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Issac Brock

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Not even closely related to Detroit Graffiti, but related to epic awesomeness.

**Note the fact that these are Trading Cards marketed towards kids..(hit Ctrl+ to zoom in and see the 40 in the Mix-A-Lot card. Theres also a guy in the background with a black sheet over his head (the scanner couldnt pick him up.


Anyway, my life is boring and this is what I do.

*Also..if you have any of these, pm me.

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happy early birfday to my nigga jesus! I am gonna ask santas fat ass for a kid haircut^ and some montana cans so my graffiti will be super good. and some style. and for 12 oz's servers to crash. fuck you all! I hate damn near all of you! I hope your xmas fucking sucks!


just playin. merry xmas, except to my arab brothers. or any halfies out there like me that are torn between their honkey ass religion and their arab religion. peace.

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i love how they fail to mention that me and coupe had those windows first...

or how coupe and fosik had the windows in that building on broadway.


99% of graff related articles fall so short.



fohr... go away.


i could give a fuck less about some random dude givin me props. or anyone for that matter. all the props in the world wont replace the feeling i got as me and coupe walked away from that building looking at what we did for the night. so again...nice try...but you fall short on pulling my card...once again.


for the record...i was not talking about kevin mentioning me and coupe...i was referring to the writer of the article. nor was i even expecting him to even mention it. my statement was referring to how this article about street art and graffiti is par for the course with all the other ones that are not written by someone who is connected to the community.


?????????????????? Alright there grizzle.

And I wasn't tryin' to "pull your card", you do that yourself. Just sayin' on this board that noone could expect something like that in a news article. HAHA. You gotta be more chill around the holidays, son.

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happy early birfday to my nigga jesus! I am gonna ask santas fat ass for a kid haircut^ and some montana cans so my graffiti will be super good. and some style. and for 12 oz's servers to crash. fuck you all! I hate damn near all of you! I hope your xmas fucking sucks!


just playin. merry xmas, except to my arab brothers. or any halfies out there like me that are torn between their honkey ass religion and their arab religion. peace.


If you wrote an exestentialism book, I'd be the first to read.:p

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i love how they fail to mention that me and coupe had those windows first...

or how coupe and fosik had the windows in that building on broadway.


99% of graff related articles fall so short.





?????????????????? Alright there grizzle.

And I wasn't tryin' to "pull your card", you do that yourself. Just sayin' on this board that noone could expect something like that in a news article. HAHA. You gotta be more chill around the holidays, son.


p.s. there is a difference between acknowledging ... and giving props.


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good morning jesus country. somehow I managed to sleep till 4, I think that is my body telling me enough is enough, I am shutting down nigga! I am gonna be doing shit on xmas for the most part after 10 am, so if there are any new spots to be flicked, I have no problem getting em. pm me the spot. peace. merry xmas yall.

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by the way, if you do say yeah I know of a new spot, please be a little more specific than fud, although you get a pass cause you're from what, 47 mile? saying I hit 7 mile aint really doing me any good, it aint that big of a city, but fuck. merry, or happy kwanza, whatever it may be, to my kwanza celebrating assholes on 12 oz.

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Happy holidays to EVERYONE on here, writers past & present, newbies & vets. I wish all of you a great holiday weekend with remembered times in the making involving great family & friends. I get a little soft during these times, and I can't say enough I hope everybody stays safe & enjoys their lives, and makes great memories with the ones close to each and every one of us.


Take care everybody.

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hey anyone still got beef with me? my car died tonight. so I am most likely going to miss

my son opening presents in the morning. therefor, I am going to be a raging motherfucker

just waiting for someone to say something stupid to me. so what the fuck, who's hard. who still has beef with dsd? I will gladly spilt someones fucking brains all over the concrete on this

great xmas of 2009. fuck you all. I hated xmas before, and now I am the biggest fucking grinch ever. once again, fuck you.



you'll have to excuse this little outburst, for those that know me, my son is the reason I get out of bed,

breathe, and do not act like a complete fucking asshole. moms coming through in the clutch, so xmas is once

again saved and I am no longer a hateful motherfucker. but if you still got beef, go fuck yourself! sincerely.



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