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discussion on the nature of the creator of the heavens and earth


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I agree with you, but I do not thing that negates the dichotomy I presented.


Rather it is when you step into relativism from nihilism that the mutable position you wish is possible.


If nothing or everything is true, then you have the choice to move between any concept. If you believe in inherent truth of something then it restricts you from that option.



I think we are agreeing.


Perhaps we should move this to the philo thread.



There are some good thoughts that this attaches to as far as dynamic systems of knowledge representation and how those systems must account for unknown truth of the future.

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Relativism and Nihilism are hard to seperate.



Personally I think one may be a consequent of the other. Or in their order, the former is a product of the latter.


To deny the validity of everything is to appreciate the truth of anything.


Note, however, that relativity can be expressed in these two flavors, in the negative and in the positive. Either all things hold truth, or no things hold truth. It is when you can regularly see the constant presupposition of the one to the other that you have gotten anywhere with them.

find your happines in your own hipocracy

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naw, hes upset cus i was shittin on him in here and the obama thread.




i just don't enjoy non sequitors with no really backing, when these threads obviously have trains of thought that have been going on in them.



especially when those people probably wont even come back into the thread.



but here we are. hey cunt.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 1 month later...

hahhaha yeah that makes sense


idk about my concept of "god" i believe that something created us wether it be through a big bang or adam and eve but i have no clue beyond that i occasionally shake my brain with these thoughts and every time i come up with a diff answer


all i know is i dont see god in the eyes as religious fenatics


for all we know god could be an alien or a bunch of alien or god could be the devil and is just fucking with us or we could be in hell or were all dreaming and havent woke up yet or were all in a lab and someone is imprinting these ideas into our minds as a scientific study or god could be inside us


we only use 10 percent of our brains until we unlock the other 90 percent im sure we will never know what god is

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we only use 10 percent of our brains until we unlock the other 90 percent im sure we will never know what god is



this is a bad bit of science that has lasted in the public realm for way too long.



it is sort of ridiculous to calculate how much of our brain we use on average.





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this is a bad bit of science that has lasted in the public realm for way too long.



it is sort of ridiculous to calculate how much of our brain we use on average.






well you know what i mean how we dont use all the power our brain has

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  • 2 months later...

the first symbol is the monad... also related to alchemy through association. sometimes referred to as the spirit in the void, the divine mind.... basically the phenomenon known as consciousness from which all physical form sprang into existence. as it creates itself, reality is formed through the the creation of the dyad, once subjectivity and relativity have been introduced into what was formerly the void. as this process repeats, we see the flower of life, symbolizing the creation of all matter through the relations between the platonic solids found in metatrons cube. this is true on the subatomic level as it is true for the formation of the entire universe. order out of chaos, above as below. i cant see the tree, because im on my phone at work, but it looks detailed, and i am interested in hermetics as well. obviously you know this if you know what i am talking about here.

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another thing to note is the fact that they reference enoch in the tree of life there ... if anyone here is familiar with the book of enoch. This was one of the books which, along the way, was stricken from the bible for unknown reasons .... possibly because, in legend, enoch transcended death, going from life on earth directly to life in the heavens without experiencing a true physical death. Why they would take this out of the bible is beyond me .... but when they found the dead sea scrolls they obtained a couple perfect copies of the lost book of enoch. most of you all probably already know this, but the thing that makes this really interesting is the fact that some people believe that enoch was one of the incarnations of the egyptian god thoth (also hermes in greece) who was the true architect of the pyramids, which were really set in place to mark his ascension from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. pretty heavy, right?

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I've made up my mind. God is almighty and inconceivably awesome. You cannot personify God, so even my lame explanation won't do justice. One thing is certain - we are all the same - protons, electrons, neutrons, and atoms... and smaller things most likely. The entirety of everything ever discovered or pondered, is the same... matter. We are all connected somehow. All we need is love to understand that. I am we. We be me.


Now as for religion and "gods" and pantheons of "creators"...


Erik Von Daniken is onto something. What he proposes is that we are most likely just a species that tried to save itself from destruction... meaning, ALIENS impregnated homo erectus on earth and we became homo sapiens - missing link theory.


That's right, I am firmly in stance to believe that it's very possible that Earth was and is a literal "Noahs Ark" for a distant galaxy full of creatures on different planets seeking refuge. Or maybe just one civilization of aliens seeking refuge on this planet. But evidence supports this theory - all over the globe - and you can read Chariots of Fire to see what I'm talking about (it's a rather quick read, less than 200 pages if I'm correct).


My belief system works for me. It at least provides the most plausible answer to how we got here and why we're all so fucked up.

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now, on this subject you obviously know more than myself. if you consider that some believe all mankind to stem from atlantis in the antediluvian era, could the great flood perhaps have been the sinking of atlantis? Thoth escaped atlantis with the other survivors on board a starship which rose from the ground, relocating to egypt where they conquered what was a savage civilization at the time (in the process teaching them arts, writing, music and other culture).


according to creationary myth, the nephilim were actually the architects of man, who was engineered in order to mine the earth for gold as a slave race. Supposedly the nephilim did have relations with human women, and if you are assuming that enoch is one of the nephilim this would make a lot of things come together. it would also make sense that he was around for so long, as different incarnations in different civilizations and lore, since the nephilim lifespan is so much longer than human lifespan (numbering in the thousands of years). Theoretically, the teacher Thoth could have been "kicked out of heaven" (i use those words loosely) for loving man and teaching him about these things of godly nature (the esoteric qualities and spirit of art, music and culture).


I may be trying to make too many connections here, but I would like to unite sumerian creationary myth, egyptian history and old testament writings into a common history. wouldnt we all though!


EDIT: in response to tellurian.

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I've read a little bit of Zecharia Sitchin. I don't get how he comes up with names and pictures of a 12th planet in the Sumerian cosmology when supposedly they knew of only 5. He even comes up with names and descriptions! I wonder where he's getting his information from and if he's making it all up or what? He's one of a handful of people who read cuneiform and there are large numbers of clay tablets as yet to be deciphered.


I met a 720 degree Nuwabian who told me that Nibiru is an artificial planet powered by giant crystals that absorb the sun's energy. Supposedly this wreaks havoc on our planet when we have a close encounter. Not sure if we will encounter Planet X when 2012 rolls around, it moves so slowly that if it was coming in range I would think we would have spotted it by now.



ALIENS impregnated homo erectus on earth and we became homo sapiens - missing link theory.


Are you familiar with Sumerian creationary myth? As far as man goes, that is... we were created to mine the earth for gold by the Nephilim, who needed to process the gold for use on their planet which travels on what is now an unnatural orbit around the sun. I'm linking into the 2012 thread now, because i just brought this up in there. The Nephilim hail from Nibiru, which orbits the binary star system that our solar system used to be.


When the other sun died out, they had to create an artificial layer (almost like an ozone layer) to keep the heat from sun trapped on the planet as it went around on its long orbit into space. The unique physical and chemical properties of gold made it the perfect element for this undertaking. The proliferation of gold on earth made our planet an early place of interest, and they began to mine earth for gold early on. I suppose this lasted for thousands and thousands of years, until the Nephilim charged with mining the earth decided they'd had enough and revolted (presumably because they would rather just move to earth than continue to mine for the home planet). Those faithful to their home planet still had much need for gold, so they created a slave race from their DNA and DNA from one of earth's indigenous primates, spawning the homosapien. This also explains the missing link, obviously.


This stuff is far fetched, but it does make sense in a bizarre way. This is supposedly sumerian creationary myth, as ive said before, but when only a couple of people can actually read cuneiform you have to take what they say with something of a grain of salt. Just something to think about ...

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the 12th planet, and any other book by zecharia sitchin goes pretty deep into all this stuff. Its been said before, but (literally) only a few people alive on earth today are able to decipher cuneiform. so there arent really too many sources on this (that i know of, at least).


this is all to the side though. I'm not really sure how i feel about all of this information, I really just wanted to talk about the primeval atom ... and the subsequent formation of matter as the godmind manifests itself into physical reality.

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I'm not really sure how i feel about all of this information, I really just wanted to talk about the primeval atom ... and the subsequent formation of matter as the godmind manifests itself into physical reality.


jesus christ i dont know what you just said but it sounded good.


ever watch Fritz the Cat ?


i only bring this up because it's a hippie movie. at one point, Fritz the Cat gets twisted on some shit and says something to the effect of ...


"We all go to school to learn to be intellectuals. That way we can learn and learn and spend our time OUT intellectualling other intellectuals. All the while life passes you by. You need to get out an experience life. Search every corner of the world, see everything there is to see while there's still time."


maybe it's an effort in futility to understand how or why. can the human mind comprehend the truth of our creation? should it? not in a single lifetime. life is for living.

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