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Issac Brock

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sarcasm? do us all a favor, and grab your moms butt plug outta her ass and shove it in that trap of yours!, know one here wants to here your boleshit comments, if you wanna be a help to the thread, more posting, less talking...and trust me kid your not as smart as you think you are, cause if you where, you wouldent be talkin as much shit as you do....karma's a bitch kid, i'd becarful what you say to people.

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I know, cart. I just tend to wax melodic when constantly attacked by such pedestrian minds. I would prefer to talk about that art, but I fear it's over many of they troll's heads. You know, too many syllables filled with thoughts and not enough U R HOMO.


You know, y'all might be better served by asking for the artist you want to see.



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do you really have to repost every picture? we get it. you took those pictures. have a little courtesy for those of us with slow computers. and damn just ignore the shit talking and chill with the snoody little remarks homie. you "im smarter than you and i try to use big words to back that up" attitude is getting very annoying.im obviously not the only one that thinks so. please dont respond to this post and just try to get along with everyone else. please and thank you nigga.

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internet tough guys


thats kinda funny cause through your pms you sent

me I told you that you were tryin to be an internet

tough guy...from the shit you say you are tryin to be

and e-thug too.


That's a joke right?



nah it ain't a joke man...someone on his flickr commented

the pic saying "Far?" and then he thought it was far also he

has no clue who kosek, phers, sist and some fyer are.



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I won't, A1. I was just being a dick. And you're right, belle, I can't read half the stuff. That's why all your help in tagging my photos means so much to me. As to ignoring...why? It makes me laugh.




Aight, first request for help, should I make this riku, ryky, ryky? I don't know and it looks so different every time. I'm just trying to make my photos easier to search through!

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