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Issac Brock

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!!!!!!^ ward you're serious? you know it's the internet, so sarcasm is hard to detect here. but I am sure you could say that shit to me in person with a straight face. right? how the fuck does it make perfect sense? I am gonna figure one of 2 things, cause one of my close friends happens to be in fbs? or that kosher thinks I'm a bitch and talked shit on me on the internet? if you knew me, or you heard because most cats in detroit that do graf are worst than little girls and talk to fucking much, you would know that I was actually talking about attempting to hit every kosher in the city, and cap all his shit. then I thought, my graf is horrible, and I am one of those quality or quanitity cats. no one needs to see that shit out there like that. not to mention, no knock on kosher, but he got all butthurt over some shit that was truly a misunderstanding. and he said what he said, but I aint mad at him. he will see me one day, and if he still feels the same way, he'll let me know. maybe you didn't read the I think cats that line shit without letting cats know it was them is straight up bitch move. and aint no bitch here. so why does it make perfect sense again?

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!!!!!!^ ward you're serious? you know it's the internet, so sarcasm is hard to detect here. but I am sure you could say that shit to me in person with a straight face. right? how the fuck does it make perfect sense? I am gonna figure one of 2 things, cause one of my close friends happens to be in fbs? or that kosher thinks I'm a bitch and talked shit on me on the internet? if you knew me, or you heard because most cats in detroit that do graf are worst than little girls and talk to fucking much, you would know that I was actually talking about attempting to hit every kosher in the city, and cap all his shit. then I thought, my graf is horrible, and I am one of those quality or quanitity cats. no one needs to see that shit out there like that. not to mention, no knock on kosher, but he got all butthurt over some shit that was truly a misunderstanding. and he said what he said, but I aint mad at him. he will see me one day, and if he still feels the same way, he'll let me know. maybe you didn't read the I think cats that line shit without letting cats know it was them is straight up bitch move. and aint no bitch here. so why does it make perfect sense again?



I mostly said that cause I know you got haste toward kosher for calling you out and saying all that shit on here. Also because you said you didn't notice it was lined until you posted the flick which sounded kinda fishy. Furthermore because you then went on a rant about how lining niggas is whack and it would make sense if you did it and didn't want people thinking that it was you who did the lining. I dunno... I'm not trying to be a dick and I'm not hating on you either. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if it was you that did it. We're cool either way. And I wouldn't have a problem saying it to your face cause it wasn't on some hate shit anyway and you've still yet to meet me in person. If you did you'd think it was funny talking about fighting me. I'm a peaceful dude. I just like to keep it real is all.

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who said anything about fighting? you just got me fucked up, is all. if you noticed my stance is always, has always, any page I have talked about it, and this aint the first time I have said something about lining peoples shit. I always said, and always will say, its some straight bitch shit. and as I stated before, aint no bitch here. if I dont fucking like you, I aint gotta go over your graf, I will see you in public, somewhere. I get around. and on top of that, I aint hard to find. so lets clear that up. maybe next time if you think I did the shit just pm me and ask me, I will tell you. instead of putting me out there like that. and kosher you might not read this, but I know it will get back to you, and gram was just on here, I dont like you cause of shit that was said, but I gaurentee you I aint ever went over your shit. so now that all that gayness is cleared up, that benching michigan page will have some new shit up today. when I post it I will let you know. peace.

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