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Issac Brock

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leezy, hit up crunk if'n you's free. we's 'bout to make purty pictures.


unfortunately my good man i am currently out of commission due to the fact that i had my 1st encounter with the LAW the other night...old out of shape man+the cops+tall fence=dropped bag, severely sprained ankle, brief sprint, 15minute rambo camo hide in the bush break, ending in a fast pace hobble , stager, skip back to the whip!!!!............


foots been on ice 4 like 3days


couldn't tell my girl what happened cause wouldve went H.A.M on me......4 this juvenile behavior


so i told her i slipped up the stairs running to the bathroom

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"so i told her i slipped up the stairs running to the bathroom."

nigga you clumbsy. usually it's the other way around in my household.

just tell your parents and friends you "slipped" running up the stairs.


WIFE BEATING A NUMBER 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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