certain of what?


The idea that the world is not flat is also relativly new. This however does not reflect on its overall truth.


Spoiled over priveleged westerners? Ha now your just getting desperate.

Perhaps these spoiled westerners might also be enjoying a higher rate of education.

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All i can say is that at one point in your life , you'll be certain.

And remember, that atheism is brand new and something relegated to mostly spoiled over-priveleged westerners.


yes that's true, ive never seen a poor atheist.... their lives are easy and dont need to worry for people suffering in other countries, sucking the opportunity titty and not sharing.

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yes that's true, ive never seen a poor atheist.... their lives are easy and dont need to worry for people suffering in other countries, sucking the opportunity titty and not sharing.


Come see me, you addled motherfucker.

You get dumber with every post.

I seldom waste my time straight insulting people in thoughtful debate threads, but you are a fucking moron.


And to all of you talking about being ungrateful: you don't get a fundamental fact.


"Ungrateful" is one who does not thank a gift giver.

I AM NOT AWARE OF ANY GIVER. Nobody to thank.

If any of your gods want to reveal themselves to me in a way they know I will understand, I'll say "No shit! You ARE real! What's your deal, do you need anything from me?" I will be fascinated, cooperative, and humble. I'll be psyched. I'll be documenting shit so I can share this important moment with others, particularly scientists, who for so long have lacked evidence that any of these religious tales are anything but fantasy.

I say this over and over and none of you seem to get it yet: if a Creator needs something from me, he knows how to get my attention. None has done so. Until that happens, I dismiss all of your fictions.

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