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Issac Brock

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and some cats really need to get a life and stop worrying about what other people are doing.

because i'm pretty sure you are rocking a stolen name. do the math !!!!!!!!!


ive never seen someone write faygo....when i was writing gram...no one was writing it. im sure there is another peru....the math was done. act like you know. besides...rockin a name that someone else rocks or has rocked in the past is far more common in graffiti than kids not being able to put their ego's aside to acknowledge their graffiti forefathers who have already made fame for themselves with the crew KTC.


p.s. this cat aint worrying about shit....last i checked..this is a graffiti forum. more specifically..the detroit graffiti thread in a graffiti forum. with that being said.... me making mention of the historical relevance of the established ny crew KTC is quite appropriate.


p.s. do you even rep KTC? didnt think so....


...so then, it must be you who really needs to get a life and stop worrying about what other people are doing.

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I hate it when people say "graff". Makes me think of math, and people think i'm saying meth when I talk about math. I have a speech problem, I guess. I don't have a math problem, though. I can integrate problems and derive solutions crazy. As for meth, once I saw my neighbors lock out their hot water heater on their front stoop because it scared them.


You guys take graffruity so seriously. Fuck it, I'm going to get drunk on premium amerikan bumwine and smoke my herb that tastes like farts.




maybe i'll post some graffaggotry later ;D

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yea red you are right, this is a graffiti forum. its just to bad that you are not a real graffiti writer. lets cut the bullshit and take it to the streets where graff belongs. keep talking shit on people and see what happens. mr pro football size, dude you just make me laugh.


a. i wasnt talking shit....being that im cool with a couple of the guys in KTC(detroit).i was just giving a suggestion. again...you dont rep KTC so why do you care so much?


b. do you actually think i give a fuck what you think of me? no.


c. do you actually think you matter? i hope not. you can paint as many spots as you want....thumbs up for painting and getting up. however..it wont change the fact that your graffiti is generic as fuck.


yes..graffiti belongs in the streets...and talk belongs in the forum. now....can you please point out where i have ever acted like my graffiti was the shit and/or that im most up?


..didnt think so.

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a. i wasnt talking shit....being that im cool with a couple of the guys in KTC(detroit).i was just giving a suggestion. again...you dont rep KTC so why do you care so much?


b. do you actually think i give a fuck what you think of me? no.


c. do you actually think you matter? i hope not. you can paint as many spots as you want....thumbs up for painting and getting up. however..it wont change the fact that your graffiti is generic as fuck.


yes..graffiti belongs in the streets...and talk belongs in the forum. now....can you please point out where i have ever acted like my graffiti was the shit and/or that im most up?


..didnt think so.


i don't even think you speak english. 1. true i do focus on straight letters and they are generic. 2. my mom thinks i matter. 3. i don't really consider myself that up, i know there are plenty of kids up more than me. 4. the manner in which you speak is that of an egotistical asshole. its not what you say but how you say it. the way you said what you said about ktc was not a suggestion but rather it was a bold statement, big difference. and i don't care that much. it is your whole attitude dude. you act like your two cents matter. also your graffiti is generic straight letters with little curves and and swoohes popping through holes, nothing more. every time i come on here you are on here with some witty little comment about someone else. why don't you talk negatively on your boys. how about when money came to pittsburgh and robbed mf1's style which was one of the worst bites that i ever saw. we all know there is another ktc but you are the only one that feels the need to verbally express that. try keeping your mouth shut for a change. and you are right i'm not in ktc but those are my friends, its called loyalty.




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ah snap! loyalty. once again, on the real, some of yall don't know shit about it. truth. I got some flicks. gonna eat this pizza, piss of someone on this thread cause they aint loyal, and I will be back, just in time to see someone got their feelings hurt over what I said. bomb...you in the sticks now? enjoying that free net!?

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