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discussion on the nature of the creator of the heavens and earth


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(as opposed to 50% of americans who support terrorism)

They even have little ribbons stuck to their cars supporting terrorists. (and i'm not throwing you under the bus fist 666, I don't think all american soldiers like killing innocent people.)




okay. i know this wasn't directed at me or other military personnel in this forum, but i fucking hate that. american soldiers are NOT terrorists. (there are exceptions of course, those that fuck up over there, rape, kill civvies, etc). its not a play on words or a witty political way to view it, you're just bastardizing our (already bastardized) language of english as a means to miss the point.


the following coversation will have nothing to do with the nature of the creator, so i'm not going to start it....


but to finish, don't refer to the entirity of the middle east as "innocent people." surely you can recognize the many criminals that we kill. and the "guilty" (as judged by...) have been eliminated. tragically civilians have died, and will continue to do so, such is the nature of war and that the nature of man... but we're killing "the bad guys"...

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'There's obviously a kind of national split personality about these things,'' said Dr. Owen Gingerich, a historian of astronomy at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who speaks often of his Christian faith.


''Science gives you very cold comfort at times of death or sickness or so on,'' Dr. Gingerich said.




last time i checked, it was science, not religion/faith, that provides us with medicine when we are ill.

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last time i checked, it was science, not religion/faith, that provides us with medicine when we are ill.


haha how ignorant!

that's so pointless to say, science and religion are two different things and they are not suppose to compete with eachother, BUT when your religion is "science" , you fight against all the religions that believe in a God, because although your intellectual age might be high your spiritual age is way behind , and that causes your denial. not only God or religions, everything that is not "officially" accepted, making you no different than a cult follower.

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Some excerpts from god is not Great -- By Christopher Hitchens


"There is a central paradox at the core of religion. The three great monotheisms teach people to think abjectly of themselves as miserable and guilty sinners prostrate before and angry and jealous god who, according to discrepant accounts, fashioned them either out of dust and clay or a clot of blood. The positions for prayer are usually emulations of the supplicant serf before and ill-tempered monarch. The message is one of continual submission, gratitude, and fear. Life itself is a poor thing: an interval in which to prepare for the hereafter or the coming--or second coming--of the Messiah."


"Probably the most daunting task that we face, as partly rational animals with adrenal glands that are too big and prefrontal lobes that are too small, is the contemplation of our own relative weight in the scheme of things. Our place in the cosmos is so unimaginably small that we cannot, with our miserly endowment of cranial matter, contemplate it for too long at all. No less difficult is the realization that we may also be quite random as presences on earth. We may have learned about our modest position on the scale, about how to prolong our lives, cure ourselves of diseases, learn to respect and profit from other tribes and other animals, and employ rockets and satellites for ease of communication;but then, the awareness that our death is coming and will be succeeded by the death of the species and the heat death of the universe is very scant comfort. Still at least we are not in the position of those humans who died without ever having the chance to tell their story, or who are dying today at this moment after a few bare, squirming minutes of painful and fearful existence."

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thats my boy! i love how dude can go on shows pissy drunk as hell and still pwn people. he does not debate as well as, say, dawkins, but he is certainly a very bright and articulate man.


i found an amusing clip of bill maher on rd's site to share with the fellow infidels here:





juan - please bring a little more to the table, or just stay out of the big kid talk. you posts are so ambiguous and nonsensical, i often dont even understand what you're trying to convey. but, my 'ignorance' could be bringing that on myself. ;)

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why cant we all just become deists...there was a creator, but no longer has interest in human affairs, and science is the way in which it created us in the first place, therefore understanding the sciences is understanding god. (thomas jefferson was one if people are ignorant of this, it became popular during the enlightenment). this concept makes sense if you ask me, i mean, it does basically destroy most belief systems, but if you sit down and think about it, it does make some sense, but then again, religion shouldnt make perfect sense and this totally leaves the question of the after life out of the picture. so im probably just a dumb rambling fuck...

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haha how ignorant!

that's so pointless to say, science and religion are two different things and they are not suppose to compete with eachother, BUT when your religion is "science" , you fight against all the religions that believe in a God, because although your intellectual age might be high your spiritual age is way behind , and that causes your denial. not only God or religions, everything that is not "officially" accepted, making you no different than a cult follower.





who's religion is science? science is basically the way to explain how things are. apart from actual scientists, who's job is to analyze, break down, create or solve whatever it may be, for whatever field they may work in, the normal person that accepts the data that supports their findings can't really be described as a cult follower, that makes absolutely no sense.

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i dont think i can be better without submission to God, i need God, and im not arrogant enough to try to live my live without him, because i tried and it sucked.

I try to avoid 'submitting' to fictional characters...

When I read this all I could think of was Homer Simpson bawling his eyes out in the bar over the death of 'Greystache'.

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I try to avoid 'submitting' to fictional characters...

When I read this all I could think of was Homer Simpson bawling his eyes out in the bar over the death of 'Greystache'.


I seek refuge in Allah from ever being a disbelieving ingrate....Ameen

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The 'ingrate' label is fitting for me, if by it you mean one who does not give thanks or show respect to a Creator.

Remember, when I say something disdainful about Islam, it is not specific to Islam, but to all theistic religions. Christianity, Judaism, Islam - they are all names on a list of philosophies I reject. The names are in no particular order. It is not my aim to hurl insults at specific religions, that is pointlessly antagonistic. I came close in my last post, it was rather flip. I only want to illustrate how and why I shrug them off as inadequate attempts to explain our existence.

Were Islam to be the 'truth', I would remain an ingrate. If Allah has the attributes you have previously named, such as omniscience, then he knows my mind and heart, he knows that I don't trust prophets because so many have been false. He knows I have no basis for distinguishing between the words of Muhammad and Joseph Smith, Jim Jones and Ezekiel, Jesus and David Koresh. He therefore knows how to reach me and get my attention, and indeed my worship, but has not done so. Yet you say he will judge me one day and punish me for being a nonbeliever, for falling into a trap he himself has set for me. This makes him nothing more than a tyrant, a bully with an ego and a sadistic streak. I have no respect for such creatures, divine or otherwise, and offer no thanks, regardless of the consequences.

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It is He, Who has created for you (the sense of) hearing (ears), sight (eyes), and hearts (understanding). Little thanks you give. (Al-Mu'minun 23:78)


And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein so that they may eat of the fruit thereof, and their hands made it not. Will they not, then, give thanks? (Ya-Sin 36:35)

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