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Issac Brock

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that is a classic picture. there have been 2 jeff nonsense pictures taken of me where it looks like I am throwing up westside while playing. some of the greatest times in my fun filled life was in that band. grindcore is where it's at. good times. the only thing I could never understand is wearing your little sisters pants. for music so violent and so fast, those kids sure did wear some funny ass clothes. whatever. long live power violence! by the way, when I did have an afro, it was way smoother than the one covering my face. I think I traded my green album for a 5th of E and J so Tone and I could get wasted on the porch with that kid that murdered those people. sorry ether, I let some not so good people in the crib.

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wtf is wiaderku? i just smoked a super camo blunt... grind is poopy, sorry guys, i like triggered death metal...


I kinda agree with you, a lot of grindcore is shit. but spazz? come on dude. man is the bastard. los crudos. LOS FUCKING CRUDOS! assuck. the locust first 7 inch. you cannot go wrong with grindcore from 93-98 or so. but I do prefer some death metal now that I am older, if I am gonna listen to that kind of shit. I mostly listen to miley cyrus, r kelly, and tony toni tone. I wish I could say I am joking.

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I kinda agree with you, a lot of grindcore is shit. but spazz? come on dude. man is the bastard. los crudos. LOS FUCKING CRUDOS! assuck. the locust first 7 inch. you cannot go wrong with grindcore from 93-98 or so. but I do prefer some death metal now that I am older, if I am gonna listen to that kind of shit. I mostly listen to miley cyrus, r kelly, and tony toni tone. I wish I could say I am joking.


i been bumpin the fuck outta man is tha bastard lately but im ANb and pig destroyer fo lyfe!! converge rocks my socks too!

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this is now the detroit graffiti and grind/power violence thread. i remember playing a brutal show with feast or famine, state, and protest stagnation in hamtramck back in 02. My mans zebo and i busted a few wack handstyles and throw-ups in some alleys along with the obligatory venue bathroom handys, even Shagrat got down.

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I'd rather take a dump in my hand and slap myself in the face than to listen to ANY form of grind, especially spazz...



And power violence? Are you fucking serious?





grind = :tongue:


go listen to deicide


here's some funny detroit graff related flicks i googled...





















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here glen graff and deicide all in one post


<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
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one last thing about shitty music.... i need deicide to roll outta bed but need ANb to get me hype for the day....especially the new one



i havent been on this hard of a deicide kick since i was like fifteen...i just cant get enough of it lately.


coppin fill-ins in oakland is some fuckin ill shit...hella quick and nervous...still fun tho

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im pretty sure that main road towards the top of the pic is gratiot.


and by the looks of that trolly car ...id say it was pre 1950 for sure.


I'd guess gratiot too. i'm thinking jefferson is at the back/right of the camera and your looking toward mack? . there's a ghost car on the left of the near road that looks to be from the '30's or so. just curious. either way, cool flick. history nerd coming through.

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