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Issac Brock

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yo dsd that might not be such a good idea. these tutes are like pirates with their face scars, beards and general burly badass demeanor. we just determined that the flat above me is the cook spot/re-up spot on the block so theyre always on my porch early as fuck bangin at the door. thats my alarm crack.....its the basterd junkie lil hipsters ridin around deep as fuck that gets the smak down. we just came up on like 50 cans from a "art studio" party we left them with the ol' upper decker just to say thanks for tha paint hahahaha

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coming up on 50 cans anywhere is always good. coughing up yellow stuff is not. some flicks later, including a phers/loaf/dems/reft I am sure has been posted, I am sure I flicked it before, but I don't remember ever seeing it. that could be due to taking to many hits to the head these years. that might also explain the bed wetting...

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^great day for graffiti at the Packard it was like 1200 people there!...fires were set but were extinguished properly ..due to the fact that one of us is a 20 year eagle scout vet...and lives by the rules of smokey the bear .....uumm bump chairs that rock, scrapman AL1ner,asbestos, antifreeze, bumfires, brews and blunts...

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which one of you fags lit the packard on fire again

94 was filled with smoke


what's with the name calling. that aint necessary. I set it on fire again, cause I knew all you fuckers would still be in it. that is why I bounced out. I wanted you all to burn alive so I can go around to bars crying to girls about how all my friends died in a horrible fire at the packard so I can get pussy. that is the only way girls fuck me, cause they feel sorry for me. my bad. I guess next time when you are in that bitch and you know that I am there, you should have multiple exit plans.

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I have never in my life remember seeing so many of these fuckers in one week. not even a week ago. about 4 days ago on the eastside I noticed gangs of these motherfuckers, rolling everyone possible, hoopties, nice whips, black, white, brown, pasty ass motherfuckers like crunk. everybody. today they were steady flocking around that gigantic shithole. this one wanted to party.



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I know these have been posted previously. I might of even posted them. but when I walked by this wall today, it didn't register. which isn't surprising. the other day I tried to call my son 4 different times swearing it was his number, before I realized I was really dumb, and probably mildly retarded. so shit, if you hate your life and have nothing better to do, look through all these pages, and find what page this is on. if you find it, I will buy you a 40 of your choice next weekend. cause I am a nice guy. even if I hate you. chances are I do. fuck you all. enjoy the rest of your sunday...















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^^hahaha laughs...that teck just burned my eyeballs outta my skull...and yess, even tighter than lil sis pants. some look like a walking vespa scooter. unbump girls who would be fine if they didnt have an armpit:leg hair ratio...gross...and crusty train hoppin kids blowin the freight spot up.

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I did not, I repeat, I DID NOT LIGHT THAT SHITHOLE ON FIRE TODAY. or in the last month. or in the last 2 months. got it? good. I don't need any of you snitchin my name out there saying I lit that bitch on fire today. it was a joke. as in bad taste as my jokes may be, it is just a joke. do you kids really think I would light a building on fire with you in it? I mean, I would, but not while my friends are in there! so once again...

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^great day for graffiti at the Packard it was like 1200 people there!...fires were set but were extinguished properly ..due to the fact that one of us is a 20 year eagle scout vet...and lives by the rules of smokey the bear .....uumm bump chairs that rock, scrapman AL1ner,asbestos, antifreeze, bumfires, brews and blunts...


ive never been in boy scouts a day in my life. im just pretty good at controlled burns. and not the burns that set buildings ablaze. also bump ehem for crushing the wall with that character today.she rocks





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